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Chancery Sale. Inpursnance and by vlrtue of adecreeof the tflrcult Court for the county of Wanhtenaw In Clnuicery, Htate of Michigan, ruiidu andentered on the twenty-ninth dny of )ucember, A. D., 1885, In a oertaln calme llierxin pending, whereln Frank H. Ellls by Stephen il. Ellts, liis gURrdlan and next frlend la complaluant. and Lester S. Pryer and Sarah M. IJryer are defendanls. Notlce i hereby glven ihat I slmll sell ut public auctlon ur vendue to the hlghent bidder at the south frunt door of court house, In the city of Aon Ar!or In sald county and Htate, on the tlilrtleth day of June, A. 1). 1X8(1, at 10 o'clock In theforenoon of said day, the eciunl undlvlded one-hall lnlerem of Lester 8. Pryer, lu all that cmialn piece or parcel of land situated In the townahlp ol Ann Arlmr, county of WaHhtenaw uud of Michigan, known and described as follows: The .-:i-i half of the southwest quarter of sectlon three. and the weHt halt I the Houtlienst quarler of sectlou three. townshlp uumber two noutli of range slx east Dated, May 10, 1888. PATRICK McKEIfNAN, Circuit Court Commliisloner of Washlenaw Ooonty, MU'lilKim. Sawykk & Knowlton, Sollctors for ComplamanU. Kus in TFI FfPA PM VLornher#l"11"Lra ¦ rumltbed. Wrlte Yalentlt Uru., JuieiTlU, Wl,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News