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The "May Festival" to be given ly the ladies of tlie Home Missionary Societyt of the M. E. churcli, in their churcli pailors, Friday afternoon and evening, wiill be something uiiique in the way of ;i 1 estival. There will be a little of everything to be bought and the lidies will serve ice creain and strawberries. Dun' forget the date, next Friday afternoon and evening at the M. E. cliurch. The Unity Club will give a música next Monday evening at the Uuitarian cUurch, entitled. "Au Evening with Schumann" undcr the diiection ofC. B. Cady, assisted by the best local talent. The closing entertainment, to be given by Miss Jessie Couthoui, at University hall, under the auspices of the Student1 Leclure Association, will be one of the very best of the course, it is expected, as Miss Couthoui is one of Boston's very best elocutlonists. Prof. Trueblood says of her that "There is no lady reader that has appeared 011 the American platform since the days of Cushman, that hal proved so popular and efïective as Miss Couthoni. You are very fortúnate in being able to secure her for an evening.'' The ladies ot the Methodist churcli are making great preparations for the May Festival, which Is to take place next Friday afternoon and even ing. Fancy articles of all kinds and quite a varietv of the useful will be for sale, as also ice creani and strawberries. Supper served at 6) o'clock. Wednesday evenlinr, Muy 12 li, the Maple Leaf Social clab gives its closing at Armory Hall. The University Dramatic Club, whicli 8 to bring out "Among the Breakers," at Grand opera house Friday evening, have met with wonderful success in all their undertakings so far. "A Scrap of Papere," it will be remembered, gave the greatest satisfaction, and was greeted with a crowded house. The play of Friday eveulng will be (taUf up to the high standard adopted by the members of this organization. Attend the play on Friday evening, "Among the Breakers," at the optr.i house, given by the Uuiversity Dramatic Club. Miss Jessie Couthoui, the elocutionist, is praised very highly by many of our citizens who have heard her. She certalnly stands at the head of elocutionists in thls country.


Ann Arbor Courier
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