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Tmk Senate on the llth. in disctllstat tfee Inter-State Commerce bill, tabloil an amcndmeni to One mul Imprlson incn wlio conspira In mtcrfiro with the ninniinf of train. In the House a 1411 wiia passed fur the appolntment of threo comralssiouurs to settle Spani-h iiikI Mi'vioan land claims In tho Statnof i 'ui.irM'lo und tlie TerrlioneB of Niw Mexico and Ari.ona Up to date .7iO bilis and 171 Joint resohitlons hare been Introducid In tlia HouM, and M have been passed. Tuk Sonate on the 12th, passed - 47 to 4- tho lntirState Cominero blll, whlch providea lor a .' of flvo persona, wltli a principal oiHee at Washington, to impuro lnto tho business and management of all common carriers In the Houso the Anny Approprlatmn blll was passed and tho Diplomatic Appropriution bill was oousiüered. In the Senate on the Klth the (ioneral Pension blll, wblch approprlates f'4".Uoo.uuu to ald all soldlers who, havlnfr serred slx months or more, have bouonto dlsableü slnce thelr service f rom any causo notdueto thelr own viciom couduct, and who are now dependent for support on tholr own munuiil latmr. was diacub.sed. . . . In tho Houo Iby bill to enlarge the powom and dutles of the l)Afartuient of Ajfmiilture and the Cümosn liidcinnity resoli 1 1 ion were oonsidured, and tho Diplonmtlc and Consular Appropilation blll wiu passed, " A pktition from citlíteuá of lowu was presented In Sonate on tin Uth, praylnr lOr the Dolitlon of the American House of Lords. A bill was passed to authorize tho ITaniM ( ity A Gulf road to lay lts tracks tbrouffa Indian Terrltory. Mr. Kdmunds offered a resoluti on In favor of ostabilshlnc ahranoli National Home for dlsabled voluntpen) in Nortln rn New York or Wislern Veriuout. The (iiiitm! Pension blll w.4 furtiior considcred. AdJourned to tho 17th In tho Houso the Speak: er announced that elirhtj members had glven hïm notlce that they (It'tííro to make speechfs on the blll to reduce tarlff taxe. UIIU on the prlTato calendar were dlscussed. and at the lierniiK seslon forty-Bvo pensiou bilis were passed. DOMESTIC. A FiBRCE wind-storm, accompanied by raiu nnd hail, passed over Din widdie County. Va., on the llth and tnto Uheaterneld County, wreckiug barus, houses and feúcos. A vioLBNT wind and rain-storm passed over Evansvillo, Ind., on the llth, wreckiug the African Hajitlst fliurcli and a number of other buildinsjs. Stores wera unroufoil and troes and ohimnays blown down. Thk St. Louis inaster builders niet on tho llth and oranizod a Mutual I'rotective Association. A ri'solution was adopted declariiiK tlie rigbt of the contraetor to employ whutever men he may see ñt, without refcrence to any trade asseinlily. and to purchase ïnnterial from whom he may choose. Fredkrick H. Palmer, aged seventy-five years, a prominent Boston physiïian, jumped fro'n a stearaer on the llth with his grandclllld in his arms, whilo en route to Portland, Me., and both were drownod. No cause was known for the deod. uw i uiiii wih Kuuwn ior wie (ïfiou. A toi:nai() on the HUi at I.avenworth Kan . purtially urockin] the Morse schoo iukI th ncw iiimket house, dangerously wounding a man and killing tliree horses Tho rnilroad bridge t Bastón Fair ttiount were washod away. Aikh i tour thousuiid sowinj; girls in Chi cago u ore iilln cm the lllh. thu emi)loyers refusln to open their ihopi uutil cxisting diiterencos were sottlud. NVarly all tbo furuituiv InaiiufacloriOK were also oloéed and in tho loath western lumber district do.