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Council Meeting

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The regular monthly meeting was held Mondtiy evening. After roll cali the Mayor delivered his inaugural nddress, which wns subst;iiitially as follows: Gentlemen of the ('ommox Council:- llaving been elected to tbe office of Mayor of ihe city. as lts chief executive.offlcer It seems .o me proper that I should in a public manier at the flrst regular meeting of tbe new ¦ouncll lmlicale niy wishes and deslres, and ibe pollcy I propose to parsue for the year tocóme in tbe adminlstratlon of my official lutles, trusting that I shall merit tbe approval of the council and recelve lts cordial iupport and encouragement. Our city bus a world wlde reputatlon for lts educatlonal lnstitutlons. Annually, nearly i.PUO yon men and women come here to ecure theadyaiitagesour Unlverslty aud High School aflords, and the municipal authorlties sbould be more tban ordlnarlly vigllant u requlrlng tbe ordlnances relating to good rder properly enforced. Kspeclally that orI nance forblddlng tbs sale of Intoxicante to minors. Thousands of parents have In a measure ntriiHted tlieir chlldren to our care aud keeping during tbelr school and college Mie, nd let us see that they are returned to them n nowise damaged in consequence of a lax uforcement of tbe laws on our part. Our city autliorltles In the past have been watebful in tbls dlrectlou, aud as a consequence Ann Arbor enjoya the reputatlnn of elng the most qulet and orderly college town In America. FINANCES. Flnanclally, our city Is In a healthy condllon. Practlcally out of debt, wlth $l5,J00 1i Jie city treasury. and nn alraoRt certainty of ïavliiRan addltlou thereto of ten or twelïe housand dollars wltbln tbe next .'U days, t woulcl Mem tbat we wlll tben have money enoUKb to do the ususal street work, eto., pay be Water company for the hydrants for tire iurposes as agreed to, and pay the Michigan Viitral Kiillroad Company the $ü,0UU voted receutly by our tax-payers to aid in the overheiid bridge near ttn? uantrml rallroad station without resorting to addltlonal luxatlou. STRKETS. The public streets are not In as gooil condlLlon as they were one year ago. Tbe laytng down of 16 miles of water pipe lor our water Company bas necessarily torn them up badiy aud will necessarily cost considerable money to put them In proper sliape asaln. Whetber the company Is Hable to the city for thl extra expense I wlll not say. Hut certalnly. In the future tbe company should be requlred, whfii laying pipe, to have tbe street in as good conditlon as lt was found. IS1PR0VEMENTS. Itcan hnrrïly beexpected that as Important lmprovomentH will lniumunitid iu our city during tbe year to come as were com fleted or commenced during the punt year. t wlll devolve upon us to furnish tbe neces sary leglslallon to complete the grand work of bridglng tbe rallroad near the intersectlon ol Pontlacaud Detroit Btreets. Il Is believed tbat thts overhead bridge - besldes tbe great convenlence to the city- wlll materially enhance the value of the property In tbe 5th ward by making more readily accessable tbose beautitul bulldint places so common in thls portion of our city The time Is not far distant when an overheac bridge wlll be a necesslty on one or more o the streets leading to tbe western ponton o our city and acrous the Toledo ft Anu Arbor Rallroad track. When thls Is done, tbe prop erty west of tbe rallroad must be appreclated as all danger in crosslng the track wlll be avolded. :i oiuru. Wlth a sraall outlay it is belleved the triangular piece of land lylng north of the Central ltallroad and east of Pontlac street to the Hurón rlver can be procured and con verted Into a park. I earnestly recommend the councll to take lmtuediate measures look Ing to that end. HoplnK that our relations wlll he of the mout cordial nature, and uil our official acts edoond to the credit of Ann Arbor. