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Thk Senate on thu 4tli passed the l'ost olBoe Appropriatlon 1I1I, wlth au umondinent giving $HÜU,00ü for transportation of forelirn mails ty American Hteamships In tbc Houw the Weaver-Caiiiubell eleotloa content dom tiie Slxth lowa district was dcoided in favor of Weaver, the sittlnir membor. Thk Iuter-SUitu Commerce Wil wa furthor considerad In Ue Suuate on the ttU. lo exeoutive sosslon ths calendar wa cleared of nominatlona, the only contlriiiation mado public belng that of Z. M. Zullck. to le Governor of Arizoua In the House an advxrse report was made on the Scnate blll providmir for a eoramlaslon on the subject of li(iior ti iiilu'. and Mr. Dockory reported a bil! to eitend the poat-ofllco f re deltvery. Is the Senate on the Cth the Interstate Comnieroo bill was further eonaldered, and a bilí was reported farorablr tnakinir olghlliciim a dajr's work for letter-carriers.. In the House the Blver and Harbor blll lapproprlaUiiK about $l&,ÜU0.UUOi wa passud by a vote of Ml to 1112. A Joint resolutlon contcmplatinir a constltutionul atiieiuliiH'tit provldinirfor female snlTnlifc wat reponed ndvcrsely. The bltl to créate a ueparluiuut of auricuiturc and iabor was Ji'iuil. Mit. Looas Introduccd a bill In tbe Seríate on the Tth embodylng Importlint ainendinenU to the Mczican Tensión bill - In tbe House private blll wrrodiscusiHNl, "'I al the i'venIjttr sesaion fUty-tivc pension imis wrr pajitát OOMESTIC. Some uuknown vigilantes at Flashjng, L. I., ducked iu the village fouutain on Uut 4th a murried muil, nniued Neil liowurd, for remaiuiug away (rom boute late at mgbt. A cOMi'Axr of colorad eavalry had an engagement witli the Apaches in the mount¦jüu of Arizona a few days ago. Tbe troops were uuable to divlodge the hostiles, and retirad witli the loss of one man. Three Indiaus were killed. A DYNAMiTK bonib was thrown on the eviMiinp; of the 4th into the ranks of three hundred Chicago policemen who had formed to suppresa a Socialistic gatheriug iu the old Market square, on the W est side. One was iiistuntly killed and forty-six wounded, seven of them fatully. The ]olioe returned a broadside fire, killing three Socialista and wounding a largo number. Smaller riots ocrurred iu other portions of the city. Tuk i'oinmissiouers on the 4th decided to lócate the lowa Soldiurs' Uome at Marshalltown. In order to asist in the maintenance of quarantine against the introduction of in fectluus diseases the President determined on the 4th to establish by means of Tessels of the revenue marine a National patrol of the coast of the United States. Tuk fourthousand employés of the Pullman Car Company, near Chicago, struck on the 4th for the eight-hour rule. Thk Miinnoiis were uu tlie 4th tking alarm at the vigorous prosecutioas of offenders against the law iu lduho and had grown lem deliaut. A sotTH-iiouxn frelght-traln on the Alton railway was wre"kel on tbe 4th just uorth of Dclavan, 111., and four tramps who wero stonliir a ri'le wore killod. Tuk luiuln-r-dealerH of Chicago on the 4tb refusutl the doiimnd of the men eiuiloyed in tiieir ynnls for an advance of twoiity-tlvo ]er cent. iu their pay. Thk mployoii of the Michigan Car-shops íit Detroit Mtruck on tho -itii for shorter hours and increased pay. The scholars in the Sheridan public school at Chicago struck on tb 4th for shorter liours, and their licinnnd bolng refused they broke the windows in the building and tore dowu the feúco. It required a pólice forcé to quell tho distarbuuCü. It was estiiimtod on the 5th that twenty thousund workuien woro idle in Ciucinnati, and ouly one railroad was able to baiulle freifjlit. A UERIOIM colusión between the militia and tb mol occurred on the 5th at Hay View, i subarb of Milwaukee. Several persons wen killed or wounded by the soMiers. KlOlir ni'Miiti:i employés of tim Penln sular Car Shops at Detroit struck on the 5th. At the Chicago Stock-yards the labor troubles had the effect to advance beeves twenty-five ceat per hundred oa the 5th, by i H-on of cousigamduts beiug held back. Jamks B. McConneli.. confldential bookkeeper for Boyd & Uerrick, of New ürleaus, wus arrestwl on the 5th for embeKzling about $.Vl (KX). Fot'u men were killed and seven injured by the fnll of tho walls of Urackett's building at Miuneapolis on the 5th. Hki'okts ou the "ih trom life-aaviug stations on the lakes were to the effect that the water was generally rising, and in some cases stations had boen subnierged or partially washod away. Thk (iovernor of Illinois on the 5th ordered the withdrawal of five militia companies from East St Louis. Thb Sacretary of the Missouri Board