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¦ STORE No. 7 S. Main St. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES Fine Toilet Articles ELEGANT PERFUMES AND ODOR SETS A Speeliiltf Made of Physielan's Pregcriptions. Cali anti seo us. J. J. Goodyear. Vs. ¦ cepvtiTNii IHE - ilfcflP HKM IIFl I. BOOK. -AGÜrV It KlVMthpLMSUMC ; Jr ftr ritw ¦¦ tkruk, .jooo ¦Vnt: V?Tfi ilinVrent klnil. Als all Z, U'(T'.T "" " Itnirilrll' t Cf & 'V nd Fu. AUn '¦ ilii'HMI ciaiilliwcirk uf toe kn,.l ever pubXT ¦ ri-l-lklf bed. Se'" Flfteeu rllRl INU IVut In lamp lor Asi ¦ a sample copy, afso our ' m-- " s price to Agenta V - i-- ¦" wantcii tvirvwhtrt. Ad. MERICkN PUB. CO.. 17 Honk Tllth Ilrwl, fklUC, Pi. flIIRÊ- SINCERCÍ7 fTS H J P DAYS' TKIAL. H Barí J.W Allachmrntl. VwV&iSldr" wABBAvri:i) ugn JhMzKj (- Voars. Seud for Pi ' (7 I J Circular. MtfllfH r MOWE CO., gyW-Jiaa n. etb t., Pbui... Pa. MADAME MORAS CORSETS. a(]VHOT (OMIOIMUII.H AND jBfflL l'EKFHX PITTIXO. k Merchante sy the ffive txttr 4_t( Rtjjfc ¦ itfactlon than any curnet iMj tliey arar sold. Drcwnnftkera cffy Pr rwumnn-nd tliem forthelrflne Gr V TJ sh&pe. Caanot break over lr , Sr h'p. Axo miticularly liked by JP-' iLl Léuiietof fullflrura. The 'M'ON JBS TOlir and "AUtUCE" ;; ,1 . havothePATKXTTBIPLKBACK, Lrv" V Jk Which covera the opeo ipace 4SËp1i'ï75L"'?1WQL _ m t ul P1"trctstll?BJ!lnJfT XSiE&ÍÍws haatheppularREoï ÏSÏtjIWCr' VABi.a ftTEXXA. which , .. W i can b luaUntly taken B __É OOt, WITHul'T CL'TTINO O ¦L' _jaJÉj mt-riyii tirrxdln, ajk fur _r "í5! MAlíAMK MOKA'S t'OKvT" -v-y rm 8KTM. No otht'ra har the jM 'WlB Ce)L-bratel Frcnt-h i'urv4 JT , Vltv'TMfc Band. IU're of Jmltatlon M i HhIIr oíTer.-d to decelTe the puMw. A i sBïW ""r ' hy ftl1 l'"411" daalAf IÍTtSÍÜjJI Aliumfacturwd b Madamo Monv Contour. L. KRACB A CO.f Madame Mora's La Reine. Birminghwn, Conn. Madame Mora's Aldine. J. G. Flt""t'5k V Madame Mora's Comfort Hip. Tl Louanl 8t.N. T. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ton re allowed aree trial af IMrty day of the ij- of Dr. Dye' Cfelebrated Voltafo Belt witn Electric SuüpciMory AppUanoea, for the pcedy relief and permnent cure of i'movi DrMIity. los of VUalUv nd iíanÍKXxi, and all klndred trouble. Also for many other dlx-age. Complete rMtoration to Health, Vigor and Manhooil ijuarnnteed. No risk U Incurrert. IIluitrat-d pamphlet lneutet ;nvkive malled fre bj adilreiulniC __ V0LTA10 BELT CO., Marihall, Mich Mn. M. P. ScHBOCI, 73 W. Lko St.. Chicago, wu Mclicss from Rhenmatlsm. Hia pnjlcln feared amputation of the lt-c would M neoeauarr. Uu triud ATULOPHOHOS, and ia two dajs was cured. A professor in a medical college once said to hls clasa " pat your hand in a vico, turn the sorow uutil the pain 1b all you can bear, and that's rhcutnatism; turn the screw ouoe more. and that's neuralgia - and gentlemen, tho medical profeaslou knows no cure ior either." Tht was bef ore tho tui nounDfic whicQ doe8 "& wU1 ery of ATHLOPHUnUd qulckly cure both rheumatism and neuralgia, and many physicians ue lt reffularly- frankly admltting Uut they eau . prescrib nothlng clee ao effective. Many persons have trled so many o-caUed remedies, without beDeflt. that they haTesio faith to try more, but lt Is worta your while to try Ath" lophoro. If you haye any doubts aa to ita valuo write for name of partles in your own State who hare been cured by its uae. Aik yoor dragcKt for Athlophoro. If ron cannot rt it of him we will end it iprm paid on roceipt of rular prioe-I.OO per bottle. Wi .rolr that you bny it from jour druggut, but if be hasn't it do not be persuaded to trjr somethinc las, but order at oace from us as directd, ÍTHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WILL ST.. NEW YORK. , LAKE MAHOPAC, N. Y. MY DAUQHTER WAS VERY, BAD OFF ON ACCOUNT OF A COLD AND PAIN ON HER LUNQS. DR.' THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL CURED HER IN 24 HOURS.ONE'OFTHE BOYS WASCUREDOFA SOR E THROAT. THE MEDICINE HAS WORKED WONDERS IN OUR FAMILY. hALVAH PINCKNEY. T8SPECIALTIES.". )dR.THOM AS' ECLECtric oil for'coughs, colds,c roup, dipht h e r i a, sore jhr oat, catarrh; and bronchialtroubles qives immediate relief thie most violent at; jack o neuralgia wïlT'receive immediATë" and permanent revef" in fact, as a cure for neuralgia IT HAS NEVER FAILED.


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