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MOST PERFECTMUK I'roparod with special renard to he&IttL No AniiniHiia, l.imu or flum. PRICE DAKIN9 POWDER C0.t CH1CACO. ST. LOUIS. Ipl SPECIAL Mextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Pmt and stronmst ITatanü Fruit Finvors. V anilla, LMiion. Omiiihv, Al mond, RoN, to., flTOT ¦ lfli.-.w-'y anI -tturallv u tin fruit. OOCtüQ. Price Baking Powder Co. st. L0W8. lnvalids'HoteliSurgicalInstitute BUFPALO, TTOreanlsed wllh s ruil Staft of eighteen I'.MHTienced and hkillfiil rhy.lrlan iiml Surgeons for the trratment of all 'brouic Díiiums. OUR FIELD OF SUGCESS. Chronic Naal Catarrh, Throat and Linie DiNia-r., Livor and Kidncy MiNca.e., Bladder DixeaNes, ol Womrii, HIo.mI DiseascB aud NervOU8 Af feclionw., riircd here or at home, with or whhout swing the patiënt. Come and - ut" sena t'n cvritfl m stamps for our "Invalida' Guido Kook," wliich givcs all partidulars. _____ NervoiiN Itcbility, Iniporii-iiniTi- tencj, IVoetnriial I, ..., luftTE nul all ITIorhid Coild itloilx _ eaused by ïoutlifnl FolllKCieCP lies and PerniciouH SoliUIOCBOLJ. iary i'rui'iici'N are speedily ¦ and iKTinanently cured by our Specialiste. Book. postpaid, 10 ets. in stamps. _____ Kuptorr, or Ilrcneh, radin T rally cured without the knife, HUPTURF I without trusses, without pain, nuriuni.. Bn(J without danKcr. cure. "¦¦¦ i.uaraiilced. liook sent for ten ctnt8 in Ktatnps. IMI.i: II tl(l(S and STUICTIRES trcateil linder Kuaraiitco to cure. Book sent fort-un cruis in stampa. Addresi n'ori.d'8 Dispojart Medical, Association, 663 Main i. Míalo, N. V. ___i__ The treatment of many lliFir ¦- thounands of cases of thosc UISEhSES OF diseases peculiar to Wnum ¦wroMEN nt the Invalids' Hotel and ¦ ¦¦¦ sutvií'iil Instiíute, has affordcil berge expertenoe iu uduptiuB rumedies for their uure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of this vast eiperience. Tt is a powerful Rentoratlve Tonlc and Nervlue, impuits viifor and strentith to the systeui, and cureR, afl if by niaKic, Leu orrliea, or wliiies.' exocsHive llouiiiu, painful iiK'iihi ruaiioii, nnii. uur. il i'iii, - , prolapsus or lailinu of the uterus, weak back, Muir i rsinii. retroversion, bearingdowu sensat ious, chronic coligestion, iuflani mal ion and iileeratlon of the iviiinii, int 'lam mal ion, pain aud ii'iidi'i'iii" in ovarle, intcriial heat, and "female neakiiess. It promptJy relieves and cures Nausea aml Weakness of Stomach, Indices liiMi, Itlonl i uur. Nervous l'roi i ailon, aud Slecplctisuess, in either aex. DDIPC C I nn OR 6 BOTTI.ES rnlbt Ipl. UU, iok $o.oo. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pieror's larsre Treatíso on üiscases of Women, illustrated. Wcrld's Oispensary Medical Association, 063 Mai Btreet, BUFFALO. M.Y. aSICK-HEADACHE, Bllious Headachc, Dizzineos, Constipation, lud ig t.ii i ii, and Bilious Attacks, prompt ly cured by Dr. IHcrcc'H Ploasaut l'u raaii Pellets, a rents a vial, by Druífífists MMUNITYfromANNOYANCE 2e l S V Pat.0st.30th.l883. } varrair 'f nl. nnly of the fin est nnl liest qnnlil.v of las lor wlthslaullii{r heat. Evory good thinar is Counterfeited, and consumera are CAUTIONED against IMITATIONS ol these Chimneys made of VERY POOR G-LASS. See that tho exact label is on eaoh chimney as abovo. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright O-lass. OXI.V by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. l'IKsluirli I,cn! ;lnss Wurk. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. 4 J . UNIVERSAL nS. m vw C Fr' ' n.W - ' ¦ 'S - tn OntOTininl AwiH, LJ&-S"Tjp E J Í 'mirwalt ! 'iüta'tl. OM Bthi Rcnewwl. ? L Scod for Circulan. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. A ('dMII.KTK AKKAKNiJMKNT KOR Phjsician and Families. Neater asd Cheaper AND KOHI COlTVEiriBITT TUAN A STATION AKY HATII TITB, WITH NO KXI'KNSK ()F HATH ROOM AND KIXTUilKS. BERRY (MKESj T Scii.l Tor lllu.lralcil (ulalv(ur. qJ 1 Q U C V C.Colby C.,Benton llarlwr, Jlirli. D H 0 IV L I 0


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