of Agricultura reportd on the 5th that the outlook for stock and crops in the State at the present time had seldom been surpassed. Thk coroner's inquest at Chicago on the 5th on the body of Policeman Degan, killed iu the riot the prerious erening, resulted in holding August and Chris Spins, Micbael Schwab and Samuel Fielden for murdor. The office of the Arbtiier-Zeitung wa closed by the polioe, the type of an incendiary proclamation coufiscated and twenty -flve printers connected with the concern were coiiiniitled for minder. Tbe guns in two Socialist armories wero taken to pólice headquarters. There were sixtyfour pationts at the county hospital suif ermg from woundg received during the riot. The most serious disturbance of the day was the wrecking of a drug-store and aloon by a mul) of Bohemlans. Near the Desplaines st niet station Omcer Hadden was fatal ly shotby John IiofTskinki, ahd he retaliated by killing bis assailant. Oveu twenty-fire thousnnd dollars was donated in Chicago on the !th to tbe families of the dead and wounded policeman who were victims of the riot on the previous evening. The mayor issued a proclamation wam ing the people not to gather in crowds or proceMilons on the streets, and also closed the Casino Hink, at which Mr. Moody was holding revival services. Thb brakemen's strike on the Missouri Pacific road had on the 5th tied up all freight trains between North Platte and Hawlius. Sevkntkrn more boycotters were ar rested in New York on the 5A and held for trial. Several persons were prostrated by the heat in New York City on the 5th, one man dying from sun-stroke. JO8EPH H. Farr, editor of the Hempitead (Tex.) Courier, was shot and ly killed during a quarrel uu the 5th by J }. Cloud, a justice of üiu peace. At Sandusky, O., un tb 5th a carpeate uamttd Uottlieb Fauth broke uto tbe house of his divorced wlfe and cut her to piece wlth an axe and tben killed himself. The Pólice Commission of St. Louis on tha 5th deprived the mayor of the contro of the chief of pólice, placing it in tha bands oí tha vice-president of the Pólice Board. Joskpii stabbed and killed Mrs. Mary J. Lewis ia Brooklyn, N. Y., on the 5ta and then cut his own throat fatally. He was insane. Tue largest oil-producing well near Washington, Pa., was sat ou öre by lightning on the 6th, and threw up a fíame two hundred feet high, lightiug the country for miles arouud. Tbe loos would be over 100,000. Two mors pólice ofScersof Chicago, John Barrett and Qeorge Mueller, dled on the (th from wounds received in the Socialistic riot, and fire others were in a critical condition. The pólice raided four or flre Socialistic headquarters in different parta of the city and seized a considerable quantity of arma, ammunition and incendiary documente, and arrestad (Justare Stange, who was thought to hare thrown the bomb. Tha labor si tuation appeared sorna what improved, and the sentiment among the working-inen was generaMy a peaceful one. Tuk whisky dealers and saloon-keepers of Indiana met in Indianapolls on the öth and formed a State organization "for defcnso against Prohlbitionists and thosa favoring high license." A ctclonb swept through McHenry Countv, 111., on the 6th, killing three men and Heriously injuring severul other persona. The destruction to property was great. Tbkkipic Btorms on the tith did immense damage tocrops in portions of Kansas and Missouri. Advices of the 6th eay that over three thousand bead of cattle had pcrished in the Pecos (Tex.) ralley owing to the drought. Mks. Jacobs and her youug cbild were drowned iu a water-spout ou the Cth near Eraporia, Kan. Majok W. P. Grees, one of the leading planters of Louisíana, was murderad by a laborer on tbe öth on the Creedmoor plantation, aftor an interchange of blows and shots. Tha citizens of the parish took the negro from the and hangad him to a tree. Cleveland (O.) pólice circles were excited on the Oth when it was diseovered during the night that tbe city had been flooded with a circular, printed in Engiish and (ierman, calling all workmen to arms to rerenge the killing of soma of their um ber in Chicago. The butcber8Of Baltimore to the number of eight hundred had a parade and meeting a few days ago to protest against the use of beef slaughtered in Chicago. General Masteic Workman Powdkri.