-ilers did not oxpoet U) resume opera tiunsfor sevoral day& Tin: tbirty-seventb annual convention of ths Andent Order of Hibernians begai in Niw Törh on the 1 witb delegates present trom noarly every State in tbe l niim. Tin: switilimon on the Tarious rail roads in Imlianajiolis struck on tho llth because the Vandalia road disohargíd a Knibt of Labor and bii-od a uon-union man in bis ptaoe. Tmiiii; xiKtiei-s were drowned in tbe Yellowstono rivera few nights uk near Fort Kieogh, M. T., by tbe upsettin; of a skiff. A in r.itirANK on tho 1 1 tb at Odesga, Mo.. wrecked five churcbüs, two waiuliouses and several d welling i At Nortonvillo, Kan., a cyclone on the llth destroyed ovor twenty buildings and luidly damagl saveral others. No lires were lost. Thiktï -two wholesale clothiers in Chicago decided on the 12th to ah ut down rather than to accoed tothe demands made by the tailors. ïhis aetion afïects nearly twenty-five thousand persons. The strike of the sugar refiuers in Brooklyn ended on the 12th. The strikers surrendered uucouditionally. Tiiudeath list at Kansas City resulting from the recent storm embraced on the lith twenty-nine names. It was reported that other persons were missing. The remoral of $5,000,000 of silrer from the Riib-treasury vaults in Chicago to Washington commenced ou the Mth. Tuk switchmeu's strike at Indianapolis proved a failure on the llith. Tjii: lllinuis State Sunday-School Convention, in session on the 12th at Bloomington, elected L. A. Trowbridge, of Rockford, president for the ensuing year. About eleven hundred carpentors at Allegheny City, Pa., struck on the 12th for nine iiiiurs' wurk at full pay. In rotaliation for the cut in passenger ratea from St. Paul to Chicago, the Northwestern and St. Paul roads on tho 12th authorized an $8.50 rate from Omaha to Chicago, a reduction of $4. The lumber bosses of Chicago were flrm and obdurate on the l'ith on the ten hours' work for ten hours' pay question. Tuis hail-stonn wbichpassed over everul Western States ou the af teruoon of thè l-'tb was accompanied by a hurricane at Odell, 111., where several persons received fatal injurie and a dozen buildings were wrecked. GovEitxoK Osi.esbt on the 12th orderod the evacuation of East 8t Louis by the inilitia. Wim.iajoport and Attica, Ind., were devnsted by a cyclone on the afternoon of tbe rjth. A bridgo at Attica, upou wbich BeveraJ j)ersons were stamiing at the time, was destroyed, and many were supposed to have been killed. )m: Seidell, a boycotter, was fined twenty-five dollars and eosts at Milwaukee on tbo ISth by Judge Mallory; who denounced the boycottiug busiuoss as an outrage. Tuk freight agents of all the roads centeriug in Chicago reported on the 12th that everythina; was working smoothly. At Fcnir-Mile Creek, Henrico County, Va., the other night a negro attempted to murder Kev. W. C. Hall, aged seventytbroo, and his wife, both of whom were beaten ou the hoad with a dab. Dr. Hall is pustor of tbe Baptist Church. Tuf. villajes of Vicby Springs and Green P.idge, Mo., wore nearly entirely destroyed 1 y a tornado on the 12th, and several per jus were suriously injurod. Iv WtUÍ irniitHl 011 Uio Dfcfa Mmt linyton and Xenia, ),, liud suít'tírtíd lmm6OM damage by a cyclone, and that near Cincinnati Ki'i'üt haroc had aUo been wrought A CTCLONB on the 12th in the Conemaugh (Pa.) valley injnred several porsons, killed many cows and wreckod houses. fences and trees. Neahi.v all the boot and shoe manufacturera of Chicago, baring tried the eighthour system for two weeks, met on tho Ktth aml resolved to return to the ten-hour achedule. and not to knowingly employ an Anarchist or Socialist. A pólice lieutonant in Pittsburgh crushed a strike of seventy-flve schocrt-boys on the 18th aftoruoon sessions by arretlng the ringltmder. Uovkknok Oiilksiit, of Illinois, in a Decorntion Day proclamation issued on the 13th, suggesta Unit Saturday, the ÍJth, or Monday, the Sist inst., be observod, as may tx't snit th convenience of the public. A i.i. but two buildings at Wilkinson, Ind., were destroyed by a cyclone on tho