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Michigan (Tentral TAö Juagara Falls (Route. Ostral Standard Tline. Time table takinf; ellect Nov. 29th, 1885. CHICAGO T) OKTBOIT wwwvi iüfíLll.i_ií A.M. A.. P. ¦. P. M. r. X. P. ¦. A.K. Chimbo. .Lv. 650 00 830 400 905 955.. MichifranOlty! 918 II 11 5 17 6 32 II 13 12 02 .. Nilt-e !lt3s!l215 618 75U125N ni, Kalamzoo... 142 723 HJO 2 U0 S t8 6 45 Bitlle Crei-k_ 2 23 8 01 8 50 3 50 7 31 ""'lü.:::. i$ 822::.::: ;? AlWoD p m. 3S2 83 34S 4 40 8 20 JarUnon 310 4 15 S 15 4 35 6 36' 15 Urasf Lake.... 3 S3 6 47 9 Sfl Chelsea 3 55 6 ( 9 57 uexler 4 12 , 6 22 10 12 Aun Arbor.... 4 33 5S0 100 5 45 64(1028 YpBilantl 450 646 1021 .... 6 00 6llO45 Waviif June. 5 151605 110-.... 6 20 7471106 lHro1'...,Ar. oo451115 7 QQ 8'0lI45 DETROIT TO CniCAGO. "Je-li "3T .o.. &S ? I S Sjj i aaEm pï & P ! _s_ _ _ _ _L_ _ A.M. A.M p.B p M. P.M. r.M Detroit... .Lv. 700 9 10 130 400 800 9 15 Wayne Jone. 740 9 53 2 08 445 840 955 Ypeilanti 1 8 01 10 18 2 20 5 13 9 05 10 21 AnnArbor... 8 Hi 10 28 232 50 923 1088 Dfiti-r 885 Siso 955 C'helse '848 606 10(19 O[assLke... 10 .... S710SS Jackon 985 114S 32? 7 15! II 55 1203 .'" ' Maríhall 10 38 12 4.' 4 22 822,1155 118 . ... Battle Creek.. 11 03 131 4 40 8 52 12 20 1 50 A M Kalamazuo. . . 1152 15 5 15 K 45 11(1 2 40 4 45 Nilea 147 S 46 6 32 3 05 4 13 8 40 MlchlganCity 3 10 4 57 7S0.... 4 S5 5 40 8 08 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 45 7 10 980 7 00 8()51UH5 Canadá División. Detroit To orPALo.- Standard Time. ta& ¦si -¦ e . STATIONS. S-?E."f=I- SS i I nr- -a P. M. I M. A. ¦. A. M. Detroit. ...Lv 7 30! 11 25 5 00 7 10 li 05 p.M kt.ThomasAr 11 10 2 45 10 SO 10 45 3 40 _ A. . p. M. Torontn...Ar 8 45 5 05 8 20 p. . Oitawa pm6ï5 4 38 a.m. Montreal 10 00 8 18 (uebfc a630p. h. a. M.2 20p. m. st.'l hon)a,Lv 1115 2 45 1 mi 1(1 3 55 Weiland 153 5 17 5 12 154 6 28 Fallí View 5 46 2H . . . N. Fallí, Ort. 2 22 5 48; 2 : ti .Vi S ilnp'ii B dje. 2 3.') 6 00 2 50 7 10 N.Kallg.N.Y .... Eaateru time A.M. A.M. F.. P.M.. V.M. Rnffalo....Lv 4 50 8 10 9 00 4 45 9 OU KocheBier..Ar (i 50 9 55 11 0(1 6 4-5 11 00 SyrucUBi 0 30 12 15p I 30a 9 30 1 Sllam Utlca USO 2 19 8 06 1136 3 un Albany pii'2 20 5(M 10 a i 30 i 1(1 Troy 2 S5 55 6 85 2 00 Sprlinf6el ... 6 30 12 40a 10 57 ti 15 10 57am Worcexer... 8 28 5 0 1 18p 8 20 1 ISpm Boston 9 45 6 25 2 45 SI 40 2 45 New Vork Ar 7 00 9 00p 10 30a 7 80 .10 30am l'hllcli)phla. Í035l035 1 706:.."..... uitFPAU) to DXTHoiT- Siandiird Time. I í I . i t - s IS gil h m _ _ 2 w S A. M. ,. „. Phlladel'a. Lv 9 (X) p. u iM New Yotk... 1U 30 6 00 .. .. '""" 9 6 BuKton, 8 :u 3 00 7 jo Woceier... 9 50 4 20 ... ' a a Spríuufleld. . . 11 35 B 05 .. 10 bu Albany 3 OOpm 10 05 ' 2 si Utica 5 45 Ii33am ..." ' 5 ,5 SyracilBO 7 411 2 00 ..... 7 JO Kochodler I Si 4 00 " ' m ou Buflslo ...Ar 12 15 5 50 '.....'. 131ÜB Buffalo. . . . I.v 1130pm 5 80 Oj' 5'oo' 11 35 N. Kalln,N Y a.m Sup'iiBMg, 12 31 830 as N. Kall.., Om. 12 51 6 48 .... 1357 Kalla View 8 5 ' litó Weiland 7 16 7 21 10 15 1 33 St.TtaomaíAr 4 10 9 50 11 15 1 10 4 sr Wuebec. ...Lv 2 30 10 00 Moutnal goo 900 Ottawa 11 4o 12 23 Torcnto, 8 "0 8 20 St.ThomaíLv 4 15 955 255 1I5 445 Detroit. ...Ar 8 05am 1 OOpm 8 45 5 20u 8 16 + Stop tfnly to let off paíeengers. ; Stops onij ou Ki'iialH. -(JW 1uaL118. H. W. HAYKS. O. P.&T. Agent Aüt.. Ann Arbor. Cbicaeo. Toledo, Aon Arbor L North Michigan Kailway. T1MK 9CHBDULB. Totuke effect ut V o'clock, noon, 011 Sunday, September 27, 1885. (Southern Dirtaion.) Tralim ran by Standard Time. GOINGNOKTH. GO1NG SOUTH ' 1 3 f Ó" J J „ f _ Ü ?? ó% ï STATIONS. .