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GQQDYEAE'S DRUG STORE Ko. 7 S. Main St. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES Fine Toilet Anieles ELEG-ANT PERFUMES AND ODOR SETS A. Sppcinlty Made of Phygiclan'i PreM-iipliiiiis. Culi and sec us. J. Goodyear. " , ; - I rïrORMWPLE rfj._ - X. -V_ E M COPYolTHIS IHE itflF BiAvnrui booic. J&VVf UK:v.tli.aHBUBE Vl",-.'Av-? an.1 Sentiment ol Lery Y 9Ly Flower and Sorub. :{(IOO nr tL?Y:different kinds. . UI"l,VV KnowRlMd flirt. - lUVV4. Ilon wlth Glove. Pariiol. ' V CT Ui-fS liandkerchlel indFln. It l AMfi wil..-]! conipltliwork y of Uw kind ever pnb1 ii ¦i.i.r Mimi s.ii.i Fineen fl IS iNVfi Vult In Mumps lor Iw" u naniple copy, aJBO oor ï - - - 7 - ' prlcc i" :iK-titH. Agenta ¦ r want. .1 everywhere. Ad. AMERICAN PUB. CO.. 17 North Tent Itrtit. Phllld'. Pi. UuK WÊH8 " STYLE J) 1 ƒ @nHJ tf DAYS' TKIAL. ƒƒY" 1 A Full Set of ¦V osrl Iv AíiiKiiiiKiits. i !aVÍLaai" waubamf.d "Tf! JbMrK] k Voars. Scud for Iw (iV 1 w Circular. A -jfljTMA c. HOWE co., OryBStliaa N. 6 tb S t., l'liil., l'a. MADAME MORA'S CORSETS. tr- MOST COMFORTARLE AJÍI ¦S l'tl!H{ I' r II 1 INC. rj. frwjyff W-n liauis su.7 tlu-y ii'v tx-ttor VaBpgtp satiafa tion thaii miy curtwt jful'r' c-& li" % '"'i' snij. Dressmakern CJtv T rt'fonmii-nfi tlicm furtheirtino gf ft - u ehupe. (iintiot breuk over Y v 't kip. Are jKirtifularly likHl by fbXfr. iI Liwi)esof ftill liifuru. The CON 5ifi?N TOlli" and "ALDIME" ¦ havetliopATEKTTiuri kHa k. vIkA-- Tori sï? The "LA Jt K 1 S K " V V,"' T ; has the popular Hemo V X Mi V VABi.K Stkei-i. which X V- AT c;in ll" Iiwtantly taken V ! OTlt, WlTIIi'tT CITTINQ O ï áL líti-j-TVo c I ftfïiea, aak for i 1 VMi; MOliA'KCOU¦ i -V s K'fRi No others have the A I Bted Frc-ixh Curved ffi v'U "-:'¦, t':;:;nv,',;:" ;:;;,:-: ' ,1 H! I v all l.-iuling di-al. ; HH" Mnufactur.-dby Madame Mora's Contour. L. KR Ais CO., Madama Mora's La Reme. Blrminham. 4 I) 99 l i 'íí NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Too are allowpd a fret trial of tMrty days of the nse of Dr. Dye'8 Celébrate.! Voltafc Belt wltn Elretrio Suspensory AppHanoes, for the l "iy relief and permanent cure ot bervous Vtnility, loss nf Vitality and ilanhaod, and allkln.lrcd tr uil. ¦ Also for many otlier llüeases. Complete r. tlon ti. Heiilih. Vigor and Manhl iruiin.nteed. Norluk Utncarred. Illustrnt.-.l piimphlet inseatol 'nW P VOLTAIO1 BELT CO., Marshall, Mich Mr. R. FoBTin, 320 Miiin Street. Terre Hiinte, Tnüana, suffered from Neuralgria, and found no rohfl t.ll ha ust1.] A THI.OPUUKOB, tlion in ouo daj'ö time tlie paiuwasallgone. TUI nDUfïDnCwin ""t "¦ as 1"lcktimes Al nLUrnUliUOlyaitiutliiM.-use.but It i mire ali.l tli.' umn: wvirc tlie iu tbo more jnlokly it will act. Tbere ia no diiieaic more c-umman aud non BOB Intaaady paiuful thau neuralïi. Ladies paröculurly are nubject %o lieadad..- of neuralnic oritriu. Neuraltria in ny form eau bo uurely cured. Athlophoro U absolutely safe nd absolutely ure. ïhousand whn have Buffcred intcnKely wlth neurabria aud been cured bythe unof Athlophoroe prove the truth of tuis statement Is it not worth a trial iu your case ? Ask yonr dmnrist for Athlophoros. I' yo ennnot gst it of himwewill end it eipre paid on t of regular prioe- SI.OO P'-r bottlo. e prefer that you buy it from your dniggmt. lint il be haro't it do not be persnaded to try Boinetbing sisa, but order at once from us aa direoted. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. BÜRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS! Burdock Blood Bitters Purify Ihe Blood. BurdocOlood Bitters Sound. Refreshing Sleep. Bürdock Blood Bitters rot That Tired. Weary Feeling. Slck Headacbe. Gbrts:- I have been subject tr Sick Iïeadache for years, and have tried. in vain, many advertised remedies and several hysicians, but all to no purpose. At last I tried your B. B. Bitters- without much faith, I admit- but to day I can truly t&J , that af ter taking the third bottlo I have not suffered from it. I recommend it to all my frieods; several have been cured by it. M v little randson was ncrmanently cureaof Biliousness and Sick Ilendache, which wera so severe as to canse convulsiona. They have all ceased Bicce he commenced the use of B.B.B. MKS. 13. C. BODLE. Orauee. Luzerne Cuuutv. ra.


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