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Th Sonate on tbe irte reiumea aonmamrmtlonofthc hitci-siait' Commeroe blll A bilí mapaeaed appropriaUnji Ho.i.ojo for meitensión ut ' Rxeeutlve MarwUm. The evident taken by the Ohlo Boute in the Payne InvMtlntlOD was presentad, and Senator l'ayne entared n dental ol th chaote of brlbery an.l invitad au lo vestir a tloo... In the House Mr. Breckintidge Introduoed a Wil tore,iu, ¦!¦ the Dumber ol Interna) revenue offlwrs nd loaiiii'ml the Interna] rovenue lawi The bill to prohib t alinis imm tiivjutrinif title or owniiiR landa wlthin tbe United Btatei ws reiiortcil advertelr, nd the Kivur and H arkor biH was furthereousldered Tuk time of tho Sonate on the 28th was occnpitcl I ii dpbatlnjr that portion of the Postofllce Approprlatlon blll relating to the i:irryinif ol mails by toamshlps.... In the House Mr. Hatofa reporled a blll dt'flnlng buttpr. and bnpoainc a tax upon and rc(fiilatiii)f the raannfaoture, sale, exportatloo aml Importatlon of olcomargarine. The Klvor and Hurbor bill was further considorcd. Thb Sonate on the L-itth uit. paased the Fourth of Ju'.T Claims blll, wlth an Item of $67.000 for the beirs of Avies I. Merrill, of Mlsslssippi, for suppücs rurnislicil the l'nlon army. Mr. Morían lntroduced a bill M (¦ tabllsh a Weather Burean onder the War Department. The subs.dv clauM f I'ostofttce Approuriatlon bill turther disoaaaed In the House Ihe Kuit and Harlxr and the Veilow lixwula Uon blUi werp oonaidered. a bill wm reported providinir for the reoeptlon of trade dollars at thelr iit vuIup In all pay menta tothe Ctovermnent, nr For exobanse at the sul) -treasurv for !-tandard dollars. Tuk l'n-t oflloe Approprlatlon blll was fup thcr oonaldered in tbe Senate on the&tth uit., and the oonferenoe report on the ledlan Appropriatlon bill was ubrnHted ly Mr. üawes andoonourredln....Ia Um House the Rlver and Ilarbor bill wns furtber discussed, and tbe biU oreatlnir the Department of Agricultura was considerad. DO MEST IC. A df.stiíi r i r. ind storm swept orer fort Bmitta, Ark., on tho 2l!tli. Stores were inrooffci and stables and shops blown lown in Tarloiu parts of the city. 'I 'ui: coal operators of the St. Louis diaTiet on thn :.itb arerted a trike of several ;housand miaei-s by gmftting un increase n wages to two and one-balf cents per Dushel. ThBEI boys and a policenian were badly lacerated on the 27th by a mad dog at Pullmnn. a Chicago suburb. The animal was killed. The brick-yards of Hayt & Algip, in Chicago, the largest in the wotld, c-overing sixty acres, were closed on the '2ith, the proprietors refusing to give ton hours' pay for ciht hoor' work. Tumi: thoisand molders, chippers and helpers in the differont foundries in Willlamiburg, N. Y., struck on the ÜTth for an udvance of ten por cent. Some of the foundries decidcd to shut down ratherthan accede to the (Iemands. Anvii ¦!¦. of the 87th say thnt a eyclone at Akron. Ala., overtnineil niany huios, uprootod treéa and devatated that entire section oí tho country. No li Tes were re]ort'd iost. Kivi: Hl [i:n coal liandlers aloiifï tbe docks at Cleveland Itrock on the -17 1 1 1 for an advnncp in iragM, In a quarrsl at GalTOTtott, Tex., on the 27Ü over ¦ hoVM John Bnrke fatally stalibed ti , brother Edward and then blew OUt hls own brains nritb a revolver. The brothers were proprietori of a grocery, and well-to-do. A oenkhal assnmbly of the Knights of Labor of the Quite 1 States and the Dominion of Canada has been called to meet in Cleveland May 'S to consider th luboi troublos throughout the country. A CATTLE company oí St. Iouis has leawil nvcr two milliou acres of gra.inj; land in tho BriUsh Noitlmcst territory for twenty-one yeam without taxatton. Gkokiíi: E. GitviiAM. the ivife-murderer, was taken irum jail al Xpnngfiuld, Mo., on the 27th by a moh anti banged, and Friti Rupin was lynched uearTopeka, Kun., foi the murder of Mrs. Kreimuth. Tur. rolling-mill of Oliver Brothers & Phillips al Pitteburgh closed down on the 2Tth owing to a strike of threo huiulred employés. liodeinandedanadvance in wages. A FH.iMK hotel at Butte, il. T„ was burned the other night, a little boy perishing in the flames. A robber who set ths ñre robbed the uiother of the yictim of $900. The freight and passender depots of the Cincinti.