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Michigan (Tentral The Miagara Falls (Route. Central Htandard Time. Tlrae thlc Ikin(; effect Nov. 29th, 185. CHICAGO TO DETnOlT. """"¦¦ Jiíílíiji1!! _ o _L __ 1 oo _. . ¦ ' M. f.M. T. M. A.M. rhlrapo..Lv. fififl 00 330 400 95 9 55. Michigan Clty! 918 11 11 5 17 fi 321I 13 H02 Nil.í 1038 1215 613 75OI25X ISO "" Kalamazoo... ¦¦¦¦ 142 723 9Ï0 2Ut 8 03 5 Patrie OraekJ 2 2:) KOI 50 3 50 731 """""'[L;:'.::¦ ÍS gr: rain-T. Alción p m. 382 83 3 43 4 40 8 f" 310 4 15 9 15 4:5 SIS BIS QjM.Uk::.. 333 647 IM helsen 355 (957 Dexter 4 12 ti 22 10 li Anu Arbor.... 4 33 5 .10 10 08.... B 45 6 40 10 28 P'llantl 4 50 5 45 10 21 .... 6 00 fi 55 10 45 Wawie June. 5 15 06110... 62U 747 11IK Detrol ....Ar. 6 00 45 11lS ? QQ 8(O1145 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. ..... li II áL g C L L M A.M. A.M P.M P M. H.M. P.M Detroit.... Lv. 7 00 9 10 130 4 00 8 00 915.... WayneJnnc. 7 40 BSt 2 03 4 45 8 40 55 Ypellanti .... 80110 13 2 2(1 5 12 9 05 10 21 AnuArbor... 8 ll 10 2H 232 530 9 23 10 3" Dexter 88S 550 956 Chelsea 848 605I0im OrnusLake.. 10 R27U033 Jackaon 935 1148 3 22 7 ÍS 11 So 12 03 Marshall 1U38 1245 4 42 82211155 1 lx Battle Créele.. 11 i 1 3i 4 40 8 52 12 20 ISOÁ.m' Kalamazoo... 11 SS i 15 515 45Í 1 10 i 40 4 45 Nile 147 345 632 SOfi 4 18 6 40 MichlfranClty 3 10 4 57 7 30... 4 35 5 40 8 OS Chicago.. .Ar. 5 45 7 10 9 311 7 00 KnSU)35 Canada DlvUlon. DETKoiT TO BürrALo. -Standard Time. STATIONS. LS- I OÍ Wáw v lú P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. l).trolt....Lv 7 30 11 25 S 0(1 7 1(1 12 (6 p M i.Ti;omaeAr 11 Ín I t:, III 40 10 451 3 40 Tqnto...Al 8 45 P'5(5 M 2fl r. u. Oitw „mistó 4 :a. m. Montreal 10 00 8 18 liehc a630p. . a.m. 2 20 p.m. M.lhomuB.Lv 1115 2 45 100 10 55 8 M Weiland 153 5 17 5 12 154 6 28 Falls View 8 45... %M N. Fnllí. Ort. 2 22 5 48 2 : 56 SuVi; H dp e 2 3ö 6 00 2 511 7 10 N.Falia.N.Y .... Eaateni time A. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Miidilo Lv 4 50 X 10 9 00 4 tí 9 0l lLohealer..Ar ti 50 t 6% 11 00 45; 11 00 Svrucase 9 30 12 I5r 1 )a (90 1 .lam DUca .. 11 :o 2 lii 3 i 11 : 3 m Albuny pB2 2i 5 00 10 A-J30 í; 111 T...V r 2 35 6 55 6 fi 2 00 ñ SpriDgflel ... 6 l 1240a 10 57 ti 15 1057am Worreater. . . . 8 28 6 0 1 18p 8 20 1 18pm BiiKton 9 45 6 2o 2 45 9 40 2 45 New York Ar 7 00 I 9 0(lp 10 30a 7 30 10 SOam FhiliMlilplila. 10 85 lO 36 7 06 ' . .' avTTAijo To detkoit - standard Time. I I 'I al -i 11 . II ail STATIONS. L=¦ S ag X H-ffl O j u gu co K C A. M. p, . Philadel'a.Lv 9 00 p. m ... s .0 New York... 10 30 (i 00 .. .. y 6 Uiwton W 36 3 00 7 A) Woceter... 9 50 4 20 a iS SprininVId. . 11 35 6 05 .. ]i. .,1. Albany 3 OOpni 10 05 . .. 2 .. Utica r 45 lS8Sam .. 5 .; Syracuae 7 40 2 00 7 20 Korheeter.... H 55 4 00 iu uo Uufl'alo ...Ar 12 15 5 50 í . 12 15p ni. a. it.l Uufl'alo Lv 11 30pm 5 30 ti 05 9 00 'll Sos N. íallí.N Y M.m SaHD'n B'ii'gv 12 31 SO 15 38 N. Kalle, Ont. 12 51 6 48 .. . ...... a H Kalls View 6 56 (12 Weiland 7 16 7 21 10 15 1 : St I liornas Ar 4 10 9 50 1115 11(1 4 35 tnebec....Lv 2 30 In in Muutreal, 8 00 'i D) Ottawa 1140 12 23 Toronto, 8 ;0 80 St.ThcmaeLv 4 15 9 55 2 55 1 15 4 45 ...Ar 805am 100pm8 45 5 2U,i 8 ló t Stopa only to let off pasaenfjera. t Stopa only 011 slu'nal. O. W. KUGGLB8, H. W. HAYBS. G. P. T. Agent Att.. Ann Arlmr. Chlcaeo. Toledo, Aan Arbor & Nortli Michigan Kailway. TIME SCHKDULB. Totiike effect at 12 o'clock, nnnn, on Siinday, September 27, 18S.1). (Sontberu División.) Traína rnn by Standard Ti me. GOINQ NOKTH. GOING SOCT1I 6 4 2 1 S T r s - ï - í; 5 - S. ó STATIONS. Lo" Q g '¦ ¦L ' áL A.M P.M A.M LeaVC. Arrívr A.M P.M 1' M. + 9 50 +3 40 7 05 Toledo 30 ö 00 5 00 9 51 3 45 7 14 Manhattan .lunct'i. 9 % I 66 i 10 00 3 52 7 2) Alexis .Innclinn 9 l(i I 17 1007400 7 .' ilaHthor . lli I )(l .... FIO 13 ) 07 7 li; Samarla I OH I :ai 1II2.