ï denounces the doings of the Anarchiste in Chicago, and says they are deserring ol the severest punisument. He statest bat il any Knigbts of Labor have taken part iu tbe murderous work they should b promptly expelled from the order. The labor troubles in New York still continued on the Oth, with no signs of ¦ Bpeedy settlemeut. Two persons died at Milwaukee on tho fith of wounds received in the previous day's rioting, and three others were believed to be beyond recovery. Two Anarchiste were arrested. Tuk revival meetings in Chicago were discontinuad on the 6th on account of the labor troubles. Mr. Moody will return October 1. Oxg TH0U8AXD minera along the Panhandle road, in Pennsylvania, and four bundred of Kend's men struck on the tith for an ad vanee. Tbe citizens of Logansport, Ind., on the tith organized a law-aud order league componed of tbe most prominent lawyers, phy sicians, baukers, merchants and judges. Lew York, an outspoken Socialist, was given two hours in which to leave town, and he left for good. Advices of the Gth say that the old employés on the Gould lines were being taken back, with the exception of those who de8troyed property and ereatod riots. Mit.i. John Duük, aged eighty years, was burned to death on the 7th at Edina, Mo., her clothes catching fire from the store while she was preparing supper. The flgure of a policeman in full uniform was fouud hanging to a telegraph pole on the corner of Paulina and Eighteentb streete, Chicago, on the 7th. The fund for the relief of the families of the killed and wounded policemen bad reached over 130,000. Dispatchbs state that vast damage was done througbout Boutheru Missouri and Kansas by the recent hail-storms and rain. The loss in the vicinity of Springfleld, Mo., was estimated at $100,000. Thirteem houses at Henning, Teun., were destroyed by an incendiary üre on the 7th. Charles P. Woernír, a St. Paul (Minn.) druggist, and a domestic in his emplor killed themselres on the 7th with poison. The crime was saidto be therosult of illicit love. Si-üojal telograms to Bradstreet'a on the 7th indicated that the general trade situation throughout the country was rery uufavorable, owing, in a larga degree, to the numorous strikes and tbe determination of manufacturers not to yield. The Southern Baptist conrention met at Montgomery, Ala., on the 7th, and the flftb general conference of the colored M. E. Church assembled at Augusta, Ua. Ths Chicago pólice captured severa! more Anarchists on the 7tb. There was no material chango in the labor situation, and but few disorderly acta were reported. An immense mass-meeting was beid in New York on the 7th to expres approval of Gladstone's Irish home-rulo measure. Governor Hill presided. The brakemen's strike all along tbe line of tbe Union Pacific road came to an end on the 7th. Notices warning all negroos to leave town or be roughly dealt with were posted at Brownwood, Tex., on tho 7th. Business men condemned the action. 4 ANOTHKKdeatb, resultiug from the rioting at Bay View, was reported on the 7th at Milwaukee. This made fivo persons killed by the troops, who have been exoneratod by the coroner's jury. Advices of the 7tb say the labor troublee had paralyzed business at Pitteburgh. Orders were being countermanded, contracts broken, and manufacturera refused to buy atock. Tuk business failures occuring throughout the country during the aeven days ended on the 7th numbered for the United States Vu and for Canada 25, or a total of 193, as compared with a total of 207 the previous saven days. Dl ring April the flre losse aggregatad in the United States S,000,000- $500,000 mora tlian Uu average loases for tba month in eleven years. As a matter of precmution, the milltia or dered to Cinclnnati went into camp on tba Ttb a few miles oaUide of that city. Advices racaivad on the 7th show tba in the principal cities throughout the coun try 325,000 persons joined in the recent demand for an eight-hour day, that the en ployers yielded to 150,000 and 175,01 itruck, and tliat 35,000 of the latter accom piished their purpose. A negro named Chambers was 1 ynchod on the 7th at Cantón, Miga., for erimmaily asaaulting a fourtaen-year-old girl. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tin Uregon Demócrata met in State con Tention at Portland on the 4tb and nomi nated Sylvester Pennoyer, of Portland, for Gorarnor, and N. L. Rutger, of Polk County, for ('ongressinan. Hbnht N. Maktix and Judge Flagg hare baan nominated for Congressmen by two opposing Republican factioas in the Sec oud Louisiana district. PadlObautkaü editor of the Labor Review, and a companion named (Justa ve Roussler, were arrestad at Milwaukuu ou the 5th for niaking incendiary speeches. Tin Kepublican State conventiou of Ohio will be held at Columbus August 25. Ou account of the Cincinnati contest th Democratie members of the Ohio Beuat on the 5tb refused to tako their wats. At Cincinnati on the 5th ex-Presiden Hayes was elected Commandor Uoneral o the Ohio