lUth. Two persons wero killed, and probably a dozen others were mortally injured. The Btrikors in the Chicago lumber yards had uearly all returned to work on the lütii, except the leaders of the strike, who the employers refused to employ under any circumstances. öhoktly after four o'clock on the moming of the Kttli üre-fiends attempted to burn tho Mailisou Street Theater, in Chicago, but tho flro was discovered befora much damage was done. Akthur J. Grover was hangod on the 13th at Columbus, O., for the murder of GranrilloG. Loomis. Foun miuers wero fatally injured on the 13th at Glenshaw, Pa., by the premature explosión of a blast. The condition of spring wheat in Illinois ¦was on the llith roported by the State Board of Agricultu ru as above an irurago and bettor than for any year of the past flre. Further advices of the 13th say that the recent storm at Xenia, O., swept from their foundations nearly one hundred buildings, and caused the loss of twentyfour lives. The Miami river inundated tlfty acres of houses in Daytou, and cut off railroad eommunication. In tho recent storm at Attica, Ind., one person was killed, flvo fatally woundad and flye seriously hurt. The property loss was t'JOO.OUO and seven hundred people were homeiess. Neau East Lynn, Rossville and Potomac, 111., a cyclone early on the morning of the Kdli rcckc(l sovoral hou3es and caused the death of fivu persons, lídavy rain, which folloned tho cycloue, deluged the country. A Pitman train on tho Bloomington & Western road ran into a culvert on the tétb near Now Castlo, Ind., killing the engineurauil tireinan and u passenger and severely iiijuring tho conductor and baggageman. A terrifio cyclono devastad a largo section of counlry 11 milo and a half in extent a few miles north of Jacksonville, 111., on tho evcning of the 13tu. No lives wora reportod lost A ifOB ut l'ii'scott, Kan., lynchei F. T.j lus on the I3th for murdering Minnie (riiiifs beoMiM sho refused to marry him. The citi.'s of linlianapolis, Lafayette, Eofaniport, Eliohmond and Cambridge, in Indiana, mfferad grMt damage by a rain and wind storm on the llith, and several lives were lot. Tuk grain commission house of Tyson & Brothers, of Baltimore, failed on the 13th ior $200, (XX). Tuk tutting departments of all the wholesale clothing-houses in Chicago were cloged on the 13th for an indefluite period on account of a striko of male and female tailors for better pay. Neak Blooiningtou, 111., G. P. Orendorff bad forty eight sheep killed and one hundred and thirty -flve wounded by dogs a few niirhts ae-o. Jonas Dut uv, of Springfield, O., whopredicted most aocurately the recent storm in tbat Stiity, based upon records for twenty years, issued a similar warning on tho 14th for Juno 13 and 14. Louis LlNOG, aged twonty-two years, was arrested in Chicago on the 14th on the charg of throwing the bomb whioh killed and wounded so inany persons recontly. The pólice are confideut that he is the man. The grand jury of Washington County, Pa., on the 14th returned true bilis against ninety-oue of tho striking coal ininers chargod with conspiraey. The Erie llailroad Company has organIzed the Erto, Express, which will take the place of, the United States Express on all the lines and branches of the roaü. A niBOl storm raged on the night of the 14tu in Wabash County, Ind. The Wabash river was out of its banks and flooding the country. Timber was leveled and whoat tields destroyed. A con'tractok in Pittsburgh used an immense charge of dynamite on the 14th in breaking up au anvil weighing ten tons. The explosión wrecked three house and seriously injured several persons. The mayor of Attiea, Ind., roported on the 14tu that the recent storm deprirud fifty families of their homes. The Indianapolis Board of Trade had decided to send at