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In your lust week's issue wc chronicled the wonderful teslimony of fho-. ('lurk - ens, Kdward I'ate, A. W. Ilumi Itou unt Thos. V. Leonard and wife, to thr iiiij?Iciil efficacy of Iloptonic as it worked extraordinary cures in their cases. In this issue we take pleaaura In presenting to our readers furtlier coutirmatory ifstiiniiiiv trom well knowH UiwnsBien. Thiul. Thompson, as isgenenlly kuowii, having lM'fn a gieat MlfieNI Cor the pastgix years trom iicute lun;; trouhle mul liter and kidnt'V discusi', and been under constant medical Ueutmcnt without reueiving any benelit, ha taken a new lease o t lire. Dtmng the past year Mr Thompson's decline has bei'n very mai keU, his friends dally uotiiig his ruwnij; less and los in llesh and slrength uittil he was bilt a shadow of his former elf. Oa the lBtk of last April, Mr. Tboinpmiii liad his attention called t the wonlierful virtues of Hoptonic, and even as a ilrownlng man catchea ata si ruw, he decided to try the remeily, aud th sanie day purchased a bottle. The result of the experiment was an iuamediate and wouderliil evoluüon In liis physioal liealth. Pollowlng up treatment, in just one inenth from the tirst trial, he had ained six pounils la weight, which wonderful showing is onlv oqiMtled by his extraordinary recuperation of strength, shar)ened appetite and quiet restful sleep at riight. Mr. Thompson is hailed by his friends as h resurrected man, and says he too has dlscovered the "Fountain of Youth," and is full of joy over the prospect of again becomlQS a wi-11 man. Mr. A M. Doly, the boot and hoe merj Bays that Iloptonic is a boon to hnmanily. A ítiiniilunt, Dot in the sense of an intoxicant, but as a tonic, with elFccts tlmt are permanent and uot merely temporary, iving a Kood appetite and rejjulatlnff digestión, insnriii}; (iiiet, in Tigorating sleep, and curiiiff fretty, norvoui wakefulness. ' ' Ihave hecoine a new man since takiiii; Iloptonic." Baid Mr. Doty. A Moore, In the einploy of A. D. Seyler, speaks in glowin{ tenns of Iloptonic and says, thut he cannot too stronj{ly rtciimiuiMid it. Tu lliose wlin are victims of general debility, nervous proKratlon, insoinnia r slecplcKsncHs, or In anyway in IIIicalth, brmight on by over aUentionJto business orjstudy- notliing is so hi'hly valll;iblc .'is Hoptonic, All public tf.Niimoni.iiH an bona tide, und jtiveu voluntarily, au iuvestigatiou is uivited. The coming celebration to be held in l.ansiiijr. June 15, is now being talked up by the newspupers. The Toledo & Aun Arbor Kailroad Co. is building M independent track between Dnraiid and Owosso. This will give the road a complete track from Toledo to Mt. Pleasant. The good work goes bravely on. There is nothing new under the sun. It is aaid tlint 70 years ago a banner carried in a trade procession in England bore the legend here quoted : Elght hours of wurk, Kight hours of pluy. EIkIiI liours of Hltcp. Kiglit shilling a day. Sensible advlce fiom an exchan?e. Patronize home imlustriea and home business men. The person who is a resident and taxpayer and who expends all the money he ia able to accumulate at home, is of real valué to any locality ai d s entitled to support in prel'erence to wanden th and non-residents. A man who wishes to continue in business in any one place, will in most cases be honest in all of his trausactions, because in order to be mm Mlflll. he must establish and maintain a reputa! ion for reliability. Tlii.s eannot always bc said of others. If you have any feellngs of loyalty for tlie place in wliich you live, and wish to deal with people of honesty and interity, pal ron ze home industries and home business men every time.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News