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Capt. E. P. Allen was up lrom Ypsilant Monday , II. F. Ouiium and wife have gone t Petoskey to live. W. W. Watts li. -is resigned a9 orderl; sergeaut of Co. A. Henry Maun visitcd Chicago last week nturalnii Monday moruing. Houier Henderson is now ín Cleveland where he haa obtaiped a sltuution. Miss Myrtle Bernurd returned to Jack sou Saturday, atter a week's stay with Mrs. J. S. Riuketts, of the 5th ward. Geo. N. Depuf, of Buftalo, N. Y., is in the city visiting hls mother tor a few days Mrs. AI. M. Tuttle returned from Chicago a few days slnce, where bhe had been on business. Mrs. S. P. BlUs, of Búrlalo, . Y., has been visiting at Auditor General Ste vens during the wtek. Bishop Ninde will be the gtiest of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Cloojth, on W. Huron st while in the city. E. II. 1)(; Viinney, of Fort Smith, Arkansaw, is makiug his ailDUal visit to his sis ter, Mis. Chas. Poland of the 5tu ward. One of Aan Arboi's yoailg and popular business men is about joining the ranks of the benedicts. that's Watts the matter. Prof. C. F. RtMweiler, of the Northweslern ooilege, Napierville, 111., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schairer over Sunday. Allen B. Pond went to Chicago Saturday to Mtgage in business with his brother Irving who is quite a suceessful architect in the (úeen City. Mrs. Judge Howell, of Adrián, and son R. B., of the U. S. Navy- gradurite of Annapolis academy '84,- visited C. A. Howell of the freshman class the week past. Chas. K. Spaffard, of Clinton, who is eugaged at present in running the Clinton end of the Tecumseh Herald, was In the City Friday. He is one of the veteran printers of tlils couuty. At the recent inuual meeting of the Association of Coiigrvgationnl cliuiches held at Flint last week, Rev. W. II. Ryder, of this city was elected delégate to .he catlooal coumil. Cuas. A. Huiiilrick liis been east since eaving Aun Arbor, being treatad for deective hearing with the "electrical treatment,"'ancl is 8aid to have been benerked. Ie is now in Kansas. Dr. Breakey has been to Marshall durng the week to visit his daughter Birdie, who Is impruvitig under the iniluence of ountry air. Mrs. Win. Stevens accom)anied the Doctor home. Mr. and Mrs. John II. Komiek havetakn up theirabodat the residehee of Mr. R.'g mother at No. 43 E. Catlierine 8t., where they expect to remaln for the presnt. John anticípate1! promotion ere long, nd in tbat event they may go to Detroit to reside. Mrs. Wm. ifcCulloogh, of Ypsilantl ; Irs. Robcrt Stanlake, and Mrs. Henry Otto, of Pontiac ; Mis. Sweeney, of De roit, and Mrs Oreen, of Flint, all slsers, drove up from Y pillan tl Monday wheie they are visiting, and ealled upon leir cousin Mrs. (ïeo. II. Pond. C. 8. Tuttle, for the past three years n the employ of the lstNat. Bunk, left iondaj evening for Chicago whore he ïas accepted a sltuation with the Chicago .ife Safety Fund Society. " Cheed " is ne of the kind of yonng men u placedis kei t(i lose, for he Is honeit, faithful and )rompt. We bespeak for hiiu success in lis liew fiiliiatiun.


Ann Arbor Courier
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