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. The grist of these papers were greuter last evening than for many a meeting, and occupled the attention of the council for full one liour in their reading and disposition: Of Wm. Fletcher, Wilhelm Kreclow, and 12 others asklng for gasoline lamps at the corner of Brown and Ehn streeta, and one on Hill street near T. & A. A. crossing. Keferred to Gen. Fund Com. A remonstrance signed by B. W. Cheever, E. B. Lewis, and 9 others against the erection of a band stand on Hanover Square, and the "dispensing" of music there. Rcferred to Com. on Parks. Of Mayor Kapp, L. Qruner, E. Duffy, Wm. Wagner and 94 other business men of Ann Arbor, praying the council to authorize '"the Mayor to cali a public meeting of citizens Interested in business and the welfare of the city, at some suitable place, and within the next 10 days." Received and placed on file, after whlch Aid. Allmendinger oflered the following: Resolved, That the Mayor be reqnested to cali a meeting of citizens at Firemau's Hall on theevening of May lötli, for the purpose orgamzing an tmprovment ass oclatlon. A communication was read from the Ann Arbor Savings Bank offering to pay "one and a half per cent. interest on the city funds, to be computed on daily balances and credited quarterly." Alo one from the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank oftering to pay "Kour and one-quarter per cent. per annum upon all moneys deposited with us by the city treasurer." Aid. Swift moved that the city funds be deposited with the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Carried. Petition of W. Huitín, F Giese, Wm. Clancy and 26 other residents of the 3d ward, asking the council to cover the deep cut on N. Fourth street, between Hiscock and High streets, with a stone culvert over the creek, and that the street b graded to make it passable for teams Referred to Gen. Street Com. Of E. Treadwell, John W. Thompso and 79 others praying the council to tak measures to secure the widenin of Divi sion street, between North and Detro streets. The Recorder moved that the matter b referred to a special committee of five which was carrled, and Aids. Kearns Kcating, Robison, Ware and Martin wer appointcd. Of A. B. Prescott, O. C. Johnson and other asking for a street lamp placed a the corner of Hill and S. Thayer streets Referred to Gen. Fund Com. Of M. W. Ilarriugton, A. McDouald and 23 others asking that the water niain be extended on E. Ann street from X Ingallsto the Observatory, and that thru lire hydrants be placed upon the same. Aid. Martin moved that a committee o flve be appointed to wlioin shall be re ferred all ïnatters pertaining to the ex tensión of the water mains of the city Carried, and Aids. Swift, Steere, Allmcn dinger, Poland and Xcithaminer were appoloted. Petitions were also received for the ex tensión of the water mains in the city a follows : In the 2d ward, from present terminus on W. Jefferson street to the corner of W. 6th street, one bydrant. In the5lb ward, from present terminus on Broadway, 1,400 feet, two lire hydrauls. In the2d and 3d ward, fur the extensión on V. Huron street from present terminus to tbe city limits, one Ore hydrant. In the 6lh ward, pipes to be extended froir E. Unlverslty avenue on Ml Hard street to Forest avenue, one flre hydrant. In the 6th ward, froiu Cemetery street on Qeddes avenue lo Kim stret, oue flre hy drant. All referred to special water committee Petitlon of A. H. VVines, E. J. Miller, S. Proctor and 6 others asking for a sidewalk on south-east side of Geddes avenue to Elm street, and crosswalk on Elm street. Referred to Gen. Fund Com. Of M. M. Green asking for privilege to build a wooden addition to liis building on N. Fourth street, signed by Win. Cas[ary, M. H. Goodrich and 10 others. Request granted. Of Wm. F. Lodholz, A. D. McCollum and -49 others, asking for au electric light n Broadway, in the öth ward. Referrec to Gen. Fund Com. A communication from the Unitet: Members of the Union Ilook and Ladder Co. requesting a raise of their salaries from 110 to $25 per year, and the statement that if not complied with the company would disband. Referred to Fire Com. The followlng communicatloQ waa reeived from the firc department. FmtMissHiu, I AHH AHBOK, April 28, 1886. f We the metnbnior Ibe Flre Department, eoognlxe In the death of Lewis Moore, the oss of one of our most efficiënt and useful ïembers. Ah hls death ni occasloned by h evereoold oauglit while lD the discharge of lidutyat flre Frlday, April 29 lust, at 2 'cloclc a. in., we would most reapectfully equest that the Common Couucll of thla olty ïakean approprlatlon to the wldow of our eceaaed nieniber of as large a som ai you In 'nar Judginent thlnk beat. Knowlng the althful service of ourdeceased memoer and ie pecunlary vondltlon of hls famlly, we rust to your Uberallty to deal generoualy ¦H ii thern. All of wblcb Is reapectfully submltted. C. P. CAREY, Seo. Pro Tem. Aid, Ware offered the followlng: Rtaolved, That the Kecorder be requeated to raw an order for one bundred dollars frora he Contingent Fuud In favor of the wldow f the late Lewis Moore. Carrled. REP0RT8 OF COMMITTKKS. Aid. Allmendinger, Chairman of the ¦"inunce Committee, reported the followii}; expenditure for the month : KKCAPITU LATIOS. Rt wanl . . . . 