ouoe a car-load of provisions and bedding. DuiiiNo the last year the American Bible Society received $523,910; expended $499,998, and issued 1,437,440 Bibles, testamenta, etc. Durinq the recent storm in Xenia, O., the Morris family, seveu iu nuniber, and the Powell family, six in uumber, were all killed. The total number of deaths was on the 14th ostimated at thirty-four. Thkee surveying parties of six men each were on the Hth reported to have been killed near El Paso, Tox., by the Apachas. OvEiteighteon thousaud sewing girls in Chicago were thrown out of work by the closing of the wholosale clothing shops, and on th 14th there was no prospect of a settlement. Thoy asked for an increase of wages and shorter hours. Tin: country alxmt Porest, Hardin County, O., was swept by a cyclone on the 14th, which did great damage and killed several peo])lo. An express train on the Fort Wayne road ran into a clump of fallen trees, the branches of which crashed through the car Windows, seriously injuring twolve passengere, one man losiug an eye. A TAMOVt siiiniiier hotel in Berkshire County, Mass., knowu as Greylock Hall, valued at $10,000, was destroyed by flre on the 14th. A cï swopt through Albion, Micli., on the 14th, unroofing a number of structuros, resultinj; iu heavy lossos. It wus estuiiultiil mi the 14th that in the counties of Gieene, (Mark, Madison, Miaini, Darko, Preble, lintlor, Montgomery and Warren, in Uhio, tliu total damaes by the recent storm woiiM ninoiint to Í1O.(XX).ÜOÜ. Wun.E goiug to scnool on tho 14th at NurtlibridK, Mass., Eliza and Maggie (U IMimis, sisters, wero run uyer by a traía and killed. Tus business failures oceurring through out the country tor the geven days endeij on the ! Uh numbered for the United States 156 aud for Canada 20. against 192 the pravioiis eren days. PERSONAL ANO POLITICAL. Hkkií Juhann Mi i.i r, thenotorious Socialist and dynamiter, was arrestad ia NV York on the llth, in a house of ill-repute. He wís found under a bed. The Loaisiana Stat Legislatura convened on tbe llth. The Oovarnor, in hii annual message, suggested that crimínale be executed by soma nieans more humam than by hanging. The Supremo Court of New York hai denied the application of Misa Kat Stonx man for admission to the bar, and hokla that women can not practice in the courti of the Htata. Hbkk Most, the Anarchist, was hold for trial in New York on the 12th. He wal hand-cuffed to a thief, and the thief complaiued bitterly about the disgraoe to him. The Uhio Seuate on the lith re-enacted the Scott Ltquor-tax la-. , (tover nor Him. bas signed the New York Arcade Rallway bilí, providing for a fourtrack alectiic road under Broadway f rom the Battery to Harlem. The estluiated oost of the schema is $lUO,00.),000. Francis T. Houd, Attorney-Oeneral ol the Htate of Indiana, was on the liith declared insana and sent to the asylum. Hij mania took the form of violent jealousy ol bis wife. Dn. J. C. Beah, the Democratie nominee for Congrosmnan in the Second Louisi' ana district, reslgned on the 12th. Tuk Democrats made tha following Congressioual nominations ou the 13th: Indiana, Twelfth district, R. Lowry (renominated) ; Louiaiaua, Second distriot, N'. D. Wallac. Henuy F. Seveiixs, of Kalamazoo, Mich , was on the 14th appointed successor to thalate S. L. VVithuy as United Btates Judgi for the Western district of Michigan. FOREIGN. Tuk cholera returns from ltaly on tha llth were: Bari, thirty-flve new cases, fourteen deaths; Venice, eight new cases, seren deaths; Brindis!, three uew cases. Tuk British House of Commons on tho llth rejected a motion to abolish capital punishment by a vote of 117 to 62. Qckm Victoria opened the Liverpool Intemiitional Exhibition on the llth. Sixty members of the British House of Commons mot on the 12th at tho residence