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Dr. McCosli of Vrinceton wants all graduatps to dónate their pictures to the college, by cosh. The decennial reunión of the lit. class of '7G, wil] he held duriug the coming comtnencement week. J. C. Stevens, dent, '87. of this city' bas gone to Eist Tawas to practice during the sunimer season. Treasurer H. W. Soule, of the U. Of M. went to Mu? k ego n and northern Michigan on a fishing excursión. Prof. 8. C Wood, of the homeopathie department, was called to Monroe last week by the death of hts father. The junior hotneops will be expected to pass an examination ia theory and practice at the close of this semester. The new cases for the Chínese collection extend olear around the south room of the third Boor of the museum building. The boyscomplain aboutthe absence of calorie at the gym baths. The giiis have notbeen heard from yet on this subject. The prohibitionists seem to have lost their brewery case in the university sjpreme court, Prof. Kirchner presiding, last Thursdaj' evening. The senior homeops. will hold class exercises and a banquet commencement week. Committees to make all necessary arrangements have been appointed. Among the law department items in the last Chronicle was this : "A snake made its appearance in the law lenture room on Tuesday." Iu whose boots uot stated. Mr. D. J. Haft' will read a paper before the Politica! Science Association on the 12th inst., his subject being " Wages and Prices." This will be the last for this year. Prof. Swain Iiiir a complete apparatus for taking measuremnts of all parts of the body, of those taking regular exercise at the gymnasium which all students are urged to do. A party ofeight students in the mechanical engineering department left Saturday a. m,, to visit the large manufactories of l'ittsburgh, Cleveland and Toledo. They are expected home Siturday. Next Satunlay atternoon the university base ball club is to play the Amateurs of Detroit, on the Woodward ave. grounds. There will be reduced rates on th M. C. R. B. to attend this and other attractions on ihat day. Chronicle: " The condition of the reading room is most discouraging to any one who wishes to read. Successful as the lecture association has been this season it certainly seeras as f it might make the rootn a better place in many respects." The following prizes have been furnlshed by John Keek & Co., J. J. Goodyear, and Ossius & Co., respectively to be awarded to the winners of the eins-i tournament: Class I. Stand, with Inlaid chess board ; class II. morocco bound album, hand painted ; class III. set of ivory chess men. The Hiawathies of Detroit played the Universitie8 last Saturday p. m., on the fair grounds. The result was 15 to 11 in favor of the home team. The game was loosely played on account of the weather being bad, though there was some heavy batting done. The receipts were a trifle above expenses. One of the pleasing features of the game was the fairness of the umpire. Tliere will not probablybe another game played with tliis club. One of theiinesteditioiisof the Palladium ever issued, made U appearance today, aud is now on s.ile at the postollice news depot. F rom tbe front cover to the rear cover it s a beauty. Neat and tasty every way, reflecting much of the excellent laste of Mr. E. C. Pitkin who hasdevoted so great an amount of his time and energy to its pages and its make up. The style of binding is new and unique and add much to its good looks. lts pages are clear and liandsome, its grinds are sharp and clean ; its illustrations in full keeping witli its general appearance; and its con. tentó - Oh, well, we cannot teil you all about it, buy one and judge for yourself. Dr. A. L. Worden, of Des Moines, Iowa, writes us that tbe state association of the alumni of the medical departtnent of the University of Michigan, is to be held in that city on May 19th. Last year about 75 were present. This year about 80 members will be present. The Iowa State Register of May 2d has this notiee of the event: The state assoclatlon of the alumni of the medical department of tbe Michigan State Unlverslty, at A nu Arbor, Is mailing preparatloiiM t liold thelrannual meeting In tbls city on May liitb. Tbe alumni of thlg famous lnstitutlon now resldlug lu Iowa, forined an atutoclallon two yenrs ygo, wblch has now a Inrge and constantly lncreaslnK niembershlp. The anuual meetlug here expected to beau event of reat Interest and a fino program Is In proces of coiiBtructlon. Word was recelvfil yesterdav by the cominlttee In cbarge that Dr. A. B. Palmer, deán of the faculty ol the Unlversity, would be present. Tuis au nounoement will beread with pleasure by all Anu Arbor student, for Dr. Palmer Is not only one of the foreraost educators In tbe country, but was iinlveraally lllted by lila puplls, iiiiil lias iiiiiny warm frleuds in tbls state.


Ann Arbor Courier
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