-!. Wabash - tlichigao road at Wabash. End., ere struck by lightning on the27th and entrely destioyed, together with much valuable freijh. Th losa was hfiflvv neavy. Thirtt persons engaged in boycotting a clothing firin were ai -restorf at New York on the ÏTth on clirgo of ronpiracy and coerción. The Apache Indians were raiding in th Santa Cruz valley, in Arizona, on the 27th. Uver thirty personj had been killed near Casita, ten near Calabasaa and several at Other poiata. The cavalry were iu pursuit of the Indiana. Advices of the 27th say that heavy rains had fallen eontinuously for tbirty-six houfsin the Jaokson (Miss.) district, and travel on all liuos of railway was partially suspended. Huxdkeds of families in the mining districts at Elk Garden, W. Va., were on the 27th reported to be in a starving condición, and aid was solicitad. Several of the largest furnitur factories in Milwaukee closed ón the 27th rather than pay full wages for eight houni' work. Barnet Eishen's barn, at Northfleld, Minn., was struck by lightning and burned a few nights ago, and four horsos and thirty head of cattle wore cremated. Tiiï Jlississippi levee at Austin, Miss., broke on the 27th, causing the inundation of two counties. Mr. Bkooks, of Pholps, N. Y., on the 28th discovered a new cornet in tha constellation of Cassiopea. It was reported on the 28th that through arrangements by the Citizon's Committee of St Ijouis with the Knights of Labor General Board the strike on the Missouri Pacific would soon be declared off. Dukixo the ten day9 euiled on the ÜSth five Mexican horse-thieves were killed in Duval County, Tex., while resisting arrest. A juiiï in the criminal court at St. Louis on the 38th convicted a Missouri Paciflc 8triker named John Holland of assaulting a brakeman, and a punishment of thirty days in jail was flxed. Mendï Jones, a colored outlaw, was killed by lynchers on tho 'Sth at Auburn, Ky., for a criminal assault upon two white girli. In a labor dispute at St. Louis on the 28th John Gibbons, a striker, assaulted William E. Withers, a non-union man. The latter then drew his revolver and shot Gibbons dead. At a meeting on the 28th the furnitura manufacturera of Chicago resolved to don thelr shops uhould a domauil 1 inad for nigbt hours' latxr Isoia.nh wei reported on the 23th to havo attacked a ranch twenty miles soutliwest of Pantano, A. T., Itilliug oight per ons. Skvkii.w. huudred feetof the levee a mil below Austin, Miss., had been swept away on the 2sth, increasing the inundation in Tunica and Coahoma Counties. A general break up in the Arkansas léveos was reportad, the gaps rangiug frora one hundred feet to half a mil in extent. All the planfng-mills at Milwaukee sa-re two shut down on the 29th in preference to paying ten houra' pay for eight hours' work. Teleorams of the 29th say a mysterious and fatal disease has broken out in Rowolsburg, W. Va. The victiiu are lirst seized with a gerere paiu in the head anl aio dead within twelre houra. After deatU the bodies become spotted. Ukoroe Pabks, of KirksTille, Mo., an old Union soldier, who left a log on the battle. fleld, met with an accident in a sausae factory on the 29th by which he would lose bis other leg. The charapionship season of the National Base-Ball League opeued on the 29th. damage was done eight miles north of