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"liberty Enlightening The World."

"liberty Enlightening The World." image
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We learn trom the American Committeo of the Statne of Liberty tuut the Granite Pedestal is nearly completed, and tlie work of erecting Barttaoldi'a statne will soon commeiice, and for this purposea considerable amountoflnontiy isstill requlred. The New York World Fund of $100,000 completes tin: Pedestal, butltis estiinateil tint $40,000 ia yei ueeded to pay tor the iron f'asteniiiL's aml the i of the Btatue, nd tor this they relyspon the subscriptions for the miiiiaturc Statuettes, whictt are beiii recley d from all sections of the country, the Commlttce promptív fllllng all orden. The No. 1, or One Jiollar Stutiictte haa foiuul a place in thoiis iiuls of liome?; the 'So. 2, or Five Dollarsize la fust gainlng in popularlty,and jntly too. for It is g work of ait and Wl-11 worth the money. To supply a (Iemand for something .still tiner, the Commlttee have just eoinpletccl a No. 3 Statnttte, linely chased by hand, añil by a patent procesa heavily plalcd with silver whieh will not tarnish or ilicolor, inounUid upon a licautilul plnalt base, and timushed to subscribtjrs at Ten Dolían cacti. These souvenirs are now belng delivered to all parts oL the United States on receipt of 6tibcri))tion ))rice. All ïTtnittances should be addre8ed t.i Richard lint Ier, öecretary. :'¦! Mi Street, Xew York.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News