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HELINE8ELECTED8YTHE U.3.COVT , TO CARRY THE FAST MAIL. H It Is the only line with lts own track (rom CHICACO TO DENVER, iither by way of Omaha, Pacific June., St. Joscph, Atchison or Kansas City. t connects in Union Depots with throuqh tralns trom NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and all Eastern points. It is the principal line to BAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND &. CITY OF MEXICO It traversos all of the slx qreat States of ILLINOIS, IOWA. MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS, COLORADO with branch lines to all thcir important citics and From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, H runs every day in the year trom one to thrce elegantly equippsd throughtrains over lts own tracks between Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Council Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoria and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points in Northwest, West and Southwest, lts equipment Is complete and first class In every particular, and at all important points Interlocklng Switches and Signáis are used, thus insuring comlort and salety. ., For Tickets, Rates. General Inlormatlon. etc, reqarding the Burllnqton Route, cali on any Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1ST V.P. & Gek. Mqb., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, A88T. Gen. Mgr., Chicago. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pass. Aot., Chicado. NOFCEII 1 ESTjBLisiiED 1931. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER Í DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block. Cj[ 'A PHÏSICIAIf & SURGEON U ?-W irtillttitiígithttpctert SKILLAND 8UCCES8 YOUNG MEN, MID0LE-AGED MEN and all persons who by theirown acts of Imprudoncoor Follyat nny perioJ of life have brons; ht upon themselves, the evil effect? followine closely upon the heels of trnn seression of the laws of nature, sliould consult tlie celehrated Dr.C larle at once KemembeHNervous diaenitesfwith or without dreams) or lcbillty and loss nf nene power treated scientifically by naw metnooa with never fniünp sucecss. -lt ïnnkcs no differente Tïliat you have taken or ivlio has lailcd ti cure you. JS(S-T:ie terrible polsons of Sypliilis and all bml blood and skin ilisu.-iscB. compjetely cradicated without mercury. Bemillitar that Uil """ luirviblo diseasi', if neglected or improperiy ucatcd.curse the presentan Jcuminggeucrauons 5-A11 nnnatoral disc.hrgre curod promptly .iihouthlndrahcc K biisln. . Npexperiment. Both texesooiMiüt oiiiiil. utinlly. Aj;o anl experlenoe Important. A ritten guiirnntce of cure ven In cvory case uuderlakni. ftySufferer from any chronic diseosewrite ITintory and Syiiiptonis of your case - plainly. Cjscs solicitcd which others have failed to cure. !rf=Scnd two stamps fnr celebratod wnrks on oio, Neranu and Delicate - have an .xbmiwtive symptomatolosry by which to study vour own case. Consuhation, personally or by lette, free. Consult the old Ioctor. Thoiisands cured. Ollices aiul parlorg private. You see no one but the Doctor, üefore confidin vour case consult lili. CLA11KK. A friendly lcttir or cali may save future suftering anc Ehamc and add golden 'vcars to life. Medicine: sent verywhere securo from exposure. Hours Bto8; Sundays.gto 12. Address, F. D. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETBOIT. Mïch Mortgage Sale. DEF VULT iiavlng been naadeln the eottiiln Indeoture o] n nrt ..:,.-,-. , cui. -.1 bj Mlchael riielnii an. Sarah ï'h.-lan hls wlle, oi Vlllage o Dexter, Wafthlenaw County and BtaUi ol Michigan, lo Patrlok Qallsgber, ol Tovnship ol Webster, m sald oouuty and state, luwina date the 24tli dayoi October, A. I. eignteen uundred and seven,ty-8even. and recorded lo the office ol the Register if ln-eds ter sala county i Washtenaw, in LlberSOof Mortga-en on pi 103 and by whlcta defaultthe rower oí rale oonUlned m mld mortgage becouae operativo, and n uit or pro ceed dm al law oí fa ohanoery bnvlng been mMMuif.i i" recover the ampunt a Bald roortgageor the note accoropanylng the game, andtuerebelngnowalaimed to toedoe on sald note and mortgage. the buid ol Blx hundred and etghty-lwo dolían and thiity-eiulit cent '. Notlce Is therefore heteby given. tual tbèaaid morlgase wilt