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Memorial Services

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Decoration day and memorial service will be held this year on Monday, May 3l8t. That day being the legal holidny when thu 3(Hh occurs upo Sunday. A special divine service will be held :it the Congregational cliurch Sunday, the 3Oth, at 10} a. ni. to which the G. A. R. post and Co. A. have been invtd. Service íor tho 31 st will lj huid both forenoon and afternoon. 'l'he llowers for decoratinjí tlie graves shouhl all be sent to the basement of tho court lloue by 8 o'clock In the tnorntof. I'etails of squ.ids for decóráttng will lcave the court house at 'J a. in. The post in a body will leave at lo a. ni. and proeead to Forest HUÍ cerner tery for special ceinetery services. The procession will i'orin around court house square at 2 p. in. and ander the dircction of the marshal, II. Soule, wlll prooeed to university hall, whcre regular memorial Services will be held it ',i p. m., consisting of devotioiial exercises, poem, oration and short speeches, interspersed wlth voca] Mld instrumental ínusic. Secretary J. II. Wade assisted by Louis Taylor and commlttee of ludies have kindly coiisenteil to attend to decoratiiifr the huil. A eordwl invitation to bo present II extended !¦ the mayor and commotí coqncll of the oity, the faculties and the stn.le:it.s of tlie universitv, the schoo! boanl, teacliei-.s and pupila uf tlie public schools, all military and civic argunizntlont of the city and tbe public generally of Ann Arbor and vicinity. Old loldien aie invited to fall in with the pdrt. Instructions to sub couimittecs and all matters DOt OtberwiM proviiled lor will be vcferred to tbe executive -ommlttee conaiiting of K. Campbell, C. E. Greene, W. H. Jackaon, V. II. Manly, II. iS. Deun and Conrad Noll.