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Biliousness Is very prevalent at tliis season, the symptonis being bitter taste, ofleusive breath, coated tongue, Bick headache, drowsiness, dizzinetti loss of appetite. lf this comliUon ia allowed to continue, serious consequences may result. By promptly takiiia Hood's Sarsaparilla, a te ver may be avoided or premature death prevented. It is a positive cure tbr biliousness. öold by all druggists. A WONDEEFÜL OCCURBENCB. (Detroit News) The Interest e,wakend in an Important ocourence at Jacksan cauied a representativa of tbls paper to Tlait that city. He regtstered at the Hurd Hoam and ngaged Hon. Frank L. Smlth, 1U proprletor, and ei-mamber of the Stat LeglBlature In .conversatlon. llMj o. D. Denlo, a man vry wellknowu in thli communlty. wi probably the worst wreek physlclally of any man thls country has ever teen. He wu Mr. Sralth stopped suddenly, and olng to the door called In a man who wa paalncr. It was Mr. Denio, wbo sald : "I ato what people cali 'reaurrecteq.' From a Bllght attack of rhenmatlim. growtng out of a cold, I grew wore nntll my Hmbs wereewollen fearfully, and my rlght slde entirely paralyzed. Anyone woo has hBd rheumntlsm knows what I uffered. Th doctor were very falthful, bnt they dld not help me. They admlnltered morphlue constantly, but It eonld tjot klü the pain. Indeed, dnring my rarlng I declared I would shoot the doctors lf I ever recovered, whlch, of ooarse, I was not responslble for. I looked and longed for death. Uutyetyou ee me In perfect health. Do you want to know what la was that saved my Ufe, vlrtnally ralsed me from the grave af ter the doctors and roy frlends had abandoned me, and kceps me well 11 the whlle? Hlbbard's Kheumpttc Pyrup, the best medicine ever glven to Bulterlug humauity." Newspaper men are naturally skeptical, and so the wrtter called on the weïlknown house of Carroll & Boardman for whom Mr. Denlo worked when he wns flrst taken slok. Mr. Carroll sald: "Mr. Denlo wa one of the slckest men tbat ever recovered. He was paralyeed from rheumatlc poison, and no one ever dreamed he would et well. Hels well tbough, and It Is sltnply marvelous." 'Dr Charles H. Lewls, resldlng at 80 Blarkstone street, attendert Mr. Denlo durlng hls slckness.and sald Mr. Denlo had been a very slck man, had gone beyond tbs reach of the medical profession, and had been cured, as he declared, by the use of Hlbbard'a Kheumattc Syrup. The above faots are true and they can bt relied npon by all readers. We have lnvestlgated the entlre case thoroughly aué Vnovf Ittobeso. It Is a lesson to all ufferers and sbould be carefully remembered and acted


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News