-ÊóaS-" Q & '¦ &L gL a..p.i a. Leave. Arrivc a.m p.ii ru. t 9 50 +3 40 7 06 Tuledo 9 30 5 00 5 00 9 54 3 45 7 14 Manhminn .lunct'n 9 26'4 .Vv 1000 352 7 23 Alexis Jnncilon 910U47I" Í10 07 4 0(1 7 3.0 Hawthor:.. .9 10 4 40 . '.. M134 07 7 48 Hamaria 9 00!4 30 11025 4 1(i K Oü Lu u. 8 47!4 2u'" 1030 'i 25 8 15 Monroe Junctlon 8 424 14l"" 10:í7 4 33 8 80 Dundee 8 304 04'4'M 110 48 4 40 8 37 Macón 8 2 4 00 +10 47 4 45 8 40 Azalia 8 20!3 54 til 00 4 55 8 &H MllanJuncIlon 8 OH 3 45 S4i a.m, 600 0 Mllau Í8 0K141PH 5 08 9 22 Inania 7 52 3 80 5 23 9 82 l'lttífleld Junctlon t 40 3 2a S'15 9 50 AnnArbor 7 273 10 S 55 10 Mi L lau-1 7 12 2 50 t 05 III 30 Worden 7 06 2 40 I (i 2(1 10 45 S.iml, I.v.m (i N lonncctlona: At Toledo, wlth railroada áive rgini;; at Manhatlan Junction, wtth Wheeline A Uke Erie K. K.; at Aleïls Junction, with M. c:. 1. H., L. S. M. 8. Rr. and V. & P. M. R. K.; at M.mroe Juuctlon, with r.. S.Jfc M. S. Ry ¦ at Dondee, with U s. A M. s. Ky., M. O. Ky.; al Milnu liinitloii. with WabaBh, 8t. Lonis Paciflc Ky at Plttuñeld, with L. s. i M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor wlih Michigan Centra] K. R., and al South Lyon with Detroit, Lancine 4 Northern K. K., and Muh. A. L. Div. of Grand Tronk Ky. TralDi (i nnd 3 rune between Detroit and Toledo dally except Sunday, vi Milán Jnnctton : No. 6 arrivi-ü at betroit lL()0 noou. No. Sleavus Detroit at 2:.'i5 p. m. Fiat Biatlon. + Dally, except Snnday. i TralDH do not aup, W. H. BBNNKITHbeVn=l.LATenrCrtl rp -pq--p-i ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $80,000. Orffanized nnder the eneral Banking Law of thl stati-, tlie tockholaor are indiviüually Hable fur au additiimal amouut equal to the atock beid by tbem. thereby creatlng a Uuarantee Fund for the benefit of Depositon of $100,00.00. Three per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Savlugf Depoalte of onc dollar and npwardi-, accordlLR to thi ruloi of the Bank and interest compounded suml-annually. Mouey to Ian 011 J real eatatr and other nood security. DIRECTORS : ('HRISTIAN MACK, Wm. I). HAHK1HAN, W. W. WINKS. DANIEL HISCOCK, WILLIAM DKUBKL, Wll.l.AKU B. SMI TH. DAVID RINBEY. OFFICERS: C. MACK. Prea. W. W. WINKS, , 'ce-Pres. .. n. HISCOCK.Oushier. Chaneery Sale. Staie of KMblgan, thw draalt court for the couuty or WKshtenaw, In Cbanoery. In the AU tin-rein pending, wliereln Martha A. sinith, is .:implHlnint, anü Krally N. Hmltli, Arclillmld H. rtmlth and Kliisnloy ('nlkiiia, KUitrdlHnn of Archlbuld H. Hinltli nre dfenduits: In purHiiuuce und by vlrtiie nf 11 decretal order ronde In the above cause 011 tho fuuilh iliiy of Muy. A. 11 18S, I slnill s.-ll ut lOblIo iiu'lloii to tbe IiIkIk'ni buld.r ui Ui.eHBt fnint door of the Court liouno. In sm.l ouiity. ou thelisth day of Juue uuxluttin i'clock In the forenxu, the following d,. orlbwl IhikIh and premlHtM. to-wlt.: The wet half of the Noulheitat quarter. und the outhwet ijuarter of the northeuxt nuarter i B6oilon MVU In town onc souLh 01 rnntjo Beven fat, couliilnlni; one liliniind and wt'iily acres of land, mora or les.s, und bein({ n the towunhlpof Suluiu.Waxhlenuw OODQty, Michigan. Dutvd, May lOth, 1886. FRANK JOSLYN, Circuit Court Oinm8Nloner In and for Washti'iiuw Miunty, M lobina, 'iiaki.uJ. Humt, yollcltor for Complulnaut. 12W-IH


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News