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e resuman bauquet next Friday night. Tlie U.T. A. has united with the U. P. C. The freslirnan class are now bonc-ing Horace. Several lady students are becomiug actve athletes. The junior Iav3 have completad Blacktone and Kent. W. B. Cliandler lit 'S2, of routine, was n the city Monday. The class tax of the seuiors is now rcelvable by the treasurer. Prof. Wincliell is delivering n course of eclureg at Terre Haute. Ind. The Alpha Xu will give a special pro"ram nest Saturday, and Saturday week. O. F. Hunt, lit. '81, of Detroit, carne up o the Beta Theta reception Monday evenng- The senior laws are haring private oral xaminatlons on much of the work of tliis rear. Prof. Albert Patten;ill i.s visiting l'regdent Ad.iins of Cornell at Ithaca, New York. Jack Hibbard who h;is been laid up wlth :i lame knee for the past week Is out galn. Graduales fniin Ihc Niles liijrli school will now bc admitted to the nniversity on p lorna. O. L. Matthews the pension agent has eceived his- x boy- wuiglit not givcn- int heavy. Great Sophomorc sclicme on foot to kidap the officers of the Freshman banquet ¦Vidiiy nii;ht. Every purchaser of a certain book will e given " 90c, in silver and a picture of resident Angle." Prof. Kirchner gives the boys a private seance, after which renewed studiousness n always the result. The dramatic club bas commenced rearsals for its third entertainment to be ;iven on the 28th inst. Ii. G. Oarpeuter, law '80, is in Toledo eporting in short-hand the meeting of ie Ohio state medical society. Mr8. II. S. Warner feil down the cellar tairs in their store yesterday, but f(jrtuately no bones were broken. Mrs. Harwood of División street, hag een called to the bedslde of her mother, who lives near Saline, and is verv UI. Prof. D'Ooge leaves next Tuesday to atend a meeting of the mamigiugcommittee of the American school at Athens. Theo. Chapín, formerly lit "85, but later f the department of state at Lansing, is n town visiting his mother and other reltives. The animal banquet orset-up, given by ie lecture board, occurred last Friday venlng at Hangsterfur's. It was a very njoyable aftair. Two junior medies have been suspended 'or one year for assisting in " putting up" classmate they had forined soiue pique gainst. The univer8ty dramatic club ))layed to well filled house at the opera house last i'rlday èvaOfog, and the acting is favoraly mentioned. Great preparations are making for the }om menee ment concert, by Prof. Cady, who gives rehearsuls at Detroit every Satrday therefor. Sheriff Walsh went up to Kalamazoo ast Thursday and Frldiiy, In attendance pon the state meeting of sheriffj, and reorts a good time. If anjr of the seniora desire to become tockholders in the Symphony concert ïey can do so by calling upon secretary Vade and signiiifr. L. G. Townsend has gone to Ithaca, N. '., to attend the annuiil convention of he Alplia Delta Phi fraternity, whiih meets with the Cornell chapter. Gen . O. B. Wilcox who is now stationed t Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., was the guest f his son of the freshman clans, the latter alf of last week, at the Slg. house. The Ötudeuts' Lecture Assoclation elects ffleers Saturday a. m. in Room A. The ssociatlon has cleared about $200 this ear. There are 108 voting member. The Ladies reading room conimittee reported in favor of using the gotnh dressng room a a reading room, and the committee is now making necessary arrangeïents. Prof. Olney has again resumed a poron of h8 duties In the university, and ays that next year he will be able to take lis oíd posilion back irain in tul t. It is o be hoped that he wlll be able to do thiB. At a meeting of the senior laws Tuesday was voted to authorize the executlve committee to make whatever assessment t raight deern necessary to meet the exenss of commeneement week to be orne by this class. Prof. Kirchner has announced his inention of examininir the junior lawh at he close of the year on the subjects of ills, notes and personal property. Every man must pass this exuni mil imi bcfore béng adinitted to the senior class next fall. The anoual tournament of the lawn tennis ussoclatiou wlll be held next Saturay, May 15th, on the grounds south of ie museum building. The gold medal Is ow worn by Mr. Wilson, who must win nl place agaiu this hear to becomu lts wner pennanently. The "Aims, methods and eftects of physcal training," will be discussed by the Lales' Athletic Association in. room 24, Satrday evening. The following have been tiosen as the acting committee of the asgociatinn for the coming year: Missej loiighton, A-liloy, Mtilllken, Miller aud Mrs. Rogers. A Tcry pleasant reception was ivrn Monday ermlng by j. e. Baal, at hii rcsídence on S. Fiftli street, to tlíe Gamma Phi Beta sorority aiul the Buta Theta P fraternity of the university. Articles of incorporaron of the " Michigan University Rugby Association," have been filed with the county clerk, the incorporators being G. W. Whyte, E D Campbell, T H. NcNell, J. Hegeler, H. O. Prettyinan, F. F. Bumpus, C. DA. WriKht, A. C. Kiskadden, J. McNa.ighton and J. E. Dufty. The object as stated in the articles, are " for fostering an interest in fo .t-ball and arranging and playlug games with other teams; and also for the purpose of general physinal culture; for maiutaining a temporary gymnasium, and aidlnx to secure a permanent unlversl ty gymnasium." The board oi directors are: T. II. McNeil, R. W. Btmth, II. G. Prettyman and C. W. Banks. SATURDAY'S BASK 1ÍALL QAME. About fifty stml;nts accompanied tlie bnll team to Detroit Saturday to see to it that the boys received sufflcient üpplause when "grand stand plays" were made. About two hundred attended the game and everybody was surprised to see so close and interesting a match. McDonald who took Ilibbard's place as pitclier j proved to be a constant surprise party1, j even to those who weie mout sanguine of I bis success in the box. He played in faultless stvle. The score was 7 to 3 in our favor at the end of the ninth Inning, Expenses were guaranteed the nine, and everybody came home well pleased with the trip and as proud as ever of the home nine.


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