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And tliis is sumnicr! Chelsea is havttag her streets put in excellent coudition. Five new dwelling houses are being Verted in Chelsea. Mrs. Paul Reyer, oL Bridgewater died May 22d, aged 69 ycare. Oak GroTe cemetery at Manchester is eing eonsiderably iiniiroved. Ezra Marsh ie down for a $1,500 new residence on his farm in Scio. Jane Marión of Manchester, who liad )een an invalid for 30 years, dled May JUth. Sheepshearing stories are on a par - no, ust a little ahead of snake stories, now-alays. Comiilaint comes from. some sections of he county that a little black bug is desroying the grape vines. Corn Is up nicely and doing well. There ppears to be less damage from cut worins 1ih.ii last year. - Chelsea Echo. A steamer is to plow the beautiful waers of CaTaaaugh Lake after the uiiddle of June. E. J. West is building it. The Universalist society, of tul village, ïave carpeted, painted and flecorated thelr cbiirch in line style. - Manchester Enterrl8e. Wheat is now heading out a little earlier than usual. It will be a good averaue erop in all respecta in this part of the; county. - Chelsea Echo. The people of Scio voted upon the quesion of purchasing the Dexter opera ïouse, for a town hall, last Haturday, nd he schenie was defeated by a vote of 'JS nnjority. A cow owned by L. R. Lee, of Webster, ind fed only on grass, gave 5! lbs. of milU ast Friday. With a few more cows like hat Mr. Lee could safely start a creamery.- Dexter Leader. A uow business firm bas been organized ïere for trade in wool, wheat, oats and farm products generally. The partners ireP. P. Glazier, J. ï'. Woo & II. I, Wood ; the corporotc name, Glazier, Wood & Co. - Chelsea Xlerald. Ypsilanti is coming to be famous for its nlneral waters. The Mineral Sprlpg 'o. (Ypsilanti Paper Co.) are shtpping vast quantities, and the Ypsilanti Mineral Water Well (T. C. Owen) is doing the amo. - Ypsi. Commercial. It has been linally settled that the ' eagle shall scream " in Anu Arbor on Fuly 4th. The screaming, however, wlll )e done on the 3rd, and considering the ong eilence of the blrd, will undoubtcdly e very loud. - Dexter Leader. Tlie prospecta are that an excursión wil] run from Napoleon, Manchester and Jlinton to Detroit some time next inonth at about $1.75 (or the round trip. We earn that a good man y people are anxous to go there. - Manchester linteririse. A threedays' jubilee is being held at the Jatbolic church in honor of the new pope. fhree services are held daily, with preachnjr each evenins. Rev. Krs. Coasidine, of Chelsea; Doherty, of Brighton; Bicey, of Jackson; and McMannis, of Dexter, are in attendance. - Pinckney Dispatch. The most good-natured people to be observed in these days of strikes, are the farmers, And they have good cause to smile on account of the bright prospects 'or a bountiful (yield of all kinds of farm roducts this season. And they are not he only ones who are glad thereat. - 8aiue Observer. A sinall arniy of men were busily engaged yesterday morning, (26th uit.) in Tnsferlng the safe from the bank of C. i. Gregory & Son to the depot, and puttiug in its place a large, handsome new one. The new safe was made by the De;roit Safe Works, has a time lock and all modern improveraents. lts weight is nearly 10,000 pounds.- Dexter Leader. Last Ttn-sday night about sixty friends ; Miss limily Hall pleasantly surprised ïer by glRtog a party in her honor at her lome, to show thu appreciation they feel, f,the wmk shc has done in the Methodist clmrch during the past six or seven years. She was presented with ¦ handsome autograpb album, llev. I. E. Springer making tlif presentatiou speech. - Ypsi. Commercial. Township Clerlc Howe wishes the Observer to state, in answer to numerous inquines, that no teacher is required by law to keep school ou legal holidays, although they are entitled to wages if the same falla on school days. If any holiday occurs on Sunday the following Monday is the legal lioliday, therefore no teacher eau be required to keep school on that day. - Saline Observer. No one turned out to the meeting Monday night and it looks as though our celebration would occur soine years henee. As no one takes an interest of course we shall retire from the field with the best poBsIble jrrace, but, as the glrl said to the boy when he kisstd her the lirst time, " We hate to do it."- So. Lyon Picket. Well, Bro. Picket, come over to Anti Arhor on the 3d and help celébrate the 4th In a regular oíd fashioned jolly way. Come on, and bring all your friends. We are going to have some fun. Marshal Cremer received an anonymous coinnninication Momlay morniiig, whicb purported to come from a number of indignant women, requesting him to take immediate steps to eject " thein Allens from the brick building near the Hillsdale car shoiis," and tliruatening to tear the buildiug down if the Allens were not at once drivt'ii out. The letter charged the Allen household with sins of impurity, l)iit the charge was rendered useless for the purooee lmended by having noname attached. The un fortúnate marshal will be miuli abused if he attempU to carry out the request of his indignaut corresjiomleiitM, and more abused If he doesn't. Evidently a marshal's lot is not a hapny one. - Ypsilantian. From the South Lyon l'lcket. M intuir Tfews- Ahem ! The latest advices from the mines are very eucouraging(? ) A big clean-up has been made and $50 taken out. Mr. Kllis, just returned, says to get (61 mi been expended. No wondrí üh: stiK-klioldurs feel blue. Mr. Elli thinks theré is anigger in the fence somewhcre and is not afraid to say so, but he also says that with new managers anc proper mnafemeot, enougb gold can be (aten trom there to pay back all the tbockböluèn with interest. We are sorry, very sorry, that our citIzena who have put so much money ani confldepce In the Arizona mines, art obllged to sci: thuir bright hopos and air c;itles blown to the realms of nothingDMi by tb WO bruuüful spring zephyrs We are sorry for various MMU Uno only gives the "I tiild yon so" man, o which our coiuniunity has more thau it share, a chance to get in his work, but it nakus us all poor. Our ex-postmaster, ust returned, saya tliat things are carried ni with a liiu'li hand at the mines and saya that a man is iti danger of hls life vho dures to say his soul' his own.