Í 4 10 S 06 Lu n. 8 474 20 10 311 4 25 8 15 Mouroe Juuction ï 4JU 14 .... 10:f7 4 331 8 30 Dundee 8 DO I (14 I 04 110 43 14 40 8 37 Macón 8 384.011.... + 10 47 4 45 8 48 Azaüa ÍS 10 -i ól +1100 4558 59 Milán Juncilun 8 (M : jr 34i A.M, 500 9 09 Milán 8OtiS4lpM. 5 08 9 22 tiranía 7 SS 'i 9D '523 9 32 Piltetleld Junctlon 7 40;3 22 5S.Ï 9 50 Ann Arbor T 27 [8 10 ?5 55 10 l L lan I 7 I22 50 tB 05 10 30 orilen 7 06Í2 40 ti 20 10 46 _j8oatnJLyon B 50 L' i". Connection: At Tolodo, wlth raUroadi dlven ii)L'; at .Nianhattan Juuction, wlth WheelinK & Uikr Kiie K. R.; at Alexia Junclion, wiih M. V,. H. K., L. S. M. S. Kjr. and K. A I'. M lt. K.; at Muiíroe Juuclion. with L. S. & M . S. Ky .; at Dondee, wiih L. s. M. ü. Ry., M. & O. Ky.: al Ullao .Iiimtion. with Wabash, St. Louls & f'aciñc Hy.; ni I'ittsfli-ld,with L.s. A M. S. Ky.; at Ana Arbor with Michigan (Jeutral K. K., and at South Lyn wlth Detnit, I..11 -íhl' A Northern K. H., and Mich. A. L. iv. of Qrand Trunk Ky. Train (i and 8 runf bctween Detroit and Toledo. ilaily rxi-fpt Sunday, vía Müan JlBOtHW! N .. t) iirrivcs at Oetroit 12:00 110011. 1N0. 3 K-uvi-b Detroit al %86 p. m. KlaKH'ationH. t Daily, except Sundaya. Trai n do not stop, 11. VV. ASIILBY, Genernl Sipi. W. n. BRNNETT. Oen'l. Pa. A'mr. TJEiJE ANE ARBOR SAÏINGS BANK, ANN AKHOK, MU'HIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business CAPITAL, $60,000. Orjantxed under the (ïenura] Banking Law nf this atut, the etockholdors idividnUy Üable for au additiunal amouti! equal to thu utock lield y them, thereby creating a uuurautei; Kund for thv benefit of UepoAÍtr8 of $100,00.00. Three per cent. luterct is allowed on all Hnvins Depostu of one dollar aud upwanif, bOOordlBff tn rulcM ol the liank and interr-t compniiidt-d Bemi-annually. Kouey to Ixïan on unincumlH-rni real estáte and uther good eecurity. DIUECTOHS: CHKISTIAN MACK, WM. D. HAKUIHAN, W. W. WINKS, DANIEL 11ISCOCK, WILLIAM ÜKDBEL, WII.LAKU B. SMITM. DAVID KIN3EY. OFFICERS: Di MACK, Pree. W. W. WINKS, , 'ce-Prea. ,.&. HISCOC'K.OiiBhier. Chancery Sale. state of Mli'hiKHM, the Circuit court for the couiity i)f Vuslit-niiw, In (.'Imnccry. In the ia-e Ilit-reln pi'iiilillB. wlurt'in Murllm A. Miuth. Is Complulnxnt, umi Kiully N. Snnlh, ArchlImUi B.Bmltb and Klnnley falkina, KUinltannof ArchitiHlil 11. smltli are dt-fenil;inis: In pursuance anil ly virtue of 11 lfcrflul order nimlt' In tlie aboTe oaQM n the fourlli iliiy Of May, A. 1) lSWi, I shall sell at publto anotlon 10 the blgbtst bldderal tba euat IVont door of tlie Coiirt bOBM, i" HU ciuin iv , du thaSSth day of June tt-n o'cloek in the foremxm. the followlDg dicrllM-d lands und prt'inises, to-wlt.: Tho retel half of ttit Bontheaat Qaarter.and the m.uIIimc t ciunrt.T ol thi' DOTIbWUl iiarler of schuim st-ven 111 lown WM noiiHi ol i:niu neven mt. contalnlng mie bundrad 1 I wenty aofea of land. mort' or les?., and bcln In tht' townnhipof Siileni, Washleiiaw oounty, MichiK'in. luihd. Muy 101 h, 1886. FltANK JOSI.YN. t'iroult ( 'ourt ('oinnitsHloner In and tor VVashli'tniw cinuily. Michigan. iini.i.i-J UliNT, Solii'ilor for C'uinplHluaut. 129H04


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