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SPECIAL BARGAINS. ANOTHER GREAT SURPRISE THIS TIME 100 Ladies' Frencli Robes at sensational Prices. Twelve yards Material and nine yards Embroidery. The line embraces the latest and choicest effects in White, Ecru and Zephyr. It surpasses in quantity, quality, and value any lot yet offered. Prices $1.50, worth $2.00. Prices 2.00, worth 3.00Prices 2.50, worth 4.00. Prices 3.75, worth 6.00. Prices 5.00, worth 8 00. 75 pieces Fine Dress Lawns at 5c. a yard, worth 8c. 25 Pieces Handsome Dress Sateens at 12éc a yard, worth 25c. The most elegant styles shown in this city. 50 Pieces New Dress Ginghams, choice styles, 10c a yard worth 12 Ac. 10 Pieces 45-inch "Wool lEtamines" at 50c. a yard, worth 75 cents. 15 Pieces "Batiste" at 12c. worth 18c. Very fine, lovely wash goods. New PatternsLadies' Gauze Vests, Long and Short Sleeves, a Bargain, 25c. worth 38c. Ladies' Balbrigan Vests at worth 75c. Children's Gauze Vests at 15c-, 20c. and 25c. Ladies' we will continue to give you unparallel Bargians in Hosiery and Gloves. Our 5-button Paris made Kid Gloves in Black, Tans and Browns, at 73c. a pair are worth $1.25. Our 4-button Embroidered Marlborough Hand-sewed Kid Gloves at $1.00 a pair, worth $1.50. We are selling a Ladies' regular made Balbriggan Hose at 18c. a pair, worth 25c. Great Bargains in Misses' and Children's Hose at 10c, 15c. and 25c. a pair. We are doing the Parasol business of the town this Spring and are offering Big Bargains at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Our Prices are going down with a Goods cheerfully shown. It will pay you trade at D. F. SCHAIRER'S. Try A. F. Hunusterfei's lot Creiun Soda Water. It's delicious. Xo. 28 . MaJn Street. Miss Emma Hoy, formerly of this city. Is to be married May 19th, ut Moutnouth, Illinois. Three Peculiarities Hood's Sarsaparllla, the great blood purlfler and regulatlng medicine, is characterized by three peculiarities, namely : I q J. B Tbc comblnation of the various Iwli remedial agents uscd. a i The proportlon In which the roots, éL m herbs, barks, etc, are mixed. ry i Tho process by whlch the active jQ medicinal propertles are secured. Tho result is amedicinc of unusual strength and curative power, which effects cures heretofore uneqnallcd. These peculiarities belong exclusively to Hood's Sarsaparilla, and are Unknown to Others Hood'9 Sarsaparilla is prepared with the greatest skill and care, by pharraacists of education and long experlence. Henee it is a medicine worthy of entire confldence. Il you snffer from scrofula, salt rheum, or any dlsease of the blood, dyspepsia, bilionsness, sick headache, or kldney and liver complaints, catarrh or rheumatism, do not fail to try Hood's Sarsaparilla "I recommend Ilood's Sarsaparilla to all my friemls a3 the best blood purifier on earth." Wm. Gaff, druggist, Hamilton, O. "Hood's Sarsaparllla has cured me of Bcrofuloiu humor, and done me worlds of good otherwise." C. A. Arnolp, Arnold, Mc. A book containing many additional statements of cures will be sent to all who deslrc. Hood's Sarsaparilla 8old by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Ma only by C. I. ITOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. HA iliB Sr MACKINAC. Th Moit D.iijrhtful SUMMER TOUR Plce itMmen. Low IUt.. our Trlpi per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC ad ïvery wk Dy Betwean DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrlt for our "Picturesque Macklnac," Illustrated. Oonuirm rnU Partienlan. Malled Tn. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. O. O. WHITCOMB, Gin P. A CITROIT. MICH. ' ïas . D. D. STORY, rue l'liotorni:)her, Agent for the Slnger Co., manufacturen ol Uie wt-11-knowii APOLLO BICYCLE. The best wheel in the marKct. NO. 6 E. HüRON ST., ASr ARüOR. Threshing Machineiy! I am still ngent for the H-KKALO PITTS, NICHOLS, SHEPAHDA CO'S, and UPTON ft CÜ'S 'breshlng Marhlnery, the Osborne & Co's eel Fíame Binder, thu Oenulne lttillard iay Tedder, the Kalartiaüoo Spring Tooth larrow, Orain Drills, 3rniid Tïotmir and Flyiik liutohrann Sulkey PIowr, the Tlgerand tlier kiixlM of Hulkey ilay Hakcs, Hay Lacks. All kinds of Kield and (tarden Peas, ny quantlty of Beel Seeds, from thp Lárice tfangle WurUel down to the Damnable, 31rly Dead Heat. Tliis Deml limit, nrmls 'lantlng at a point bryoiid any po8ülbl nance of Gcrmfnatlon. 296.2 m9 M. ROG-ERS. T


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