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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thispowdernevir varíes. A marvol of parlty, strength and wholesomeness. More economical Ihan the ordinary kinds. and cannot be sold in competition wlth the multitude of low test, hort welght, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Koyal Haklnc Powder Co.. 1OO Wall st.. N. Y. jTïjU TÖRTURÊSJ ÜIMI IBLOODHUMORSI HUMIUAT1NQ lErnptioiiH, Ilchiii nd Burnini; Skin Tortores, LoathtMune Sures, and evtry epecie of Itchinjf, Scaly, l'imply, Inherttod, Scrofalotu. and Gonttgtoue DUaMes of tl; o Blond , Skin, and Scalp, witta Loep of Hair trom infanry to oíd age, are xwUlvuiy cured by Cuticura the itreat Skin ('ure, and CüTtCViti exquifite Skin bi'autitler, oxieriuilly and (Jutk i.ka, Kksolovent, the New ltlood Purifittr, interuullyCOVERE Hm SORES. I have been afllicted aiuce last Murcta with fl Skin (HMM6 the doctor called Bcseme. My tnce was covert'd wlth pcahx'aml Borea, and the LJching and burn in ir wt-n: almott unbearaMi-. SH'i'ing your Cuticura Rbhbjdies bo btehiy reoommendcd, I concluded to uive tht'in a trial, tufog the Cuticura aud the Cntlcura Soap cxtenmlly, and Kewolveiit internally, fot foiir monthff. 1 cail myf-eir cured, in gratltudü fur which 1 inake thi public statement. MRS. CLA1ÍA A. FKEDEHICK, Broad Brook, Conn. SCALP, FACE, EAUS, AND NECK. I was glflicted with Eccema oa the Scalp, Face, Enrf and Neck, which the Druiiaittt where I pot your remedies, pronounced ore of the worst caeee tbut had come undT his notice. He advised me to trv your CiTTict'RA Rkmf.ihes, and alter five daje' ose my fcalp and part of my face were entirely curefl, and :I hope in auottu-r week to have my neck, ears, and the other part of my fac cnred. 11HH.MAN SLADE, 1IE. 4thSt., New York. ITCHING DISEASES CURED. Cuticura atand at the had of lts clace, MPBcia ly íb t1 ie the Cftsewithtbfl ('utlciirasoap. Huw had tin unuKually Kood eale ih is eummer owinir to the of au atfgravat1 d form of Itch throui;h lome locaMUaa in the country, in which the Cuticurti remeilie prov'd Matinltictory. W. L. llAKnlQG, DBUOelST. Union Town, Ky. CUKE IN EVERY CASE. Yonr Caticura SêmadlM ratteBdl other mi'dlcine I keep for skin dliatmM. My customern and patieuts nay thcy Imve effi'i -teil i cure in every inUnce, where other remcdi.-x havf fallad . 11 W. KKUCKWAY, M. D. Franklin Falls, N. H. CUTICÜKA REMEDIES, Are Sold ly al) DranrUta. Price: Cotki in, 50CtB.; Kkboi.vknt, 51.00; Soap, 25cts. Potter Druo and Chkïical Co., bostou. öund for "IJow to Cure tfkin Diseases." Bf ATT"FÏ tne fomplexion and Sïln by JjJJÜU usini; the Cuticuka Soap. CONSTITUTIONAL CATÁRRH. No single díeeaee has entailed more 9unVring or haatened the breaking up of the conftitutlon then Catarrh. The seuse of bdk-U, of taste, of slght, of hearing, the human voice the mind - oue or mort, and sometlme all, yleld to lts destructive inflneuce. The poison it dintribntes throughout the BTStem and breaks up the moot robuet of cocstitutloDB, Iifnored, because but littlo understood, by mot physictane, impotently asnalled by quacks and charlatans, those sufferinx from it have Uttle hope to be relleved of It thië side of the grave. It ie time, then, thnt fie popular treatment of thii terrible disease by remedies within the reach of all passed iuto hand at once competent and truutworthy. The uew and hitherto uutried method apopted hy Dr. Sandlord in the preparation of hls Radical Uure has won the hearty approval of thou sands. It ia inf tantaneous in ailordiuK relief in al. head cold, ncezing, BnuUllDg and obBtructed breathing, and rapicfly removes the moves oppreaaive symptorns, clearing the head, sweeteumj, the brenth, restoring the senses of mell, taste and hearing, and neutralizinc the countitulioual teudency of the diaease lowards the luuua, liver aud kidneyB. Hanukohd's RADICAL Cure consiste of one bottleof the Kadicai. Ci'uk, and one box of CATHABBAX Sui.vknt, and one Impkoveu I.nhai.kk; price, fl.UO. Pottek Druo and Cuiikmical Co., Boston. fto Kidnoy Fains. m And thnt weary, llfclesa all gone, BenC M ill"n 'ver present wiih thoie of in lk ilnmcii kidney, weak back and loinc, ) Jk aching hlps and Bides, overworked or worn out by disease, dehillty or dissipatlon are rplleveil In one minute and sm-edlly cured ny rutl'iira Antl-Paln IMaHter, ¦ new orlK'al. elegant and infallible antidote to pain and inflammation. At drairgluts 25c; flvy ïörfiM; or postare free ol Potter Druu and hfiiili-nl o., BoHtou. SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIYER OLL And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Milk The only prepamtion of COD MTEK OIL tlat can bo taken rca-hly aud lolerated tor a loag timo b],uVnT Fon mysatm„ Wlt(n 1-01 S Al fKITIO.NS, ANAKMIA, iJSvml, DUill.lH. ClU'HIIS AM THBOAtTF. ÏTTtTÏÏTs, and .lli WVSIINd lllsOliDKKS OK (llh.lllit :N ü i in:irvi-lliis In it rrsnlta. Pnucrilx-i] .iTHl.iniorv.-a hy tho bes 1'hyaiclan In tlio countriea of Ihe world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.' rnjMJa CURED! nU I I 11 1 ¦ nnm the most iktptiul GERIHAN ASTHMA CUREMX mout violent atUck: iuureR conifortable ali; effecU cure where all other remediM fall. No WKltina; for rrxulu. Il nrilon U ImiiM-diiitr, lirt-rï una ccrtaln iiiui u cïrel"Arrrtedln uil ÍIIKA1II.IÍ11AMES -tt DcrmaacaUv cured hm. Reft-r to me t aur time." "¦ Bm B. Lotl. m. 'aul, mnn. j. ¦ ' To: rulan. HamMen. IO. "Ona llltm Cure If lljrou clim r lu It neier WU " Ptof. H. Van rtngerln, CreenvtUa. 3. C. ¦'Ut DbTiicfn rcoommeDdn a Oermiii Aithma Cure. It "rïrtm.. Mr,. M. L. reine, Ltmdmdirr,. Okic Tkoul at il-H.r Mltn 0 Ole. Alk UI tnnbt ¦ tyoiit II. Urrman Anthroa Cure ii sold by all dn. il t 5)-. ikI I . or "e-nt by mail on re-eiit of unre l'rial iiaaiiufu to ony ldivB for , , 1 , ¦¦ M .¦ - , M


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