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T (KllOVAL. CSCWiï Jl Ê POWDER AbsoluteSy Pure. Thispowflerner vuries. A marvel of purii . strencth ami w holesomen ees, Ijfore eed aomical tluui tha mlinary knulw.and DsDAOi bt soul in competltlon wlth the multitudepf row tesf, short weluht, nluni r phosphate powders. Sold only in canft. Koyiil Buklite Powfer Co.. 106 Wall st., N. Y. I 115 LtoJO 161 ÜS. To llio Cnticnra Heinpdtes I Owo Jij Health, My ll;ipintss, ami My Ufb. A rtiiy never pase thut l ilo ml liink and spoak kinrtly ol the Cninirt HeiHnUta. Heven yearn nuo, all oí u , ¦ lorliirtl on iny nrck ruliu'lli in Hr tri in b clu-rry stone to uu orange. The farge were lii_liH'nl to ldbk" ai, an4 jiaiiiftil to bear; peopte tnined (fidf when they SftvrjBQt in di-jruít, and I ibfinn'd to boon tho ptret or in sorioty. l'hyi-lclaii! mi thulr trontment mid all medicluoa lail'ti to do itiy L'ood. In a moment ot dfwpair I triiüllii.' CVTIOUBA Cuücura, Ihe it kin cü-.. aud Ouíieura Soap, nu t'xqufite kin l'-MiuiiltT, extcrnaliT. mul Cutlcura htholvettt, thenew Ulood Parifler, interimDy ; the nraall liioipiHsI cji!1 cheio gcadoallj dleapuoiu, and the farLv ores trok 'tfn anoni two weeke (iischaryIdg !aiy: q aaoi Mm l inuti'-r, jeaváog two rt:iií!ít cine i:i in i.ft u to day tu tWI (hj Btoty Of my stilferi; l'. m L"i:hi then WM one huinirud an 1 fifteen Bickly poands ; it is r.ow one hundred und Bil BOlld, henllhy punnds, and my bright e tmly flve leH ft7elnchB. In my travel 1 praieed Norl ]', Sotith, E'ift and Wet. !' tUieura Remed4k I owe My Health. My Happinr and My (Ae. A prominent New York Lruggwi akfd o:!. er day, "Uoyou (lili ni Ib Uutieura RéiMdñ9t yon lonk te be in p.Miii-t'' My reply ni, "I do, and ball alwaye, . r kiniu wliat f ickness 1 mce I commpvced asing t temedlet." SoniRtime.' 1 mu lanchad at liy pralsluR tbem to ..i ncqualnted iih thelr merit, pul sooner or later tboy wlñ como t tlicir sen0ei mid helteve lose fiiitifc iliein, as dozuns have whnm I nave t ld. Muy fho timo come when there shul! be a lariíe Cutiewra 9npply House in every city in the o ld. tor the benrflt of iiumanity, wnerethei utimtra Snudia shan be pold only, m) thut ther' wlU le raiely a need of ever entering ore. M. IIU9BANDS. . 2KI Fnlton St. New York, N. Y. (TTKUIU KKMTDIKS, Aro a 'n-itivi' onn lor every form of Skin and Itlood Dieae8, ir.'m Pimple to ácrpfnla. Bold i v. rywli.i". Prifce : ConcOB; SOCt.; ('i'ti t'itv Soap, VI-; Ci-ticuka Kl I. Prepared by the PoTTlE Ukuu and Cubiical Co., Boston, Ma', s nd tor "Sow to ('ure Skin Ulseaso..' ScikI for"IIOAv to cure wklu lUtieasen" ¦nilll'I.K.H Kliicklieiirlp. Skin NMnMktti and Haby i ö Uomor, une Cuticura Suup. Sneezing Catarrh., The dlstreralns aaeec , bdswbb, sneezc, the acrid watery dlachiirges irom the eyes and nose, the piiiniV.I ii II .miiiïii on extendlng to the throat, the ¦wainaio) BHMotts llalagi causlnf chokinf; feneatioi.f, couku, rimilnj) ¦ áMt in ihe head aud li:.:; li' idacbos- ho fanulnir ihese HymptomK are to tbonsanda who suffer perlodical irom hi-ad colds or influenza, and who live In it'uorance ol the tact that single auplica ioi. of Wandkord's I1.1I.IIAI. Cl UK Hlli CATAUItll Wlll allord inlint this tratinnaíiifcasoí inille ('atarrh f'iven bilt u 'aint ldca ol wli,a ttns n in. tiy will do ntheïUruulc Ioiuih, yrbarf th bjeatbivx isobütraokKl y choMnK pnirtil mnrons ccnmtit.itioi,-, tbe heuriiif.' i I 1 BUrt tai-ui tioue, thrortt nlcuratud and hackitBf conpti mrtii.illy fai-tening Usell opon tbe deullltated aystem. Than it ib Ihai the maryellona cnratlve uower of Sanaor s Radical Cuiv niwiluH6 iiell'm inMiantaiH-oiiB and Tatolul re.i'l. ur' ¦ 1i.-l !he tlMt nppliciiÜQn. It Is rapld, radical, penanuent, econoinical. Sa'kdfobd'S Badii u. Cube C"n.-ist8 of one bottleoi the Radical (.'i-kk, ,;nd une box of ca i ii.MciiAi. Nn.iKNr, und oue Ikprovku I MiAi.i.K ; pnce, (1. PU, rVTTM DiKü uu CiihiijiiualCo., üoston. ACHING BACKS. mz Wrak Hack?, Puin, w eukneB and InyTÏT flamjuaüoii ol tbe Kidneys, BboutiBg ÁLÁh Pain throngli the Lolns, Ilip und Sidi-, SSAl Patni r, k ol SireiiLTth and Acttvit.v re1 WCSi ,. veil in o minute and peertVrrT y i wed by the Culloura Antil'Hán Piaster, a new, orliiuaj elegant and infallihle ¦ id pain and tiiflainmatioii. At drngglstl 'Xos, tWe tor #l.(Ni; or poetare Iree ol Pof er lruiE anil (Hiemlcal o., BoHton. SCÖTTS EMULSIÓN IFpIeTöd liter on, And Hypophosphitss of Lime & Soda Aimosi asalatablea3 Milk. The only rr.,!) I.IVER Olt tba ca'' lolérated f or a log time "V'ITt"; "'¦'- rot! nwmprmti, K. "¦'.-"' -TT"rxÁKMiA, (;kxl,'. '. "Vi ir.IiOAT AtYiT rTiM)i:ii:m ot' taV,;. ntJGGlSTS. AOTUMM CURED! fl I HlViU siM:I'E TI1I1L "" HU I I III 11 mrri the most skiiititil GERMÁN ASTHMA CUREML No waitiug lor neull. lu rliun in imtii.di.a-"lircrt and H-rtaio, and ij cure ík elfcrlrd in hII t I KAIII.E t Arti .„ „ermanctty c M MJr fóg. ¦¦as? 1Ith -r"c .""jiGs REavï ThouiaDil' of IbIUv MM "¦ iJl " Girmiiii'rurc Ia Kld by Bil dniKliitï at ."(). anil ! I . or sent liy mafl fn rocelpt of f.r i-e Trnil i..-kaee frr-.. aiiy Mdrm for


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