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RINSEY & SEABOLT'S iíÉJIll AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep rmwtantly on hind, I!REA1, CKACKEKS, CAKKS, ETC., For Wholesale and Retnll Tr.ulc. We hall alno keep a gupply ut' SWIFT & PEUBEL'S 15EST White Wheat Flour! 1X1 hl Flour, Kjc l'lour, Kik Uw liciil Flour, Corn ftlcul, Fcel, EU-., At Wliolesale and Retail. A general lock of GROCERIES and PROVISIUNS Constan tiy on hand, which wil] bfl o]d on as NMOnablC termi au at any otlier bOflM t the city. Cash paid for BUTTEK, EiJS and COÜNTKÏ PRODUCE tfcnurally. Goodn dWiven-d to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SKABOLT. A. DcFOREST, Fire Insurance, Flate GHass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Lowest Ratos, Honorable Adjiislnionts and Lusses Promptly PaM. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Specfai, attkntion oivknto OoiXKOTIon ok Kknts and M anak.mknt of Real sTATK (NTBKKST8 KOK NoN-liliSIIIKNTS. K.TIRK SATlSI'ACriilN To OWMÍHS Ul'AKANll.kll. A. DeFORK8T. Sfu SuCt. of the LomsriU and Joffersonrillo Ferry Co., Mr. J. O. DOKXKX, who lires on Wall Bt., JaOoorilla, Ind., suflered nevuntlj (rom Keurnlinn m tint Uam, and was yuickly cured by ATHLOPUoliOB. Many ladien snffer from beadaches whlch are of ncuraJific origiii. In Buch cases Athlophoroa 1h lnvaliuble, as itwlll quickly remove Uie rause. rhousands are enduriucr untold atfony fnmi UJuralgiB who might flud inBtaut relief by odng flTHI nPllflPOQ T'18 I"""t delicate nted MinLurnunuo i...t u-m to uo t. „, lt In absolutely safe and it never faüs to drivo ni'urabria away. Keuralina aud rluuiiiatiam are tui diaoanea. Athlophoroa ma both. Hum. drods of iieople have tried itaiid aam warmly recommend it. 8end for llames f parties in your own State who have been cured by it if jou havo any doubt aato ita merit Ask yeur drugirUtfor Athlophoro. If you cannotifet itofhim wewUlmid Itsxpna paid on reeeipt of nvulnr priop- SI. 00 h-t botUti We praferthat jroo ly it from yourdniirfriBt, bot if hc hasn't it do not be iwrsuaded U try oinuthiiiK fino, but order at once from us as directed THLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORX. ANN ARBOR HALL PUIT FARM ! Slrawberries, Gootcberrie% Bftspberries, Currmnt and Orapea, rory cbeap. KcnuMiibcr tiust! planta are itrong m cümati'il. Rupberr; Syinp, $2.00 por gal. Raspberry Bhrub, 8.50 per ,r:il. Qeualne rine froaa $1.00 to $1.35 per ir;t 1 . Impraved PlymouUi Rockt ur tttlng, $i.oa Kxtra Choice 1'lynnniili Rockspersltüng, $2.oo. Agenta of EUwanger it I5:irry, of Rocheater, New York, for all kiiuls of Nur-cry Itock. E. BAUR.W. HuronSt. U8IMÍ INSURANCE HEAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGEN0Y OF A.W. HAMILTON Ofllce, No. 2, First Floor, llamllton Hlock. Parties desiring to huy or sell Ilefil Kstate will llnd lt to thelr advantage to cali oii me. I repres.itn. IS Ünt-Olaaa Pire Insurance Comlaiilcs, hnviim :ui avgingttta eupltal over 30,010,000. liatrs l,ow. Umi liberal 17 mljuated and prompt ly paid. I also lKsue Life and invi-stinent PollcIeB In tbejew York Mutiinl Ufe Insurance Coinpany, Assetts, 105,000. PenODI ileslrinj Accident Insurance, can have yt-arly polloica writtcn for llicin i,r Travclcr's Coupon I anee Tlekets lsmad at Low in the AooiJent InmiranceCornpany of rfórth Am.Mlea Moncv tíi Loan al Corren t Ratas, Offioe boon Trorn Sa. in. to II ni. and 9 toS p. in. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Harallton Iïlock. ïïipeshing Maohineiy ! I am still agent for 1. 1 1 . ¦ IUPPALO 1-ITTS, NicnoLS, SHKI'AIID A CO'S, and UITON 4 CO'S t nirMblng Machlnery, the OaborAe k ('o's I iteel Kiaine Blodsc, the Oenalne Kullard luy Tedder. the Kalamasoo Boring Tootb ¦¦ lurrow, Uraln Drllla. Grand lii-tonr and FlyDg Ootchman Suiker Plowt, the Tlger and ;., itlier of Sulkey llay Rakel, Hay j,, liicks. All kinds of Field itnd (ardeu Peas. I, Lny uuantlty of Beet Keeils, rrom tbe Large .- Jungle Wnrtsel down to the Damiiahlf ?.. )lrty Dea.l Beat. Thls Daad Beat, needs Ti 'laniliiK at a polnt beyond any posslble liaiico of Ueruilnatlou. _ Hw-im. M. ROG-ERS. Si


Ann Arbor Courier
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