Mississippi City, Miss., on the ath by a cyclone. It moved in a path three-quarters of a mile wide. Large quantities of timber were blown dowu and lofty pines were uprooted. Tue Bank of MarietU, O., has failed with liabilities of orer 100,000. The machine manufacturers and foundrymen of Chicago stated on tho 29th that tuey were opposed to giving ten hours' pay for eight hours' work, and so were tho parlor furnitur manufacturers. Tuk report that eight persons had been killed by Indians near Pantana, A. T., proved on the 29th to be anfoaaded. The Lower Hississippl was above water mark on the 29th anrl still rising. The freight-haudlers employed in Chicago by the St. Paul and Northwestern J roads presented demands on tlie 2Sth for eight hours' labor and ten hours' pay. The Treasury Department at Washington on the -i9th decided that Chiuese seamen may be allowed to land on out shoivwithout a certifícate for the purpose of shipping on a return voyage as soon as possible. A hurricaxe had on the 2!Hh prevailed for twenty-four hours in Nebraska, the ' wind being so heavy that trains wert ( tarded. The effect on young stock, it was feared, would be disastrouj. George Kdwakds, the last of the gang of forgers wanted in several of the large cities throughout the country, was arrestad In New York on the 3Oth uit. Kkystonb, la., was visiUid ou the ÜQth uit. by a flre which destioyed the postoffice and ten ottaer buildings. Tlie chief portion of the business district of lln town was c n su in e il. Thk Third Avenue Railroad Company at New York had cowboys from tlie South and West to run its can on the iiüth uit. Thkkb boot and auoe factorial and a hotel at Natiek. Mass., were destioyed by fire the other moriiing, the loss reachiug $50,000. Tn e Advauce elevator at Kansas City, Mo., contaiuiug 55,00( bushels of grain, was destroyed by lire tlio othsr night Loss, $100,000. The saf in the prirate bank of O. S. Laugan, at Bluffton, O., was blown open by burglars on the 30th uit., and nearly fire thousand dollars in mouey and several thousand dollars in securities were stolen. Thk eigbt-hour agitation in Chicago had on the 30th uit. resulted in closing all the furniture and box factories and in the suspension of work at most of the irou and brass shops, throwing a total of 5.U00 men out of work. The floods in Arkansas were on the 30th uit causing great suffering amoug the people, raany being without food. Tuk business f allures occurring throughout the country during the seveu days ended on the 30th uit. numbered for the United States 189, and for Canada IS, or a total of 207, as compared with a total of 194 the previous seven days. The total failures from January 1 to date number 3.9S0, against 4,646, during the same time iu 18S5. A difficulty which aróse a few days ago in tbe office of the county clerk at Williamstown, Ky., resulted in the death of W. W. Wainscott and the fatal wouuding of Turner Holbrook and Clay Wilson. Louis Somerfiei.u and Richard J. Lee (colored) were executed at Washington, D. CL, on the 3Oth uit ; J. M. Armstrong was hanged at Perryville, Ark.; James Walker wu exeeuted at St. Augustine, Fla., and George Carroll paid the extreme penalty at Searcy, Ark. All had been convicted of murder. 8. W. Flosï & Co.' notions and whitegoods establishment at Baltimore was gutted by fire the otber night, and adjoining buildings were badly damaged. The total losses would aggregate $600,000. The grand jury at New York returned a presentment on the 30th uit condemning boycotting as a "cursed exotic," and urging the press, th bench, tlio bar and the Logislature "to aid in exterminating the hydra-headed monster." A loss of $750,000 was the result of a fire on the 30th uit. at San Francisco in the f urniture store of L. & E. Kmanuel and the publishing establishment of A. L. liancroft & Co. A spectator was killed by a falling wall. In summarizing the labor troubles on the 80th uit. Bradatreet's said that eight hours had been granted to 32,000 employés; that 75,000 persons had petitioned for eight hours, and that 100,000 men would strike - 80,000 for eight bours and 20,000 for nine hours. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tukkk was held at Toledo, O., on the 27th a reunión of the suryivors of the wreek of the steamboat Sultana, which occurred twenty-one years ago near Memphis, by which about one thousand ühio and Indiana soldiera lost their lives, after beiug released f rom Confedérate prisons. Tuk sixty-fourth anniversary of the birth of General Grant was celebratod at the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington on the evoning of the 27th, Chief Justice Waite presidiiiR. The special committe of seven of the House of Representatives tharged with the duty of investigating the labor strikes on the South western railroads loft Washington for St. Louis on the 'isth. Becketary Mannino was ble to take a long ride about Washington on the 28th. Rev. William C. Smitii, a popular minister of the M. E. Church, died on the 28tu at Frankfort, Ind , aged evanty-seven years. Johaxs Most, the anarchist leader, was indicted in New York on the 38th for making a speech in which ho urged anaithists to arm tbemselvos and UU capilaluts. Tin: RApnbliCan SI ata eonvontion of KancM wtil held at Topeka July 7. jiii cltj "f Montgomery, Ali . we beao tifnlly (l.'curiiii-.l OH the 28tb i n bonor oí Jefferson Di la, wjio d -m - 1 ¦ -- 1 an addrea to tho Tiist multitude in a:d ot the Confed erat loldlers' monumont abont to 1 erected. Tiie Oregon RepoHiClM met in Stati" conveiitíon at Portland un tbe KA and niiiniiuii''l TliDinas li. Cornelius for Qoi er ¦. Binger Bermann wu renominatod fur RepreSentatÍT in OongraH. Th reso hitions adopted ocradeOBi th Bconomy f ilenurnl Vilas, tbpough whlch Oregon bns bcen depriTed of th ordlnary mail facilities; doncraoce Éhfl slleged civilservico rrturni oftbspart; la powar as a sliam, and thu scorecy in withlioKlina; tho causes of removal of offlcen aa infamous, and condemn th appaintment of unrupentant ('onfoderates over the hoads of exUnion scildii-rs. The Republicana of the Sixth Imliana district on the 29th renomlnated Hou. Thomas Browne for ConRi Tiie Ohio Legislature on the 3!Mh passed a law creating thn oüice of State Dairyand Food Commissioimr, ithtlncp awlrtant, whose duties are to proWet lairvnicn trom bogus liutter-dealiTs and tho peoplo f rom all sorts of adulterated food. The twentioth encampmentof the Grand Army of the RepuMi Dtpartment of Ohio, was held at Cleveland on Ui" Colonel A. L. Conger, of Akron, was tslectod Department Commander. l. l'i:i -;ii:vr Autmiü's nomlition was on tfaa :'.'tli taid to bo ilightlj more favorable than for some time At Indiunnpolis on th29th United States Jndge Woo.l deelded that Indi.-uia townships were not liable for waiTanta fraudulently issued. The ainount tlms negotiated in the State by dishuiiost trustees was estimatedatfcVX),OO0. A Mi.i-.nNct of citizens at Almny, N. Y., m tbo 29th proteated against tlio uttermces of Jeffeison Davis at Montgomery, Vla., upM Inving the eorner-stone of tbo ' -riiic monument. The Ailuuiy gathuRMing ''Jubu Brown'a liody." of New S"ork on the 29th IÍ.-H-.1 tbo bilí niaklng Batnrdaya halfit 1 1 11 la ys. The Congreísional Labor Cominittee met ? 8t. Louis on ih :: th ult. and cousultud i'priv-rnl.