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Common Council Proceedings

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Tliere was a special session of the couneil Wedue=day evening last. Absent Aids. Kearns, Ware and Steere. Au Invttïtioo from the G. A. R. post was received by ttie council to atteud the Memorial Day Services, Monday, Ilmj llsjt, and the same was aecepted. Aid. Allmendfflger from the cominittee on finalice preseuted a report on the interest _question, setting forth that: Tliecommlttee belleved that the "división of iuikK and pwynienl of interest ou 40 per cent. ouly. Is au assumptlon on the part of hi! bank whlcli has uo warrant on the purt of thecouucü. We regard lt as an evulon y wliirii lor the uaoulh ol December 1885, aud Jiiiiuiiry and Febi uary 18H6, tlie ritte of Dtereat pald baa been less than 2% lustrad of 'il'i'iceul. Tlie money is all the resultor ii laxailou, aml ii ii 1 1 1 portions ure turned over lo the couuty and school district, the vhole should be so nianaged as to briug the argest returns to the city, etc. The ooinmlttee further siateJ that thu aniount uue tne city lor the pust year's iuterM lu-cause of sucu deducllou was $145.44. ?here was aiso due belween Í70 aud $90 interest on the Hquor lax mouey whlcb reiualned n the hands of the county treusurer lying die, and the report clused by a recomineudaion that the City Attoruey be lnstructed to collect the above ualance. The report was received and placed ou ile. A mol ion to adopt was lost. City Attorney Kinne reportad to the council that the special comniitUee apointed Uumfoc had had a conference vith Mrt. O'Neil in refereuce to her property wantod by the city for street purHi-rs, and had oftered lier f2,500 for the ame, aud recoinuiendcd that the council concur in their actlon. A recess was uken for live minutes to consult in regard to the matter, and upon reassembliug Aid. Bwlft ollered tlie t'pUowlDg resolution: Wiikkkas, It has buen maile to appear to be Mtlislaelion of this c uii.-n. Llial tur pubIc wellure deuiands tlmt a slreet benprued or general hlghway purixis.s, from Detroit ireel eaut through the xo-eulled O'Niel property, to tne gt-ouuds of the Miciugau Uentrul Kailro.d Uompauy ; theiefore. Keaolved, 1 nat the suni ol Í2500 be nppro )iiateii from the Contingent Kuud lor the ui rlmiir for the purpose uloresaid of tue s callud U'Nltl property silualed ou ljelrolt ireel ; tliat a warrant for $-500 bo drawu by ne Keoorder aud placed lu the hands of the City Attoruey , aud lliat tlie City Attoim j dllvr sai I warrant, or the -ald }25l)0 to tlie mr or owuers of said property or the perons entltled lo the mime, as mmui as bfl shull aseertalu that the ütie lo said property is clear aud perfect, and sliall recelve Hom the owner or owmrs thereof a good aml suftlulent ueed oí said preñases, to the Alayor, Kaorder aud A Mermen. Ald. AllineiidiiiKer moved asan amendïieiitr'xii theamoiiiit to be paid b f3,000 usiead of $2,500, which ifter conttlderable discui-bion was lost. The original moiion was theu carried by au aye and nay vote. Ald. Allmendinjfer moved the Recorder be instructed to compile tlie city ordinancesenacted sincetheir ])ublication n 168S, to,'ether with tlie amendments to lie charter, and have the same printed In )amphlet fonn, convenient to bind in with the book of ordinances. AliK Swil't from the General Fund committee recoiumeuded tlie eatablishment of ;asoline lamps, one at the corner of Elm aud JirowJi streets, and one on Hill Btreet at the crossiu ot the Toledo railroad Agreed to. Ald. Poland moved that the vote by wliicu tlie report of the linauce comuiitee was not adopted be reconsidered. Carried. Alter some discussion Ald. KeatinL uoved that the report be laid on the table. Carried. Ald. Allniendinger offered the followntt: uilvd, That the City Attorney be lnslruc ted to close a contract In regular fonn villi tlie Aun Albur K.LviuK Dank. covering ne matter of interest as underHtood by this Council, i. f. ou the basis ol tlie eutire depoall nade by the City Treasurer. Which was adopted. Ald. Allniendinger moved that the sum )f $500 each be transterred from the contingent fund to tlie 4th and Uth ward funds, to be re-traiisfeired Feb. lst, next. Carried. Ou motlon of Ald. Poland, the liquor boiuls of Caspary & Welch, Cristian Sanzi, Fred 1'. Keirnold and Eugeue Behr were approved. Ald. Martin ollered the following: Utolvtd, That the rhnniii.iu of the Klre (JommHtee cause to be built a tight board fence between city property aud property of Mis. Watklus in the Ulh ward. Adopted. Mayor liobison broulit up the matter of a 4th of July celebration, and on uiotion a committec consisting of the Mayor, as cliuirman, and Aids. Hwift und IKtz was appointed to act with the citizen's committee in gettiug up a glorious, oldfaëhioned, spread-eale, oh-be-joyful, hurah-boys Fourth of July glorilication. Couucil then aüjourned. íjouucii men luijournea. We wish to ii'uiihd ilie citizeiiH of Ir.- fortúnate towna that wlien they ilesire to escape cyclone and llood or oppressive c;lImis and drouglits, there will be found room in Aun Albor tor a larjre ïiuinber of desirablu persons. Here they can llud genüa breeze, tiinely sliowers, and a general sense of bt-ing on tlie liglit side of nature. General (rant rarely induljfed in sarcasin in Mis writings, and an allimon to Jeffersoii DavU in nis second volume is the only instance we recull of nis use ot italics to poiut a critioiaui. "Mr. Uavis," hesays, "on sevi'iiil occasions during the warcame to the relief of the Union anny by his' superior military yeniut," on whlcl lie pluincs himself.


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