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M IHO.VIC umie IdinA.MN Akhor Comh.vvdkky, No. 13 meels tirst ram Uy ui enen moutU, W. O. Doty. E. O. W. A. Tolchard. Ri-eorcler. WïilliESA l'll WMKK, N'O. li, R A. M.- SteAta tirst Mcm.iay um month. Isaac lluudy, H P.; '.. üoath, Secretury. BUSINESS CAR DS. o. :m. 3j.tïst, CLOTiï CAÜÍs, METALIG And Coramon Cofllns. Cnlls attcnted to Day or Nlght. EmlHiliiilnt? :' apaoUltar. Btoreroom on E. Washington slreet. Residence Cor. Liberty nud Flfth. _____ W. II. JVCKSO, OFFICE : üror Hacli & Abel's Dry Good SI ore. En trunco next to National Bank. WILLIAH HERZ, House, Sig-n, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! I'aiieriuij, Glazintr, Qildiiig, nd Oalcimlnlne. nd work of evi-ry dcrlptton flono iu tho bfet ttyle.and warranied to give üatiifaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W, V. & A. C. XICIIOI.S, Rooms Over Ann Arbor SavtagS Bank, Mavonic Templo Itlnok. GAS or VITALIZED AIR A'ltlltliixiT-il f(.r tlé ll!lll- l-XtPHOtiilllf taath. JOSEPB Iti.lilf, The rrncticii! TAILÜR ANU CUTTBIl, Of the Inte flrill 01 WINANS A lüíltHY, hun liicattd hi piafa of baalnau al NO. 7 HURON STREET, witb a n i.i, um oi' Suitings and Trouserings, And woulil najr to hi o!l MfndK and new ojea that if they want a (Oul KIT ind a NOBBY HIT at REASONAHLK I'RIC'ES, cali en taim nnd tliry will lo aure Ui Rat one. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. SiTurlty hPlil for rotPction of the pollry CHRISTIAN MACK BepresenU. tka hUawtM (lr-i-cla companice, of wüii-li ooe, the Ana, hu akme pM ?5U,irh,io Ure I oasea in lxty-llveyara: itna,of Elartford f e,192,64 Fraukiiu ot Pliiladulpliiu 3,11H,713 Germanlü, N. Y S,ÍOO,729 QermM AjnertoaD, N. Y 4,065,968 I. miilun Assurance, London... 1,416,788 MicliijiHii F. & M., Detroit. . - 287,008 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2JHMJ.679 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505 PlUBoix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 I.o3aes llbcrmlly adjusied and nromptly p:iid. Polieies isaued at the luwest rates of premium. llüUf __ LI7MBER! LTJMBER! LX7MBER! lf yon contémplate building, oall ftt FERDON LniEt lili! Corner Fonnh and Depot Sts., and ge ottr iigures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our owu Lumbcr and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES 49-Givc us a cali and we will make it to ynur interest, as onr lare and wcll naded stock lnlly ustains our asscrtion. Telephone Connections with Othce. T. J. KKECH Supt. JAMKS TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GENERAL IiËÜ ISÜfi! OFFICE, OTer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. IIUKON AND FOÜRTH STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Bdtnbnrf. K'apiUl, ÏH.UUU.UUI), Uold. Detroit Flre and Marine lusurancc Co., Cáah Araers tflOO.IKXi. S.rin-licM Im. Co. of MassachusetiH, ('ah Aks1s ÍI,WHI,I). Howard [hm. ('ompaiiy f New York, ('uk AKtfi tl.0llO,(KIO. Aerrlcnltnral Ins Co., Watr(own,N.Y., Cah A(?'. ...$l,400,l), Loiie;Mherallv Adln'l nd lrom)tly Pid. "CHAMPÏONCREAMERY, 1 .11 fok ('i)N'v::nies'('K MMÉiP of nandlliiL' M Ik and fawi?R%4L ( r'.iui witlj iii-wt rer-uli-i, ¦ ',""" ¦ ' ¦ " :"7 laad! the van. ]!: Itl-TJ..J1 B .Umml, ¦ .¦¦¦J af lachmcnt. Prawtn 1. . _ ',"' , -v' 'llk or Cream flret aa dealnMiww,ikIJf ,'¦¦'¦ I ut f-, r 'nindalrom II Pïl " waH awardod the I j 3HHJpn.' l"v I'-tl.lll II R "Bl T"1""''".1 ""'¦. MW-h.' ,„a. _ 'Ninlf Fulr, llh 1 i .!. sV"k """ r Kick., 188. It llrylm,.l.,u,„t„., H...,„ FlU,Vt.


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