215 24 d ' _ S2 75 th ' ." '. _. 18 01 Hl " 123 60 th " ." '..."....I" 31 20 leneral street fuud „_ . HO 15 Qeneral fund :W2 Jl Contingent fund 434 37 Total $1.584 43 The bill of Sheriff Walsh $4.00 for board of tramps; of John Morrison f 2.00, for rleanlnp; street lamps; of A. W. BartlettfS.OO, for cleanin? 5th wan] engiite house; were also allowed. Aid. Allmendinger from same committee also reported that L. D. Taylor had been einployed to examine the books of the Treasurer, and that he hd found them in good condition with no error save a small one thut had beun recllfleil. Aid. Poland from committee to examine bonds reported favorably upon the following, and they were approved: fírvqgitt -Eberbach & 8011, II. J. Brown, Mann Bros. Saloon- Saxton 4 Cobb, Chas. Hauser, John D. Helnrlch, Stone A Co., Krederlck Brauu .. F. Schoettle, Louis Seyler. Confiable IlonJ.y- NelKou Sutherland, Paul Rchall, Jasper Iiniis, D. J. Loomls and E.B Qtdley. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. The regular monthly report of the City Treasurer was read showing receiptg for the montli $155.32; disburecments $1,571,67; on hand $14,584.81. The Uecorder's monthly report sl'owet the following balances in the different funds: Contingent fuuü, on hand t 7,98.3 97 General Fund, overdraR 6'JO S9 General street fund, overdraft 188 1' lst ward fund on band 1,078 96 2d " " " ' „ 829 1 Sd " ' 579 86 4th " ' 490 üti 5th " " " " B 6 6th " " overdratt 181 8. City Cemetery fd, overdraft 2B S Dog tax fund on hand 201 1 Delinquent tax, overdraft S48 28 Water Works Fuud 4.ÜO0 00 The poor fund distribution as reportei by Ex-Marshal Fall and Marshal Sipley was as folio ws: lst ward. _ Í 17 20 2,1 " 11 80 8d " 34 4Í 4th " . ..„ „_ . 71 71 5lh " 15 1 6la " _ „ 6 5 Total _ t 191 86 City M.irshal Sipley also reported tlire arrests during the mouth. MOTIONS AND BESOLTJTIONS. By Aid. Allmendinger: Resolved, ïiiat the Treasurer be dlrected to turn over to the School Kund the amounto the dog tax wltU the exceptlon of 1100.00 Carrled. By Aid. Alimendinger: Resolved, That lt U the understanding o iliis Couuncll that interest Is to be computad on the enttre araount of funds whlcn th Treasurer has In hls keeping. Carrled. Aid. Poland moved tUat tho counci proceed to appoint three members of th Board of Review, whicb was carried ani the foUowing gentleman were appointed lst H. D. Bennett. ¦2.1 district- A n ton Eisele. 3d E. P. Maaon. City Attorney Kinne then addressed the council in reference to the aelion nee essary to be taken in carrying out th contract with the Michigan Central Rail road Co. Aid. Kearns offered the necessary reso lutions discontinuiug Page street, aiu that portion of State streut, north o Fuller and south of the Michigan Centra Railroad Cu's north line of right of way In th is connection a letter was read from Henry Russell, Gen. Att'y for the M. C Co., stating that the State street crossing would be used by the people until th bridge on Detroit street was ready for use Aid. Martin moved that a commlttee o four, ot' which the City Attorney, aiu City Engineer be members, be appointec to secure a release of the right of way o people who owned property abutting on the closed atreets. Carried, and Aids Martin and Swift were appointed as hal anee of committee. Aid. Kearns moved that the same com mittee be authorized to confer with Mrs O'Neil and heirs with reference to secur ing the rightof way through her property Carried. On motion of the Recorder the offleer of the fire department were confinned a reported. Mayor Robison ca lied the attntin o the council to the error of the grade o X. Main street, in front of the oíd jai premises, and asked that some action b taken to rectify it. Aid. Swift moved that the matter be referred to the General Street Coinmitte and City Engineer with power to uc Which was carried: Adjourncd.


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