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THt LINE SELBCTED BV THE U. 8. OOV'T TO CARKY THE FA8T MAIL. It It th only Una wlth lts own track trom CHICAGO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha, Pacific June, St. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connect j In Union Depots wilh through tralns (rom NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and all Eastarn polntt. It is the principal line to SAR FRANCISCO, PORTLAND A CITY OF MEXICO It traversas all ot the slx great Statesol ILLINOIS. K)WA. MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO with branch lines to all their important citlcs and towns From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, it runs ïtry day In the yaar trom one to threo elegantly equipped through tralns over lts own tracks belween Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Councll Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all peints In Northwest. West and Southwest. ltsequipment Is complete and first class In every particular, and at all Important points Interlockinq Switches and Signáis are used, thus Insuring comfort and safety. For Tickets, Rites. General Information, etc, regarding the Burlington Route, cali on any Ticket Agent In the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1t V.P. & GfN. Mon., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, Asst. Gen. Mor., Cmicaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, QfH. Pass. Aot., Chwaoo. mm NOFEEI! 1 ESTinLisHED m.-i. i Merrill UNTIL BETTER ƒ detboit.mich. ƒ Block. f =S%,"S The Segnlari Old-Eitabllshed jLttffl PHYSICIAJÍ Sc SURGEON USKILLAND 8UCCE88 YOUÑGmen,middle-agedmen and all persons who by their own acts of Imprudence or Folly at any pen ui oí iife havebrought upon tHemselvcK, tho evil effects followine closcly uiion the heels of Iran si;ressioi of the laws of nature, should consult the celchratcd Ir.Clarkc at once. RemembrIXervoui dlseaes(with or without dreams) or ilrbllity and loss of nervO power treatcd scientiiically by ncw metbod witfi never failing succes. L9"It makes no difference What you have taken orwlio has f ailed to cure you. iie terrible polaons of Syphillii and all bad blood and skin Ufaeasca, compleUly cradicated without mercury, Rniember that thisotio horrible dlaease, ïf neglected or improperly wcatcd, curaos the present ;uul coming geucrations JÍ9-A11 unnatural dUcharg-es cured promptly tuhout hindrance to business. No experimenta, Both sexes consult c-oniiil ntially. Ag aixl zperience Importmit. A written guarnntce of cure given in overy cuso underluken. a-SulTorerfl from any chronic digcaaewrite Hiatorj and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have fajled to cure. t"Send two stamps for cHebrated workn on Cnronlc, Nervoos and Ilclicato Diseases. You have an exhaustivo ayinptomatology by which to study your own case. Consultalton, pcrsonally or by letter, free. Consult the oM Doctor. Thousands cured. Olfices anti pnrlors private. You sce no one but the Doctor. Before confiJinti your case consult IR. CLAUKE, A friendly letter or cali may save future sufferingand hame and add gulden vears to Iife. Medicines tent everywherc secure from exposure. Hours, bto 8 i Sundays, 9 to IS, AJdrc.-s, F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlch Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been made In the con(lltions of a cerla-ln indentur of ort Kugeexecuted by Mlchael Phelau and Suruh Phelan. hls wlfé. of the VII lage of Dexter, Washtenuw Coanty and State of Michigan, to Patrick Uullngher, of the Townshlp of Webster, In vaid county and state, beuring date the 2Jth day of October, A. L). elghteeu hundred and seventy-seven, and recorili-d in the ottlce ot the Register of Deeda for sald counly of Waxhtenaw, In Uber 50 of Mortace, ou page UÉ, and by which default the power of su-le contalned In said BsortfpftaTi rmvlng becoine opefative, and do lalt or proceedlngK at law or In chancery hiivluK been lnstituitHi to recover the amount due ou aalil mortgageor the uoteaccompauylnu tte same, aml tuerebeingnowclalmed tobe due on sald note and mortgage. the sum ot alz huudred aud eighly-lwo dollars and thlrty-elfht cents (S682.38). Notlce is therefore lierehy given, that the said mortgaite wtll le toreciOBed on Saturday, the lüth day of June, A. I). 