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A. R. Graves is Ypsilauti towri's health offlcer. Some of Díxtei'scitizens want tbc "city dada "to slick up thetown more than they do. The M. E. society folks of Saline are to give a "Plant Hocial," at their churuli on May 15. The Dexter Leader advises tlie boys tbat t s more danguruus than ainusing to play bal] on tlie Sabbath. The Dexter Assembly K. of L. oelebrated their flrat anniveraary lust Tuesday evening wlth a big maea meeting, at whlcfa R. F. Trevellick dclivercd au addreM. A new lodge of Good Templan was organlKed at Saline last Friday night with 23 charter memben. A bus load of lli Ann Arborites went over to asslst at the inauguration. The butter from the Chelsea creamery retails at 34 cent per lb. In Detroit, aays an exchanjre. That'l nothiiifr, we paid35 cents per lb. in Ann Arbor tor t only a short time since. 8H1 & Keeve drew off their fish pond Tuesda}', and made Iheir lirst ahipDunit "f carp, tomethinr over 1,300 in number, which went to ffèW York, Grand Rápida and Saline. - Dexter Leader. Harry Heller, wlio has been Studylng deutistry in the univeiity, luis opened u dental office in this villaje. As he is a well-known and worthy Saline boy, oar people will of course patrouize him Observer. Thomas Phelps' raisinsr last Satunluy was attended by a bout 150 persons. Everything passed off nlcely and without an accident. Thomas will evidently have a Hnc barn when it is comjileted. - Dexter Leader. A meeting of the township board was held Saturday. Dr. S. V. Chaiuller wa reappointed lienltli offlcer, and IL. M. Kussell and Chas. Bnikhart were appolnted meiubers of the board of review. - Saline Observer. Plnckney is ateo going into the creainery busine?. That is right, the more t into the business the lower will creamery butter ]robab!y be, then poor folks can enjoy the luxury of a good artiele. - Btockbridge Sun. C. L. Yoat shipped sx fine horses to Bay City, last week. He will attend the great horse sale at Cleveland in a few aays, and bring back some property if bias do not run beyond his judgment. - Ypsilantian. Dexter village folks want toknow, jou know, whether Scio townshij) folks will vote to have a town hall, or not - said hall to be built in Dexter village. It looks from this dietauce as if the hall ouclit to be built. H. M. Wood, of Chelsea, pUMfl tlirough our place Thursday, rsturning frora Dan ville, where lie had been attending tlie funeral of lus grandmothcr, Mrs. David Wood, a venerable lady who vonld have een one humlred years old had she llved unlil the 5tli of June. Mr. Wooda n'ortned us tbat she retained the use of all ïer mental faculties uutil she breatheü ler last.- Stoekbridge Sun. Thejfuneral of Mrs. Hunt was held at the 3aptist church, Tucsday afternoon at 2 o'clock, after whieu the remains wcn interred iu the Lodi cemetery. Mrs. Ilunt was an old pioneer of tlüs villaje, having ïved here abouttifty years, and was highy respected and esteeined. She took great interest in the county pioneer society and contributed many historical sketches for its annual meetings. - Saline Observer. Prof. A. Ijodeman, teacher of Germán and French in the state normal, is m&Mng arrangements to establish a school of modern languages here, for the benefit of jersons who wish to acquire information n that line in the shortest possible time. l'he iirst term of the new educational inititution witl bein Monday, October 4, ut in the mean time any wbo may wi-li irivate Instruction in modern lannagM n probably mako anungeiaeotff to receive such by addressinj; or calling on Prof. Lodeman. - Ypsilantlan. Three couples of young people carne over from Ann Arbor to our little village on Tuesday, for a lark, we should Imagne. Tbey took in the town in the afternoon, and tea at tlie Stebbins Houte in the evenin, after which they appcarcil on the balcony and treated onr highly amused and somewhat astonished citiens ;o a short, open-air concert ; their vehicle was then broagbt round, and as the ;loaming settled o'er our peaceful little tiamlet they departed henee, and wc saw them no more. - Dexter Leader. Geo. Wandless'.of Jaokson, a former reside ut was in the city Monday and Tuesday. In connection with tliis It raay be mentioned that after over 40 years continuous service with the Mich. Central K. R., beginning as a wood sawyer at the depot, and bycontinued perseverancesucceeding to tbe'posttion of passenger conductor which he Ueld for a numberor years. Afterwards entering the employ of the American Express Co., from whicb position thatcompany of late has retired him on a pension. A shinineexatnpleof what


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