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Short advortlsemenls not to ezceed three ilnea, of Lost ana Fouud, House for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc., lnserted three weeks for L5 rent. SltuaMons wanted, (ree. FOK SALE.- Two good Building Ixts- on E. Catharlne Street, lnquire of J. C. Howley. 90-3 FOR SALE. 3 GOOD HOU8ES AND LOTH. well looated on Main, División, and Madlson streets. Alo otber property at a bargaln. Enqulre of E. E. BEAL. FOR SALE.- New two story bouHe, ten rooms and batb room. wlth flrat clans turnace, etc. Alsoone vacant lot. Both located between Hlgb iichool aud Unlverslty. Prlce reasonable. L. D. Wilies, Aun Arbor. U5 tf WHO WANTS A FARMT Two farms wlth .r),(.00 fruit trees and excellent soll for general farmlug wlth 200 aerea lmproved, and 2U0 acres good wild land, In Ocenna ('ounty on East shore of Ijike Michigan; nnd two farms In N. W. Kansas, are orfered for sale In parcela to sult buyers, cheap for cash or exchange for real estáte In Aun Arbor or vlclnlty. Also45 acres good land oDe mlle mui th of City at low figures. Enqulre of J. Q,. A.Sesslons, Offlce over American Expros t urire, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 12M4-tf. A B ARGAIN. IOlt SALE- The handsome plece of lund Í" on South Rlde of WashteiiRW nvciiuc. .orner of Haldwln avenue. Oppslte Kev. H. l'ay'B. Enqulre of Hall Bros. tf fqrTsaIjeI A House and Lot on Thompson Street (No. 11), Good locatlon. Fine Neighborhood and a BARGAIN. See W. W. WHEDON, or J. E. BEAL. T OANINO-Money to loan on Orst-class JLj Real Entate Mortgage at Cnrreot rates of IntereHt. Satlsfactory arrangements raade wlth capItallsUi deslrlng such lnvestments. Every conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. KINO. Anu Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News