of Josoph Chamberlain, in London, and votod unanimously to opposo the Irish metisurm proposed by the Uovorninent. Aiivicks of tlie mth suy tlmt in the past few days sixty deatbs from hiuull -pox had occurred In St. Uenis, Can. A BÜBKlCAira swept across the middls of Spain on the Kitli. takiug in its conrse tho city of Madrid, at which place suventy persons wero reported killed and two hundred soriously injured. The damage to property will erroid $1,2SO,000. Snow-3Torms wore reported on the lSth In tha north of Ireland Hnd Scotlaud. HKAvvrainsonthoMtli did great damage in vurious parta of Eugland. Anvirns of the 14th say that tho recent hurricano in Madrid killud thirty-two people and injured over six hundred. At Veuice ou the Mth tuero wrre reported sovon uew cases of cholera und thne dxaths; at Bari live new cases aud niiiK deaths. The ship Ice-King, from the PhiUippins Isluuds foi' Botitou, was siink by a recunt collisiou with au unknown steamer otf Point Moyds. The loss was $120,000. Tho crow was savod. At a meeting in London on tho 14th Lord Hurtiugton informed his followors that -.uili -ii-nt Liberal votes had twen plodjied to insure the rejectiou of Olailstono's Homo-Rule bill ou its socond reudiug. LATER NEWS. A wiimi-wiM) passocl north of lansing, , Mich., tbe othor night, uurooflng tuim-i, ) twisting off troes and doiug great damI ago to the crops. The loga to farmers would reach $50,000. Ho loss of Ufo was i reported. Fkosts were reportod in Iowa and Illinois on tha lflth. ; Sevbkal persons were killed and damage i to the amount of 1,000,000 francs was done to the buildings and vineyardg at Montpelier, Franoe, by a hurrlcane on the 15th. i Five lives wero lost in the Itahan town of Lonato and a largo number of huvism burnod, and two Uerinan ships were founi derod in the river Oder and ftve persois were drowned. Tn e strike for eight hours in Milwaukeé was on the 15th stated to be a completa fuilnro. At twenty-slx leadlng clearinghouse in tha United States tho exchangei during thu week ended on Üia 15th aggregated $794.712,373, against $994. 933, 74 the previous week. As compared with the correspondiug week of ltW3, the increase amouuU to 5.4 per cent. Dan and Lon Mann, brothers, who murdered Marshal Campbell and wounded Oflleer McCormick at Burtow, Fla., were lynched on the 15th. Thb village of Red Koy, Ind., was nearly demolished by a terrific storm a few nights ago. No persons were killed, but many were injured. Large numbers of lire stock wore killed. Theke were ñre new cases of cholera and two deaths at Venice on the 16th, fourteen new cases and fonr deaths at Bert, and three duaths at Homo. The northern portion of Shawnee County, Kan., was swept by a cyclone on the löth. and a large number of buildings were destroyed. Eightoon puraons were more or less injured. It was reportod on he lGth that a f ree hospital for the treatuient of hydrophobia patieutK on the Pasteur plan would soon be opened in New York City. Thk cyclone which swept over the región of Dunkirk, O., early on the morniiiR of the 15th lereled nearly every thing in its path, killing two persons and seriously injuring flfteen others. A tornado which Tisited Wabash City caunod the death of three persons and destroyed property valued at $25,000. At Celina, O., thirty pursons were killed by a cycloue, and much property was destroyed. Ai.ubiwan Jaehnb, one of tho New York "boodlo" alderiuen, was found guilty on tlin ISth of recöiviug a bribe for votiug for the liroadway railway franchise. The United Statos Senate was not in session on the 15tn. In the House a bilí was pased to establish a sub-treasury at Louisville, Ky., and the blll for the appointment of a commission to inspect Iudian affairs wus cunsidored.


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