Comniandery of the Loyal Legión. H V'n k 1'rkhiükst David Davis, o Bloomington, 111., was on the 6th considered hopelessly ill. LlEUTEXANT H. J. HüNT, Jb., U. S. N. who was connectod with the Jeaanette and Oreely arctic ezpeditions, died on the 6th at Washington. Tur Iowa Oreenback State convention which met at Cedar Rapids on the 6th nominated J. O. Sanies, of Dallas, for Secretary of State ; L. F. Klls worth, of Malinska, for Treasurer; J. V. Myers, of Linn for Auditor, and J. W. Brown, of Cass, for General. The platform denounces fusión with Democracy as treachery to principie, demands unlimitec coinage of silver, and arraigns both ole partios for faithlessnesg to trusts. Tim schooner David J. Adams, of Olou oester, Mass., was seized on the 7th in Digby basin, N. S., by Commander Scott, of tbe Britisb stuamcr Lansdowne, for buy ing bait in British waters. FOREIGN. Mk. (ïi.AiisToXK issued a manifestó on th 3d to his Midlothian constituent, asking support for his Irish Home-Kule bilí. He stated the oppositlon was composed of the professions, society and titled personages who stood in the way of advanced ideas. The King of Sboa, in consequence of th threats of tbe Abyssiuian Government, bas expelled all the Catholio misionarios from his territory. Tuk cholera still prevailed at Brindis! Italy, on the 3d, and a few deaths bad also occurred in Veniee. Quiin Victoria formally opened th Colonial fixhibition at London on the 4ta. Tus British commander at Mandalay, Burmah, on the 5th asked for reiuforcements, the insurgents haviug burned four tbousand bou sos. Casss of cholera were roperted on the 6th at Venice and Vicenza, Italy. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prlnce Edward Island desire to witbdraw from tha Canadian Federation. Thk weather was very cold in Hungary on the Ttb and the railways were blockaded by snow. Durino the twenty-four hours endod on the 7th twelve new cases of cholera and four deaths were reportad at Venios, flve cases and two deaths at Vicenza, and sixteen cases and six deaths at Barí. Greece on tbe 7th announced its intention to defend its territory against all advances by foreign soldiere. LATER NEWS. Aix the streot-car conductors and drivers In Torunto struck on the Sth because of tbe refusal of the compauy to employ Knights of Labor. Gkkkik was notifled on the 8th that its ports would be blockaded by the squadrons of flve Powers. Thï freighthandlers' strike in Chicago was ended on the sth, and the men would immediately apply for re-employment. At Inwood, Ind., while attempting to drive across the Fort Wayne track on the 9th John Wymer, his wife and two daughters wore initantly killed by an engine. A con'flaoratiox on the 9tb at Huil, Quebec, extunding over ten acres of grouud, destroyed buildings valued at $350,000, including the post-otlice. Foür men were killed in 8t. Louis on the 8th by a gasoline explosión. Gknikal Miles declared on the 9th that a vijjorous campaign would be carried on against the ApacSes until every hostile had been killed. Geohue Youno, the negro wife murderer, was hanged on the 8th at Galveston, Tex. Tubes boys were drowned noar Philadelphla on the 'Jtli by the upsetting of a rowboat. The piano-makers and sugar-reflners in New York City decided on the üth to end their strike and return to work at the old prices and old hours. In Chicago on the Oth the eight-bour movement seemed to have lost its momentum, and a reactiou iu favorof theemployers had apparently begun. Another policeman diod in Chicago on the 9th, making tha fifth to die from wounds received in the recent Socialistic riots, and sevaral others were in a critical condition. Advices of the 8th say that hundreds of persons were dying of starvation on the Cape do Verde Islands. Disi-atchbs of the Sth give accounts of a fire in Honolula, April 18, which burned over sixty acres, rendering eight thousand persons bomeless, and causing a loss of $1,500,000. The Republican members of the Obio Senate on the 8th, by a viva voce vote, declared vacant the suata of the absent Cincinnati Democrats, and seated the four Republican claimanto from Hamilton County. Fravk Benoit's farm-house near Jackon, Minn., was burned a few days ago, and his three young children porished in the flamea. Thï United States Senate was not in essiou on the 8th. In the Houso the Military Academy Appropriation bilí and a bilí authoriziug the Kansas City and Gulf road tolay its tracks through Indian Territory wero passed. Tbe Army Appropriation bill was further considerad and two pension bilis were returned by the President with his veto.


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