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: zzz I MOST PERFECTWADI Iroparod wltli ppoeial ropard to bcalth. No Anmi i v'him. PRICE BAKItjg PO'.VDER CO., CHICACO. 8T. LOUIS. ¦fff] - SPECIAL T llEXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE l'mvst and sfTOiwst Nnhmil Kruit PiatTOM. Vanilla, Lemon. Ornnjry. Al mond .vur m doli-un-'y and .;i1tira11y w. fruit. OOCUO. Price Baking Powder Co. ST. LOLIS. Invalïds'HoteliSurgïcal lnstitute BUFPALO, "2. Organizcd wllh a full Stair of eightecn JExperlenced and Skillfii'l riijsirians and Surgeons for tlir trratmcnt of all ('hrouic Discascs OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Clironlc Nasal Catarrb, Throat and I.iiiik Uiarax'N, Liver and Kidney UiNcaacx, Illaililrr Ii-ast, Diseasca l ..mi. ii, lilo.xl Diseases and ci-voos AHoctioii-., oured litre or at home, with or without aeeing the patiënt. Come and see U8, or send ten cents in stampa for our "In val ds Guido Book," which gives all particulars. ¦a__rB_ i N TVOI1B nobilKjT, IllipOI ¦¦¦ toncy, Nortiirnal Iosse, ICiTE and all Hlorl)il Condttions ULLIUAIL uisod by yoll„,fu, Fol. UlOLflOCJ. tary practico are speedily ¦¦¦"¦" atui perinnnontly cured by our Bpecialiste. Book, post-paid, 10 ets. in etamps. Iaa_ IC upt u re, or lireach, radiZ. rally cured without the knife, I nllPTIIRF I without trusses, without pain, i iiuiiuul. ¦ .Mil ,viIilout alin(ri.r. Cures fc" (iuarautocd. Kook sent for ten eetits in stauips. WtB TIJ1OUS and STKICTl'RES treated ander jtuarantce to nr. Book sent forten cents in stjiraps. Addrt'88 Wobld's DtspKNBART Mr.niCAL ASSOCIATION, 663 Main Btreet, Buflato, . Y. lia.B_ Tho treatraent of ninny ¦,__.„_„ ._ tlnnisands of cases of thoae U1SE&SES OF ateeMM peculiar to WniiCU wOMEN nUMtn. at, tHe Invalids' Hotel and ¦i"" SiiniUsil InsUtute, luis ntforded brge erpertenoe in adaptiug remedies for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription Is the result of this vast experienee. It Ifl a powerful Hcmorative Tonic and Nervine, impartBTiffor and strenirth to the system, and cures, ms h t.y magie, Lfiicorrbea, or "ivliilew," excenslie flowiitK, painful niriislruation, unlialural supprcssioiiH, prolapKiis or fallintf of the ulcnis noaK back, anteversioii, retroversion, beariiiKdown aenaatious, chronic conjteatiou, i ii F lam lililí ion and iileeration of the ivoinb, iit'laniinalioii, pain and lenderneaa in ovarles, intcriial beat, anti "female woaknes-..-' It iJromptlv relieves and oures Nausea and Wuknen of Stoma h, IiidiK'nlioii, BloatiiiK, Ncrvous Prostratloii, and Sleeplessiicrsít, in citber scx. ddipc t i nn u G BOTTI.FS rnlLt i)l. UU, fou $0.00. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierre's larfe Treatiso on Diseases of Women, illustratcd. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, M.Y. g& SICK-HEADACHE, 1VKm2v BlIlotiH lleadaehe, 3L DizzineKS, t'onsiipaW'ihtW- tion. lnd (fewlion, 'Sm 7ny aild llious Attacka, fM TSsSMjw promptly cured by Dr. K mP' Pterce's Pleanant "¦L Hr Purgativo Pellets. 25 ¦"Kli. oenta a vial, by Druggists. Hlfflum i y irom AnnuYAnut; 5 _J is Pat. Oot. 3Qth, (883. f -üadc only of tilO finost mlbestqnnlity ofUlass for witlitaiiUinff heat. Every good thing is Counterfeited, and consumers are CAUTIONED against IMITATIONS oí these Chimneys made of VERY POOR QL. ASS. See that the exact label ia on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright G-lass. nauufactnrcd OJÍ1.T by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. lMttHburgli loa lasH Works. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. ¦2J.2 Wy BATH. üiTBÍMt S , Ontennial Awrd, fSítfCjr a Í "mïiïtiitiïé Bdmtl. U"i Olci Bthi Roiewid. L sd for cirUn. E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich. A COMPLETE AKKAEKOMENT TOR Physician aai Families. Neater Cheaper AND MORS TIIAN A STATIONARY BATH TÜB, W1TII Mi BXBBW8K )P liATIl BOOS AND F1XTURES. berYboxes 8.ndforlllUilralfd(.llofoe. D R A K f I C.C(illy(o.,Kfiitiillarbuc, Jlicli. UHOIL I O


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