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r uROYAL FStv'óíJ W POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThlspowdiTtieviT viirlcs. A marvel of purity. st n-nut h and wliu]csiiniciit-ss. More eco uomlcal ttiati the ordloary klDdB,aDd oannot Bold in oompetUlou wiili the multltudc nf lowtest, short welght, aluin or phoKphate powders. Sold only In cans. KotbI Baklns Pw4 ¦ . 100 Wall st., N. Y. iflfLisTfirM ïo tho Catlcora Renftfffes I Owe My Health, My II appiness, and My Life. A dn y in-ver passet that I do mt think aiulnpeak kindly ( f ('ufu-ura 1,'riin tit'ts. Seven yearö nco all of a dozen lumps lormcd on my neck mntjinp in 8Íze fri'in fi cherry stone t an QTMgt. The Jare DAM wW fíL'htful to look ut, and paínfal to beur; people tained n&ldv whcn they H4W me, in di-Rnst, 8Dd l wnn nehimed to beon the etreet or In society. Pbyslcttuie atid tböir trodtmont and all medicines failt'd tu do any l'uoI. 1m a nioramt or depp&ir I trlcdthe CUTICURA REMRUIKS - CurirHra, the great skin cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquieite Skin Beautiflt r, exterii&Uj, and Caiicura Resolthe De w Blood Purifler, interim. ly ; tbe small lnmps tas 1 cali ttnam) irrndually disftppeared, and : . onea broke, in about two week, diüchargidi; larL,r' jnant i tie t mflttár, leaving two eiisrht ;, hij Deck to-dav to ttl) the gtory of mv eufferlntf. My weighf then was one humt red anfl fllteen elckij puil! ds ; Hit now one hundred and sixty-nne solid, ht'iilthy pounds, and ray height Is only flvt Peftt five incbes. In my travel I praieed the Vutteura Remedieê, North, South. Kft and W.vt. To( -it'c-'tra Remedie I owe My Health. My Happines and My Life, A prominent New York Drupg tnkcd me ti.e other day, "üoyon still th ''fi'-imt Rêmêdiêêt you look to be in [ rfeel lu-altb.r My rinly was, '"Ido, and ehall alwnvp. I bave D6Ter know what sickneu tselnoe I comtn-iKCil u-ing the Cuticura liemedies." Bomel me I am laughed at by prai!ini: them to pe pteoot acqualntefl wtth their mtritH, bnt sooner or later the} will oome to thelr senaes and believe Che same aa tb ote thatuse them, as dozen s have whim I bave t'ld. May the time come wuen ttiere ehall Dea lare Cutieura Snpply House In every city in the wo Ui. lr th1 ben fit ot humaniiy, mtere tbe ('utieura liemedif nhall be uld only, cd ih;ti tti'T' will be rarely a need f ever entering a d: uu' store. M. HUSBANDS. 210 Fulton St. New York, N. Y. CUTIfüRA UEMEDIES, Are imsit've cure tot every form of Skin EDd Blond l)i-':i-it-, rrom limijle to ricrofula. told everywhere, Prtce : Cdticuba, BOCti.; ('uticuka BoiP, 26ct; CutiCORA Hkoj.vent, il. Prcpared by tbfl POTTBB DlUU Al) ClIEV.ICAL ('O., BO!tOU, lian, s nd tor "How to Core Skin DlMMa. Send lor "How to cure Nkln IHNeaxex" IWl'I.KS. Bltckbeadt, Skin Rlemithes Hnd Uaby tiim Homo! om Cuticvra soap. Sneeziüg Catarrb., The dUtrewliig snot . ¦, Hiifce. eneeze, Ihc acrid uaicry dlfduHW lioni the eyv and nose, the jriiniiil loflunmation axtendlsg to the throat, the swellinu of the maooot llnlngi causlnp cbokl MBsaÜODS, cuugh, rinini,' n ín the head and pllttitiK hendach-i --hu hmlllu 'hese syniptom nre t( thouwanda who nuffer perlodical from luad coldi or influenza, and ho live iu iüiiorance of the fact thut ringla ippllca loc of Sanukord's EU.DII ai. CUBE FOB Catakkh will afford is'nntniitous rt Ui'f. Bnt this treatment in caei of simple Catarrh L'ivc hut a laint id. i ol what tina remcly will do btbacbroulc torm, whr the hrethiii(i ie ohitnicted '¦ choklnff putrid mucous accumiuatloiu, Mrlng effectcd, mell Dd tuMe none, throat alcer&ted and backlue couijh gradually faataplng itself u]iun the (Icl.ilinitcd sykem. Then it )b tbal tbe manreUooj curativa power of SanJor Radical Cura m inlfestí Itíiil in intnntaneous and a re i-f. Sur.' begint tn.m the llrst applicali.n. It is rapid. radical, permanent, econoinlcal, ' öaNDFOEd's RADICAX Cure consista of one bottlaol the RADICAL. ClllK, and one hox of CATHABRAL Siil.VK.vr, and Olie IXVBtOTXD Inii it.Kli ; price, 1.(H). Pottür Druo and Chrkmical Co., Hoston. AGHING BACKS. If-i '. nk liacks, Pain, W eakneee and Inf9 lunmatloa of the gidsen, Shooting A , X plni throngn the Li'ins, Ilip and Slde, SSAl Palni Laek ofStrenirth and Acttvity reI 3ti lu'vod in o'v minute and epeedVrrT ily cur.-d bj 'ulli-ura AntiPmIii l'laHter, a Dew, original elegant and mralllble ;nu1il"te to pain and inflainmattoD. At dnifEgUtl -; llvl '"¦ lM or postale free ol Potter Drux and Chemlf aU ., Boston. SCOTTS EHULS1SM OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL And Hypophosphites of üme & Soda Almost as Palatabloas Mllld The only praratloii of COD T.ITF.R OIL that can bo taktn roaJily aud toleratod for a long tune ¦"¦tlrrT-Vnv ron roNsmiTie, sriïïïïTTTiTs a n.i iihn'. anakmia, ut.sktUL tlKlilÜT Y , ((,ilS AM) THROAT AYteetik nrt ii IVastInh vhsoububBW TMltnKT.S U Is M-irrflIoiii I f ""ïrecnbed and" 3 tuo best Phyalclam lia tbo countries oï tho world. FOR SALF1 DY ALL DRUGGISTS. IX I nlVlU S1UIE TKIU UDHU I Illlrl vin.-. tht molt ikrptical GERMÁN ASTHNIA CUREX'A mout violent tta.k ; msiire comfortable aleep; effecta cures where all other remedie fall. No waitinx lor resulta. Il actlon in immrdintr, direct and .-rtiiln, and cureiH cflVptedin all CUKAB1.IÍ t'ASES ¦-It DrmnentlT oared ra, aeter to m kt any time." fínn H. Lott. St. Paul. Minn. I m entirelj rcltor to beHl by danu Ailhra Qm " r0. ntlon, HamtUon, Oio. Ocrran Altlim fiare H %a too ruim tet II. It nam fait " Fiof. E. Van ringtrixn. urttnvtlU. 3. C. "Mt i.hviician reoommends d Gtrman Ailhma Cara. II cúrert me." Mr. JÍ. L. Tetrick, Londundirry . Oki: of .Imitar ktlm oa (la. aak aaj dn.nkl (.ernmn Asibma l!ure laaoldbr aU arwKiaMal SOe.aud Sl.or aent by mailonrecetpt of tin. e Trial parkiiKD fror to any addresa for


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