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A $1,000 Uwellinj; house is beinft erectéd on Twelftb street by 15. Mount. Strawberriea u f8 cts. per quartis very reasonabta, ami ibe short cake s now the cake of the ilay. II. Baodat] took a job of decor:itinL and house furolahlng for iurties i Huff ulo, N. Y., last week. Tlicre werc 03 candidatos confirmed at St. 'l'homas' church last Bunday, Hishop Borgess administering the sacrament. When the returns were all in the net proceeds of the recent Home Missionary festival and fair at the M. E. chunh footed up to $128. The street coinmittec do not appear to l)e satislied with some of the soft fillin( nd deep ruts left in the streets where service pipe has been laid. Business is boominjr at the Keek Furniture Co's works. The hours of labor llave been increascd from 9 to 10 hours per duy because of increascd orders. Dr. K:uns;iy'í subject at the M. E. church next Babbath mornlng, wil! lx; '¦ Supcr'uirity of Hilili; Civilization ; " and in the erentog the (trarth lenmon on " Historie Evidencia." The Iioard of Review of Ann Arbor town are in session at the office of Town (Jlerk Davis, In the court house basement. lts meetings are held tliere for the convenience of the people of the township. The Register assumes to discover a "gratuitous insult'' in the CouRiEit for one or two of our brothers of the county press. In bis zeal to strike our friend forgets himself. If any insults have been Offered, it is jusc possible our brothers are sutliciontly intelligent fojiu!j;e for themselves, without a prompter at the count3' seat. A inovement is said to be ou foot amnng the workingraen of Ann Arbor, to strike for elcht, hours a dav.- Dexler Leader. It is a little strare how sucli rumors get afloat. A thoroiifrli canvas of the workingmen of tlus city reveáis no such moveinent. On the contrary AirW Arbor workiuginen all appeai to be well satislied with hoiirs of labor and compensation, botli. The débale between representatives of the Chelsea and Ann Arbor post, Q. A. It., which should have occurred last Friday night at Dexter, didn't come off be cause of the wenther. It rained so that some of the rank and file were afraid that lloney oreek might be swollen to such an extent that supplies would'be cut ofl' and so ooneluded that the Munly course was to watt for better weather. Chas. G. Schuh, Germán evangelist for the M. E. churcli, Greenyille, Ohio, lias been in the city since Fiiday last, leavins; to-day, endeavoring to aronse some enthusiasm and life In the Germán M. E. society, and eucceeded admirably. It Is gcnerally regretted thatlie could nothave rcmained longer. He is also author of a in-man book entitled: "Die Nacht des güitibigen Gebetos," tbe sales of which assist him in nis good work. ArangecMntS are making at Coldwater to entertain tha Michigan editors aud their families [O iiruat style at the coming meeting of the Michigan Piess Association. Among the thing.s propoMfl is a free excursión to Miagara Falls over tbe Laka Shore ro.ïd. and a return trip over the Michigan Central, to occupy two niglits and one day, the lattcr to be speut at tbe Falla. Tlieliterary program will include twelve papers on intcresting topics. Eugene E. Beal, of this office, received Natunlay a numb'er of views taken of Baak Raplds, Minuesota, just after the cyclone of last inonth bad devasted the town. It made 11 sorry looking place of the villaje, the cyclone tearing into kindling wood evcry building in its patb. All that remains of a fine, large flouring mili on the Mississippi river at that place that cost f40,000, one would hardly desire to take as a gift. U-g-h ! it mikes one's head whlrl just to look at the pictures. On Tuesd.ay, May lltli, Wm. Mallory died at his homo in Tnrnnto, Ont., and was buried with masonic honors, the Knighu Templar bavinj char;e of the funeral services. Mr. Mallory was nboiit the lirst real, live architect Ann Arbor ever had, being a inember of tbe lirm of Winus, Donglasi & Mallory for a number of years. Be ]lanned and superintended the construction of the M. E. church, tbe lst National Bank block, and various othT of Ann Arbors substantial structurcs. In justice to City Treasurer Watts, it is but fair to state that the coiinnittee appointdl i.) examine his booksfound every tliinx correct to a cent. One or two care% less Itami baring JfOt into print respecting the "interest" ([tiestion, added to Mr. Ws own financial dilliculties, bavegiven a d1ffi-rent coloring to the situation. The city funda havn been all accounted for to tbe last iiiik'.e, and the accounts found correct. The interest question is the oue that is beinsr debated, which does not effect bis ftCOMMtl in any way. The question at s'.ake now is whetber the city hai a right to collect interest of tbe bank on au liiiHls- state, county, school and city- t'iat come into tbe hands of the CltJ treasurer, or whether the city funds alone shall draw interest. Town Clerk Davis will receive wood chuek scalps ncxt week Saturday at Oc e ach. Pension Agt. Matthews lias just suc cedod in getting two charge of detortion removed f rom the records at Washington At the Unitarian cliurch next Sundaj evening Rev. James Bixby will give a special lecture on the subject : " Wliat do Unitarians believe." J. T. Jacobs has starled men at work on liis handsonie lots on Motuoe ÜL, cor ner of Thompson, and is about erectinj? a line dweiling house thereou. Oeo. Olp, of Ypsilanti, having bough out Baxter'g livery business beie, wil remove lus family soon to this city. He has added a telephone to hls livery buni Aniong the new telephones put in are one lor D. J. C. Vod, at his