be n.r.ciosec l..n Satorday. the lStb dny oí June. A. i' 1886, at tentdoek lñ the forenoon f tlmi duy, y a sale ai public atictlon, to the higbeat bidder, ¦,i the Kaal ¦¦ ol ¦ ' "lrl H"111'. '" lh;1 olty t.i Aun Arbor, In the county aforesald, (galdOoorl HoUë belng the plaeo for hoklMiL. the Circuit Court lor said county), ol the , ., aged prëralsea deacrlbed In al(l mort,r 80 mocb i hereol iis roay be neoesaary tkT " "' Biindpal and Interest rematnlng' nnpald apon sald mortgage witli reasonable ct nJ expenBea, together wlthan attorneyfee ol ,l,,ilars; whloh premtaea are dsaorlbed ui ld mortgaaefts foilowB, to-wlt: Selng lol six ()ln blook th S)ln theVllláge ii Dexter aloresald, aooording u "¦ re corded plat thoreol, and bonnded northerly by th.' Michigan Central Rallroad. Dated, Maroh IStja, 1886. w.,IE-„ l'ATKHK (AI.I.AiillER, itOBTGAG E. I. Kinnk, Atfy for Mortgngee, l'i'tt Keal Estáte for Sale. ("TATi; ' MIt'llUiAX, l ouuty of V. Pn tüe"malte of tlie eatatt f lUnry ColiTICE Is'heroby glven, thl i" pnran. anceofan order imnted to the nndenilgned ndmlnlstratoroftheeatal jaJd Bwu-j i i iinz.r by tbe Hou. Judgeol Probate tor the County of Washtenaw, on Hith day of Marcb, A. ;¦ ¦ re wlll be s..M at public vendne, to thehtghest bidder, at Iheeael Irnntiliiorof thiM'iiurt huusc. In the elty of ABB i,i t County ofWaahtanaw In sald State, on atnrday,Ue l'h day of Jone, A. 1. IS.% il in ..'!. .cu In the forenoon Ol Hmt dy (Milij.-i't to all enoumbranoea by mort,, ótberwlBe eztatiag al Uie time of tbe tlèalh of sai.l deeaaaed the fbllowlng descríoed K. al tCstate, io-wit : u All thatcoriln tractor pareelofland lyngand Cltjr ol Aun Arbor in tin' county ol Wathtenaw and State ol Michigan, knownnd rnlHw: Poai iraw M land Ub i.ik.-n fr.m il '¦ in.rtli i-mi of tbe cast half _or the wesi hall ui the fOuthwetl qnarter ol Beet Ion NiimiMM Iwinly, iu town tWO, i-olltli l ranni-' Bi, ,.;, purallel wiiii the Nortb lineftl saM lot nuil i"isti -nut', therelrom. Alo thswMt liülf ol we) half of the aonthwest qnarter ol section Nnmber Twenty, In town i2) "utli ui itnpe li 8 eaat, conUininR lrty acres of lmid be the Bme more o md rr-cn-m therelrom abuni clirlrt ncr.F ol land In trefoutnwett corner of the Btld forty arri's heretófore ! hv Hlerome Qood peed and Mlham Junes to Ktnnetti Davldaon, and al-o exoeptlog ad reservlnir one acre of land on the eaat BldaoiBaw DavidBon'a elehl acre, oid nd convejad by Abt ¦¦ail C t ;¦ .1 - 1 .. ¦! to Josepb Wllson, subject to all rlehta ind prfvlle e ol road or lut'hw:iy on th eaet slde "f IM aald plee "f lml L-rHiiie.1 to 11gafl '. i;.).. ilspei'd hy herdeed. DaW,MaroAh HEDOS 1S977W Adminlstrator. Chancery Soticc. TheCvcult ( ourl for the County of WaMiti'iiaw, in Cbanoery. N.iti.' Burbach, Complalbant, va. Willinm Hurbarli, D( i.ii.lant I II aatlsmotorily aipcarlii ly affldavlt. to Clroull Judgelnand for sald ounty, tbat ti,e sald defendant, William Burbach'a laai known place of rcsidcnce was In thls stat.' and that hl present place of restdence cannot be ascrtaineil. On motion o( K. B. Norrto, of counsel for complalnant, it Is ontercil that Bald defendant, "illlin Burbaob, eauaa blaapiiMiianci' In tbla cause t. be entered wltbln live m. milis . Ir.. in tlie .latent Uil ..rder.and tbal incnae ol nis appearance he oauae hl answertothe complalnant 's blll to beflled anüaoopy thareol to b serve4 on i th complalnant's Dllcltor wltbln twenty dayt Service of a copy of Bald hili and of this srder, and 'in d.-ianlt thereol ihat s.u.l blll iniplalnl ie taken as confewtêd by sald defandant, Wllllam Burbaob, nnd lt l furlher ordered tbat wlthln twenty days the sald complalnanl oause this order te be inilished In "Tbe vnn Arbor Uoi Bit au.l ihat such i ubllcatlon be continu. -.i In such newspaper at least micu in eaob week far ni weeks m sucoesslon, or ilmt Bbe cause a oopy or this oi.ierto be personully served on th aald .leien, lai. i, William Burbach, al twenty days beforèthe Umeabove preaorlbed lor hls iipiieHJalK1''. 1J"-''M"-hí''iI1V Jd8e. B. H. N'ilKKW, Sol. lol C.onpl't. W-W II LU IV "n" ' tU Ij.-auiilul Electrlo nlf n I JlCorsets. Snmpiefrce to tbosc bc. HUL 11 1 U coming Rents. Ko rik, qaíck sales. Tcrritory pivcn,satit.factioD ffuaranud. Addresa 0R.SCOTT.842 Broadway St.,N.Y.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News