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L. W. Brijrgs of Dexter, was in the city Monday. Dr. P. B. Rose was home over Sunday, visiting family and frieuds. J. Z. Batten of Philadelphia spent Easter Sundny with Chas. S. Millen. Burt D. KelM) of Jaekson, hus been vlsiting friends in the city during the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Moore spent Sunday in Detroit with their daughter, Mrs. Ludlow. Mrs. Duncan nee Miss Francis Devaney, of La Salie, 111., is visiting her mother, on E. Ann st. Andrew J. Sutherland and wife, of Battle Creuk, spent Sunday in the city greeting old friends. Geo. Osiusreturned from his European journey this moniing. He reportó a pleasant return trip. Mrs. Lfine, of Adrián spent the Sabbatli with Mrs. E. J. Knowlton, returning home Monduy by carringe. Mrs. Addie L. Davis, of St. Thomas. Ont., is visitin: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hayley, on E. Liberty st. B. Frank Bower, of the Evening Journal staff, has been in tlie city this week, visiting his mother on N. Ingalls st, C. B. Ilowell, of Detroit, author and publisher, has been visiting Rev. W. W. RamUT and fninily during the week. Prof. H. G. Sherrard instructor in Grcek and Latin in the Detroit High School sient last week with friends in the city. Chas. S. A.shlcy ha3 been home during the week past, aml Alondny evening read an interesting paper before the Unity Club. Christian Sclimid, leftAnn Arbor last Saturday to visit hls son John, who is living at Council Blufls, Iowa. He will be ' absent about three weeks. Prof. II. B. Pattengill, of Lansing, Hor of the School Moderator, with his wife, is in the city this week visiting his er, Mrs. A. M 1-attengill, and other rela tives. i idos. A. McCann, one of tlie best printers Aun Arbor ever had, leaves the city this week fot Detroit. He will be a valuable acquisition to any place he may lócate in. Col. II. S. Dean, Capts. r. H. Manly and Eobert Campbell, attended the G. A. R. encauipment at Jiickson laat week as delegates from the post of this city. CapíPalmer, of this city was also in atteiidanee. The champion game item of the season. A. J. Sawyer went to Chenca last Friday, snipe hunting. He killed one snipe brourlir it home and feasted the whole family on one snipe. That snipe was no suido. D. E. Osborne and wife left China a short time since, and will arrive in San Francisco some time in May. They return because of the ill hoalth of Mr. Osborne. hír. O. was very suecessful in hls practlce whilestationed atTientsin Norlh China. They will remain in California sometinie. Miss May Bieakey has been obliged to give up lier school because of poor hcalth indneed by an overtaxing of herstrength, and as she was to gradúate this year from the high school, it is a very great disappointinent. She expeets to leave for Marshall to-day, and will probably be aceompanied by brgrandmother, Mrs. Wm. i . Stevens.


Ann Arbor Courier
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