residence on División street; one at Dr. J. Power's residence, and one at Oeo. Olp's liverj stable. Postmaster Duffy has been confirmed by the the U. S. Senate, and isnowentirly off the anxious seat and In a perfectlv comfortable frame of raind. There was no opposltlon. The Ann Arbor Schutzenbund wish to return their thanks to Mayor Robiuou for the presentation of souie iron platcs, out of which to construct bullet catchers for their tiirgets. Adna Crump, colore!, wat arrotted Saturday ou a cliarge ot' stealing lumber froin the A. A. A{ricultural Co., and will have a hearing before Justice Frueauft't-monow. Next Babbatb evening Rev. W. W. liainsay, will deliver the 4th sermón in the series ou the evidences of the fulfilment of Öcrlpture Prophecy. The subject will be: "6od"a chosen people; tho Jews." Theri' was lieavy frust Jlonday morning last, but little njury was done to anything hereabouts. On the the low andi llien.' inight huve beeu some things scorched by Jack's cold üngers. Au exhibitiou of the Hurris fire escape, ot which A. J. Sutherland, formerly of Aan Arbor is manager) receutly held at SiLttlc ('reek, the escape vas raised to a [.stante of "O fuut, ready for use, in li tmuouds time. ï t .'T oü8 time. .lililíes Gilí, a carpehter in the employ of Geo. Scott, feil off the oíd Presbyterian churcli building on Washington st., on wliich lie was engaged iu repairing, yesterday, andreceived aotne biuises,though notliing scrious. Grand Chancellor, E. T. Bennett, of Bay City, and Grand Freíate Barclay of Detroit, visited their brothersof Aun Arbor loclge, No. 44, K. P., last Momlay. Work was exemplitied in ttte entile thiee degrees of the order. The Board of Kevicw of tliis city are in session at the cuuunou council room n the court house. All partios feeling ggrieved at their assessments can go up, llettd tlieir case, and get the figures whitled down - ïf they can. Hutzel & Co. of this city have shown lieir enterprise by taking a contract for 'gí?'"1!? the trenches and luying the pipes br the water works at Streator, 111. They vill have 14 miles of pipe to lay thete. 'he Hutzel boys are hustlers. Bishop Harris will administer confirlation at St. Andrew's church, Sunday veuing uext, at 7J o'clock. IT 11 is voicc vill peruiit he wiil preach the uext serïon before the Hobart Ouild, if uot, the ermon wlll be postponeü to some future i in e. The Detroit Evening Xews had this tem last night: Deborah ('hurch.of Ann Arbor, hos a suit ór flO.tXR) detective sldewulk damagüs pendil! aL'iüMxt the city. Thl inurnliiu ber Uusiiinl came tü the city and consulted hls luwer wil Ii a view to conameuctug another uuit o relmburse hliu for the Iuks of lila wlfe's ervtces, etc. The bot tom and ÜÍM is all out of the vheut inarket, so the inillersiay. In this uarket SO cents is being paid lor either white or red, with a prospect of its going till lower. Flour retaiU at $2.63 per cwt. O;its brlng :tO (í :t3c. , and coni 25c. per bushul in the ear. It bas been eight yeftn since Ann Arbor lms had a fourth of July celebration, and she ought to do the thing up slick this time. We learn from the committee arrangements that $1,000 will be raised for the occasion. Saturday July 3d, is the day agreed upou for the jolliücation. Let the eagle scream in good shape. People seem to forget that it takes time to set type, read proof and correct matter for the paper, and so wait until Tuesday ufternoon or Wednesday morniiig with their articles for the Coikikr. Wish they would remcmber that this paper goes to press VVednesday noon, aufl give us a little more time for the above work. Two gritty littlc girls, May Norton aged 8 years, and Oulda French aged 6 years, had some teeth that were troubling thein, and yesterday they resolved to end the trouble, so they went tothe dental college alone, and had the oll'ending molars pulled, altogether five or six in number. Many older ones have tried months to get up the courage these little ones did, and hare utterly f.iiled. Ann Arbor is to have another hotel. The building owncd by B. Green, corner of Fouith and E. Ann sta., rccently dainaged by flre, is now being fltted up as a hotel to be occupied by Mr. Goodrich for many years the keeper of a hotel in Saline, but more reccntly of Brooklyn, Jackson Co. The whole building will be used for hotel purposes except the corner tore occupied by F. .T. Schleede. Early Monday morning, about 3 o'clock a fire was discovered in the blacksmith shop of Fred Esslinger, opposite this office, but was extinguislied before much damage was done except to burn the cellar stairs and scoren the floor soniewhat. The building was set on fire, the incendiary Uking a lamp tlnit was in the shop and s.iturating an old urabrella and tli,. cellar steps with the oil eimtained therein.and setting fire to them. 'l'liis Incendiary business is getting too frequent altogether. Hereufter the Sunday scliool of St. AndreWs P. E. church, will be held at 11 o'clock m., iustead of at 3 p. m., as has been the custom for many years. The change has some advautages and somo disadvantages. It will lurgely prevent children from ntteuding morning service, as a continuous service, from 10J o'clock a m to 1} o'clock p. m., is too U-dious and trying for the little ones. Thei again, many families are accustomrd to U% o'clock as their dinner hour, and when these hungrj ÜWle fellows wait until 2 o'clock p. m., It is quite trying to their stomachs. But all of the protestan churches of the city have now declded upon 12 o'clock as the Sunday school hour" go It must be the most convenient for tht majority.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News