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nsroTniicsraSUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS TUK ' ffHBELMENS' &ÁZETTE ! OF srnnm ïamcbüshts, o, s. l THEWHEELMENS'GAZETTE IS A FOURTH OF 32 PACES AND COVER, PUBLI3HED MONTHLY. ONLY FIFTY CENTS PBB YBAB. WHEBLMBH AND OTHERS WHO WANT C11O1CE READINO CAN SECUKE THE SAME BY SUBSCRIBINO FORTIIK GAZETTE, A HANDSOME PAPEH, WELL-PRINTED AND MODEL OF NEWSPAPER NKE1 ADDRKSS WHEELMENS' GAZETTE, SPRINGFIELD. - MAB3ACHUSETTS. Sample Copies Free. 6-ly BEAL ES1A1E IN8URAN0Ê" AGEN8Y. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTOHNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rents collected on reasonable terms. None bul old and drst-clasa Insurance Conipanles represented- wlth Insurance capital of HO.OOÜ.OO. Untos as low a any other Insurance corapnny and Iossps proraptly palil. Office over American Express office, Main gtreet. .nn Arbor. Mich. ft TTim Send lü cents postage, and we I li'lll wlll mail you free aroyal.val(1 ItI H I unble, sample box of goods il I I I 1 that wlll put you In the way x of making more moriey at once ttaan anythlne else In America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital not requlred We will start you. Immense pay surefor tbosewho start at once, ötinson 4 Co., Portland. Maine. D. D. STORY, The Photographer, Agent for the Slnger Co., manufacturer of the well-known APOLLO BICYCLE. The best whcel in the maiKei. 50. 6 E. HUUOX ST., ANN ARBOR. PLEASE XTOTZCS! THB HAS&STEHIia ICE CDBPálT Will furnlsh Ice, delivered to any part of the ci'y tor the Season of 1888: 25 lbs., Daily, except Sunday S2.U0 per month i" Hm.. 1 times per week 1.75 per month 25 ibB , 8 times per week 1.50 per month 25 lbs., 2 times per week l.OO per mouth Hotels, Restaurants, Butchers, Etc., Will be furnlshcd by special contract. A. F. HANGSTERFEtt, Manager, Office, 28 Mnln Street, Establlshed In 1S75. A. F. HANGSTERFER & CO., Catcrers and Conrcctloners. Havlngmadeextensivearrangements wlth two large creameries for the coming season , we are from this date prepared to keep constan tly on hand mul funilsli Kresh ('reara, as wel 1 as" Ice Cream, (vnrlous flavors.) Tutti Frutti, CharlotteUe Russe,Water Ices. Assorted Fancy Cake. Walen, Macsroons, l.iuly Flngers. Cream Klsses, etc, and at reduced prlces. Catering in all lts branches. A large assortmeut of Faney Ice Cremu Mouldsjust recelved. A. F. Hangsterfer & Co., Caterers, NO. 28 S. MAIN STREET. P. S.- Sunday Orders sliould be glven the day previous. Ann Abhok. March 28, 1880.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News