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" I have tried Athlophoros in my family and it has worked liko a charm, I havo kept lt for the last two months," wrltes druggist L. J. Kimball, of Norwny, Mfott., giving his experience with the gruat rheumatlsm and nueralgia cure. A GREAT DISCOVEltY. Apparently HarmlCM Sj mptomt Prove tO be a Mine of 'r Danger. gome Sclentiflc Facts Whioh Aro the Conmiunlty. ThíTruoSource'of Heart Dlsoaso and ApoploxylMade Public. A TarriM Dancer Xlio Can fc flratllly ATolded. Taire la no (act now more certaln than tkat sndden daths are uut causud by heart disease, npoplexy or paralysts but by other lntirnaities of which detith ionly the tinal ctage. And physlciana aud scientkts all iigree that rneumntlsm lu soma osa of lts ninny forme ís thi cause whlch bas atood In the background so long and causea somuch mlsery. Anyninn, woman or ohlld troubled with tbe slihtcst muscular rheumatlsm ts lu danger and u danger trom which instant escape Is imperative. A man, well knnuii in thll cúinnjunlty, awoke oue mornin with a feellng óf pain In hlü mucles. He took a cold bath, Hiinkins the reactlon -vrould drive the puin Frota his ¦yitem. lt dld drive it írum his llmbs but went to his hemt, and before nlght he was dead. This U only one of manr limilar cases. They uil show the necesstty of drlving rheumatUm, which is lt blood dUease, out of the binad, Hiid for thi purpose no modern rïlscovery h;iever equaïled Hibbard'g Hheunjaiic Hyrup. Sir. C. Denlo, of Jackson, Mich., who was paralyied on one aide was corupletely cured by itg use, and believes he wouid hare been In his grave to-day if ho hal Dot fortuuatfly learncd of and taken this great Should anyoue who reads thss lmes be afficted even in a lu'ht degree by any rhoumatic trouble, wo would carnestly wam them aguiust a delay Wbich msy prove fatal.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News