Real Estate Transfers
![Real Estate Transfers image](/sites/default/files/aa_courier/aa_courier_18860526-p01-011.jpg)
D. L. Davis, et a.1, to H. E. Lutwn, Ypsllautl $ 900 Electa H. Markham to Geo. M. Henion, Ann Arbor 100 Mftry A. Wyckofl to Qeo. M. Henion, Ann AiiMir 100 tacob Helnzman to Michigan Furnlture Co, Ann Arbor „ 150 S. H. Douglas to Jason W. Hogers, Ann Arbor 450 Jas. ui W. Hogers to John Moran, Aun bor 0 irldcet Ii.iwler, by Slierlfl' to C. 8 & H. (; Gregory, Dexter 2,033 tdsepb Bowler and wlfe, by Sheriff to C. S. 4 H. C. Uregory. Dexter 2,032 Daniel Putman and wlfe to F. fe M. Kyan, Ypsllantl 350 iii:mda B. Wetsou to Margaret J. Barney, Ypsüanü 600 Wm. H. Parker to Jacob F. Houg, sitaron 2,000 honrad Keuz to John Renz, Freedom.... 31 P. J. Hammond to Jas. W. Abbott, Autrust a . 400 Wliittaker 4 Amermau to Abbott & i laiiimoiid, Augusta 1.500 D. Cramer to D. Nlssly, Saline 1,000 Jas. Kltsou to Antonio Scblppacasse, Ann Arbor.. _ 250 Kli'plipn Kllngman to Fred Laubengaycr. Sclo 3 000 H. N. Rexford to F. K. Rexford, YpslYpsllantl _... 1,000 John N. VanDuyn to Irvlng Olass, Superior 200 A. L. Baldwln to Qeorge Ziek, Syl van... 1.700 Margaret 0. H. Wells to Jason W. Hogers, Aun Arbor 450 Qeo, W. Stetcher to Chas. Bchmitt, Auguata 1,000 Conslder Cushman to Naney W. Conklln, Chelsea 2,500 Seymonr Hammond to Martha Hammond, Manchester JOO E. Davlson to 8. Hammond, Manchester 300 Ben. Bayley to E. Davlson, Manchester, 250 " We coiumenced selluig Athlophoros about a year afro. We have had the hest suceess witli It of any rheuinatic medicine we ever handled," writes drujrjfist O. W. llalstead, of Masón, Michigan, and liisexpcrieiicu is a common one.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
D. L. Davis
H. E. Lutjen
Electa H. Markham
George M. Henion
Mary A. Wyckoff
Jacob Heinzmann
S. H. Douglas
Jason W. Rogers
John Moran
Bridget Bowler
C. S. Gregory
H. C. Gregory
Joseph Bowler
Daniel Putnam
F. Ryan
M. Ryan
Amanda B. Wetson
Margaret J. Barney
William H. Parker
Jacob F. Hong
Conrad Renz
John Renz
F. J. Hammond
James W. Abbott
Densmore Cramer
Daniel Nissly
James Kitson
Anton Schiappicassee
Rev. Stephen Klingmann
Fred Laubengayer
H. N. Rexford
F. K. Rexford
John N. Van Duyn
Irving Glass
A. L. Baldwin
George Zick
Margaret C. H. Wells
George W. Stetcher
Charles Schmitt
Consider Cushman
Nancy W. Conklin
Seymour Hammond
Martha Hammond
E. Davison
S. Hammond
Benjmain Bayley