-itives Of tbe thrcc partios to tho ¦ailway strike in order to form pinas for iction. M. E. BicrxET, edit'ir-iiwhief of tlic Ni-w )rteani ,dtedonthe ;;0th ult, iu lis sixty-iiist y jar. FOREIGN. Tiie American schoon r se i I s.t Badtkl . Cape Bwlon, fór inh' tel on "f tho lishciv laws. w.i-. ri-l - ( I on the üötb by Mdetof tbc Dominion GoTernmenfc cb tUíiuitoly decideJ 9 26tb to disarm. The combinad fio ' ui the Powen had departí d frótn ber -nn-rs and her claims a:;aiiit Tnrkey w iv to be BObmitted to arbilrutiou. TniL iteamer Honduras, owned by tbu Paciflo Mail Company, varcled nt $70,000, wik wreckod ;i (om 'lavs ago on the bar of Lenppa river, in San Salvador, with a cargo of coffoe. A pastoral manilmcnt waa relTed nt Montreal on tbsËCth (rom Cardinal Taschereuu rondemninp: the Knighti of Labor as a secrat organization iiiunual to Uio iuterests of religión aod k"1 moráis, ÁDTiCísof tbeS8th report the dentruo tiou of uve townsin Auntrla by lnceodlary fires, and tbo loss of ten lives. As atterai)t to burn Maudalay, Buitnah, was again made on the -"'ib. and tbe damBg6 was more extensivo tbau thatcaused by the recent fire. "a fiiu; on tb.' 29ttb at Beeaton, Bng-, 'istroyed Wilkiason'8 milla and many ;1joining buildings, the los being tTüO,000, 8TATI8TICS lion' (lint duiing tbo Iast three BMathi Í98 tttllei eompristng 8,4 persons, wan ' ic.ted troto holdings in [reland. Dumif; tbe same peiiodi"ü outruges were pommifted. LATER NEWS. THEeight-hov agitatlonwM Inaugvrated in various portions of the countiy on the lst. In Chicago all the rallwayl suspended freight traille, with ono exoeption; the larger iron and brasa worka were closed to await events; only one planingmill was in operation, and scvoral other industries were closed. In Milwaukee, St. Louis and Cincinnati a similar state of affairs existed, and in New York, Boston, Philadelpbia and other Eastern citiesmeetr ings were held by labor organizations and shorter hours of labor were demnndod. lt was estimated that in Chicago there were 65,000 persona on strike; In Milwaukee, 8,000, and in New York, 40,000. SaH Jones and Sara Small commenced a three weeks' revival in Baltimore, Md., on tbe 'Jd. The pnbllo-debt statement issued on the lst shows the total debt to be $1,484,057,847; cash in the treasury, $77,030,999; decrease during April. K),!r)G,887; decrease since Juno 30, 1885, 187,903. i The National 15ase-Ball League played gaines on the lst as follows: At New York - New Yorks, 7; Bostons. 4. At Kansas City - Chicagos, 17; Kansas L'itys. s. At Washington - Nationals, 9; Philadelphias, 2. At St. Louis- Uetroits, 9; St. Louis, 8. At twenty-slr Jrmüns olenring-houses in the United States tbo exehanges during the week ended on tbe lst aggregatod $771,!W7.70fi, against $7iir.77O,i:! tbc previous week. As comparecí witb tbe corresponding weok of 1SS5, the increaso amounts to 12.4 per cent. D. L. Moiiiiï commenced a revival campaign of eight days at the Casino Kink, iu Chicago, on the afternoou of the 2d. Tbe attendance was large. Crop reports on tho lst from over fifty counties in Nehraska and Western lowa sbowed tbat with but few exceptions tbe outlook for a prosporousseasonandbountoous returns was good. AKrcn vi'in of coal wns discuveredon the lst in Cbeyonne Couuty, in tho ïiorthwosteru part of Kansas. ADVKEsof tbe 2d from Toinbstone, A. T., say that the casualties in tbe last bloody raid by Apadii's ,-is lar as known included niiieteeu killod and sevrnil WOQXlded. V vast ainount of propérty was destroyed and a great numbor of animáis were c-uried off. ün the 2d United Btatea troont were diiving out of tlio Indian Terrftory large liords Of cattle l't'crntly traasfeiTOd tlKin from Texas. l nlted Btatea Senate was not In session on tho lst. in tbe Bonse Mr. Cox reported u liill amendatory f the Chinese immigration a-t. Also proriding Indsmnity toeertafn Chinese for losaes Bustaim 1 witbin the jmisdiction of the United Ktatcs. A bilí jirovidiug for the opi of twelve mHlion acres to settlenient in lüdian Territory was offered by Air. liill.


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