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The Boom

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Monday evening a number of our citizens assembled in Fireman'a Hálito listen to the report of the commlttee appointed the Monday eveniug prevlous to draft articles of aasociation, etc., for a business men's assoclatiou. The meeting being called to order by Mayor Robboa, report Of the conimittee was called lor. Ito eliairman, N. J. Kyer, reported that they had not bad nuftlcieiit time to complete their work, but read a brief outline of what was proposed to be done, substantially as follows: 1. Tiils HswM-iiLt ion shall be known ai "Th Business Menu Assoclatlon ui the City oí Aun Arbor. 2. Object. The objects and purposes of this assoclutlou shall be to advance tbe materlul ironperity, to promoLe the bunlness luterest, 'IK'oUl :ir liluii Ul:te( UI rs, UHTrHSt' IruilspoTlatlon In-ilitii-, toacuuire for lis intiniOcrs ¦ more accurate linowfedge of all muiters effecaing the public welfare, te glve healtliy toni' lo public seutiiueul uud. social inleret urse. 3. Memberthip. Auy person ldentlned wlth or lnterested in mercanlile, manulucturlii or other bUKliiess luterusts of the city, shall be ellglble lo uiembeishlp 4. Offlcerê. 118 officeru xhull conslHt of a prebldunt, vic)-prealdeut, correspondtun W''Cretary, recordlug secretary, treaurer, and a board ol directora, flve lu uuiuher. 5. All of these oltieers shall be elected by bitllol, at a regular meetlux of the inembera. ii. Thi'M' oflMan iball prftrm moh dalle as ehiill be dlrecled by the by-luwa of the asaoelatlou. Tliis in briei is the object and purpone of this ussociation. Nearly all of the citius of Michigan have such a one, and wliere energetic men liave been put at their head, they have done iiumeasurable good, vide Owosso, Jackson, et al. Reiuarks were made by Alderman AUmendiDger, Dr. Breakey, Col. Dean and Christian Mack in relation to this organization all speaking very hopefully of its ultímate success, if raanaged ariglit, in fact they seeined enthusiastic over it. Mr. Mack, iu his remarks referred to the manufacture of school furniture here. He said that there was a nucleus and a good one too, around which to build, viz.: the old Bodwell factory. The patterns were all good, the business had been successful as far as carried on by him, and with an energetic go-aliead man to push it, he belived it would develop mto a fíne industiy. The ïiorthville factory got its patterns originally from Mr. Bodwell for a nominal suin, and now it employee! 150 bands. With our great University and schools here, young men, including uiany teachers, would become familiar with u factory here, and it would practically advertise itself. Then again, there would be comparatively little risk. School listricts never failed, they always paid their debta, and his experience in finance.8 taught him that the securities most soulit for by pfople having money to loan was school district bonds, for they weie considered absolutely safe. Then, there was less competition in tliie liue of business thun in many others. He did not think that such a great amount of capital was needed - it was the man more than the money - pluck and push was wtiat brouglil success. Mr. Mack'8 ideas ou tbis subject wen well received, and ure certainly worth considering. A live man with a little capital, and considerable Mgacity, gooi business ability, and mauy day's works in his coinpnsjtioii c;in tind a silver mine awniting (levelopmeut, rigbt liere in Ann Albor. After these reiimrks Mr. Hamilton moved tliat tlie cummittee be coutinued to complete its work, and to report u some iuture nsetlog to be oallod by tliem wliK'li motil' as cairil. THE SAENUEKFEST. Dr. C. Georg said a few words in rela tion to the coming Saenerfest, and dr sired tliat the people of Ann Arbor should come to the assistance of the Bee thoren society, under wliose auspices the event was to take place. There woult be trom 8,000 to 10,000 people here then providing the weather was favorable, ani it would be a class of people on whoin i would pay our citizens well to muke a favorable impression, tor their children are coming up and will want the education turnished here. The hotel facilities were totally inadequate to the demands Whnt was wanted was for the people to throw open their doors and help entertain tilia vast crowd. The Doctor als said that the Beethoven society hai pledged itself for $3,000 to meet the ex penses of this Saengeifesl, aud whethcr they took in $1 or not that amouut they must pay. A fier this, remarks were made by sev eral citizens who thought that the people of tlie city were greatly interested, aiu belleved that without exception every household in the place would be throw i open to these visitors. Mayor Robison and Col. Dean were especially impressei with tliis idea, aud individually profferec the latuh strin; of their homes to the society' l'riends. Ft is not at all doubtful but that the committee appointtd for tbat purpose will bc well reitcived by our ciliziiis. The meetiii!{ then adjounied subject to the cali of the commitlee. A sub-committee has been appointei by the general committee to solicit uienibership to this associalion, consistiug o] Messrs. Maek, Dean and Keech. The membership fee being plact-d at $1 pei year. And unother sub-committee, consistiug of Judge Cooley, Messrs. lireukey Allmenctingerand Kittridge have been aipointed lo drafl constitutlon and bv-luws. Ovving to bis going into tlie milk business more extensively, J. T. Jacobs bas purchased a larger 8toddard créamery. He supplies Mr. Frank Iltiiigsterfer with creaui tor lus ice-creara. Carril AI. Coe, was mariied last week Tuesdiiy, at Taylorville, Illinois, to Miss Olivu Harris. Tbuy went iuimcdlately to tbeir home in Aberdeen, Dakola, where Ik; is iu business of in.ikin abstracts and conveyances. Carril bas matiy fricnds in thid city wlio wi-li lnui success, and they think will aciiicvu It for üe is a wide awake putiher. Tuesday morning, Mrs. Goetz, a Germán woruan about CO vears of a;e, living in the 2d ward near Helief Park, was found dead in bed witli oue hand uuder her head and the otlier over her heart. Not irisinu at the usual hour her sou went to cali her and found her dead as stated ibove, evidently froni beurt distase. Her lusband, a brolher of John Goets, .Sr., died last fall. A man by the name of Alex. Cameron, who has been an inmute of the couuty ïospltal for the past year, and has suf'ered amputation of a leg because of inuries received while in the employ of Alger ib Siiiith in tlie luniljer woods, some three years since, has received a check of )f $25 froni Uov. Alster, throufjli Dr. ireakey who wrote the Governor about he case, recently. Upon investigation, f the facts in the cuse warrant it, Mr. Cameron will be given employnient in some of Gov. Alger's Industries.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News