1896, at ten o'olock in the forenoon of thut day, by u sale at public auotion, to tho hlghest bidder, at the East door of the f'ourt House, In the city of Ann Arbor, in the county aforpsuiil, (sald (,'ourl House, being the place for holdIng the Circuit Courl for sald county), of til inortitaged preiotses deacilbec] In sald mort Kage, or so niuch theref as inay be nooooarftr; tosatisfy the amount of principal und intei est reniululug uupuld upou said mortuag wlth reasonable costa nd expenses, togethe wltti an attorney fee of twenty-flve dollars wiilch premlHes are described in sald mort gage as followa, to-wlt : Belng lotslx (U)ln hlock three (S)ln the Vil lage of Dexter alöresaid. aceordiBf to the re corüed plat thereot, unl bounJed norlht-rly by the MirhlKun ('entnil Rallroad. lated, March l.'ith. IS80. PATHICK GAIJ.AOIIKK, HOHaiflB, K. D. Kinne, Att'y Tor Mortgagee, 1808 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OK MIOHHiAN, County of Wush tenaw, ss. In tho muiter of ttie esUite of Henrjr Col clzer, deceasexl . NOTICE Is tiereby jjiven, that tri purmi anoeofan onlur granlcd lo the and6ntgn64 aiimlulstrutorof the eniiilf of sald Hcnry Col cUxar. hy the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Waabtenaw, on the liith day March, A. l. lii, therewtll be sold at pub lic vendue, to the highest bidder, at the eas Iront door of ihe court houie, in ihc cliy ot' Anp Arhor In the County oí Wiuilittiunw in trnlc suite, on Saturday, the 19: h day of June, A. V. 1880, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of thut day (subject to uil enontttbrenoei hy mortgge or otherwlse exlstitiü ui the time of the ileath of Huid deceaHed the folUwlng decribed Iteul Kstute, to-wlt: All thmcertain tract or parcel of land lii i; i"'l belnc the city of Ann Arbor in tbe county of WaMhtenaw and Blata oi Michigan, known nnd descrtted a iollows: l-'uur acres of luiid to be tukt n from the nortli end of the eiust tislf of the west balf of the oulhweiit iiurur of Seetion Numtier Twenty, in tuwn two, BODtta ol range litx ast, bya due parallel with the Norih line of sald lot, and elxteeu rodn noutli therefrom. Al-.. thewant half ol the wet half of the Kouthwent quarwr ol pection Nuniber Twenty, in town (2) nunth of lange n!x (tf)eat, cnnt:iinmu; fortj acres of l:ud te the same more or lesa, excepttu and r ¦rvim; therelroui about elgtit iófea of land iu tl e couthwt curncr nf the ald forty acres heretofon' deeded hy Uierotne Hoodípeed and William June to Kinneth Davidon, aml al-o exceptlog and reseirlni; odc acre of lund on the eaut side ot aaid Laridon' -n;lii tere-, sold and conveyed by Ai ïmII C. Qoodspeed to aowph WllaoDi subject to all rifhu and privileges of a road ur hitíhway on the eat side of the sald uiece of land frranied to vs ilMam Junes hy Abigail '. Uoudupeed by her deed. Dule.l. March lilh, l!.St. WILLIAM W. W1IKDON, V2M7 7w Admlulstrutor. Chancery Kotice. The Circuit Court for the County of Wnshtenaw, In Chuncery. Nettle Rurbaoh, Complalnant, ) vs. J Wllllarn Burbnch, Pefenilant. ) It satlsfuctorlly appcarlng by atlldavit. to :ne. Circuit Judge In and for sald county, thut hesatd defendunt, WIlllAin liurbiuh's last tuown place of residencc was lu this State and thut hls present plaoe of reHldence cannot be asoertalned. On notlon of E. H. Norrls, of counsel for i'oinplalnant, It Is ordered that sald defendunt, Wllllam Iturbuch, cauHe hisupjeurance In tbls cause to be entered withfn We months from tbe dute f thls order, and tliat In case of hls appearance ouuse hla answer to the coniplaluant's bill to benled and a oopy thereot to be served on the oomjliilnunt's sollcltor wlthln twenty duvs iifier of a copy of nald blll and notice of bis arder, and In default thereoT that said 1 1 1 of complaint be taken as confessed by sald defendaut, Wllllum Burbaoh, and It Is urther ordered thnt wltblu tweuty dar th tihl oomplalnant ouuse t hls ol to !¦ put)lshed in "The Ann Arbor Conti kk and Ehal uüb publlcatlon becoutinueil In loofa newfiaper at least once In eaoh week for six weeks In Kiiccession, or that shc must' a mpy t thls order to be ixrsonully servad on Mie Aid defendant, Wllllam Burbaoh, at lenst wenty dayii beftre the time above. prescrlbeo! or hls appeajaute. Dated. Marcli L"id. A. I). 18S. C. JOtjLVN, Olrult Judzy. K. B. .NtHuw. Bol. for Öompt't. 9S-W IPFUTP WANTED for scott's IUIHI bv.uütul Electrlo LlllalCorBt8 snPlf" to tbos b. „ " ¦ W con"ig ïenu. No riik. qulck salas Ttrritory glT.D.iatiifacUon furautid Addrm ' 0R.SCOTT.842 Broadway St.,N.Y. t


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