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The Commandery of Knights Templar will attenil service St. John's day at Chelsea. Flowers, for decorating purposes came In pientlfolly Monday morning, over wbtch the comniittees rejoiced. The "Soldier Tramp," on the fïrst pagp, besides being apropos to the DeeoraUon Day season, lias considerable mcril as a poeni. Bishop Huist will preside at the next session of the II. E. conference of the Detroit district, to be held at Adrián in September. Lee Schumacher plead guilty to the charge of larceny on Thursday last and was 8entenced by Judgc Joslyn to one yoar at Ionia. The Detroit Conservatory of music sends us a card for this cvening's recital, n wnich Mr. J. V. Seyler, of this city takus a prominent part. Theo. Bigalke, for many years a grocery mercliant on Washington street, and a relectcd Germán citizen, dicd Mondtiy, May :ilst, at 3 o'clock p. m., of consumption. Qatcs A: Gatea liave brokon ground for J. T. Jacobs' new house on Monroe Street, and the sanie will lic rcady for ocoupancy Septsmbei lst if nothing happens to prevent. Appleton Post, G. A. R., of Brighton, held their decoration services in a grove adjoing the cemetery last Sunday. J. Q. A. Sessionp, of this city delivered the address. Probiibly the finest military display ever seen in this part of the state will occnr on July 3d, at Anti Arbor. It will be a sight worth coming a long dlstance to see. It will be a rare treat to our eitizens to hear tlie discussion of the Irish Home Rule Bill now pending before the English parliament, n Friday eveninji at University hall A change in tbc time table of the M. C. It. & took effect Monday, a. m. The Atlantie Express passes this station at 6:40 a. ni. instead of ZA, and the Grand Rapids at 10:35 instead of 10:28, goine west the Grand Rapids goes 3 minutes earlier. E. D. Kinne and A. J. Sawyer, oecupied the court's attention in an argument fora new trial, lasting two the case of Geo. Knickerbocker vs. Thomas F. Leonard. The motion is submitted and the court lias the matter under consideration. Geo. F. Allmendinger, who has been with Geo. W. Cropsey for the past several years, was married last Thursday, May 27th to Miss Louise Lindermann, by Rev. Mr. Ledurer, of Saline, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Lodi. Here's to long life and prosperity. E. S. Mann, a carpenter at work on the Cook house kitchen feil through between the joists a distance of twelve feet and fractured two ribs. He was takel to his home and will be compelled to remain there some time, having sustained severo bruises beside broken bones. The Evening News of last night printed alleged portraits of Dr. C. George, Prof. R. II. Kempf, John Wotzke and Geo. Haller, all oflicers of the Beethoven Society of this city, under whose auspices the great Saengerfest is to be held in August next, and gave the latter a grand send-ntr. The committee in charge of the 4th of July arrangements hold a meeting every Friday night to report progress. At the last meeting it was reported that $1,200 would be raised and Hon. E. 8. Salsbury, of Adrián, announced as the orator of the day. The committee feel that every thing is in shape for a lively day. Tliey will hold another meeting June 8. As the clay puddling of the catch lmsin beoomos stirred up In heavy winds, the water companj have drawn the water down and workmen are engaged lining it with stone, as the reservoir is constructed. The company have made great improvements about the pumping works in leveling and seeding the lawns about the buildings. The pump will not run wliile repairs are belng made on the catch basin. Onder instructions of the ast board of supervisors, County Clerk Robison purchased at Detroit a spar and flag for the court house. The new mast stands 35 feet from the top of the tower and will permit the flag to float without being torn on the cornice of the tower. The flag is twenty-five by twelvs and one-half feet in size, and can bu seen from the ground without a spy-glass. Peter B. Ingalls, one of Washtenaw county's oldest pioneers, died Monday nlKht, after a protracted illness. Mr. Ing:ills was bom In Otsego county, N. Y., April 1, 1811, haring just passed his 72d year. He carne to this county, settling in Superior township at a very early day, and obtained much of the food for his table by the aid of i tnuty ritli'. He was a soldier in Hm ftunotu Biack Hawk Indian war. being at that time a state militia man. He held the office of justice of the peace, and also of town clerk. Mr. Ingalls leaves a wife and one chHd, Osgood, who is now an nssistant in the geneTal IIbrary at the university. He was highly respeoted by the citizens of Ann Arbor, '"ld !y bis jovial picasant ways matte niany frlends, who will regret to hear of "is deinise. JuUgc Joslyn is at Monroe. He has adjourned court until Friday, the Oth inst. The Michigan Central railroad is ballasting its tracks east and west of this city. The Arbor Tent, K. O. T. M., wil] go to Ypsilanti to-night for a grand time with their Ypsi. brotherg. Arthur Crump was convicted on his plea of guilty to the crime of larceny and was sentenced Thursday to two years at Ion Ia. The mili dam difflculty which has been pending in the circuit court for a long time between Thomas Blake and Clark Cornweli was flnally disposed on the 27th uit., by a decree for Blake for $250 and costs. Mrs. Lewis Moore desires to return her thanks tlirough the Courier, for the many deeds of kindness rendered by friends during her late husband' illness and since his death. H. S. Tibbits, Fred. Bonine, James Duffy, F. F. Bumpus and Dr. Swalne went last week to N. Y. City to attend the intercollegiate athletic contests and sports which occurred Saturday. The delivery horse of C. C. Warner, the Ann Street grocer, became frightened at the lire alarm bell yesterday morning ran away, and damaged the wagon to which it was attached, considerably. The young ladies of the Congregational cliurch gave a paper and cream festival Saturdiiy night In the parlors of the church. The young ladies who waited upon the tables were habited in frail but becoming costumes of paper. The old Bodwell school furniture factory, on Fourth street has been purchased by C. H. St. Clair & Son, who propose to put enough energy into the concern to push lt to succes?. These gentlemen moved into the city a year or so ago, from Scio, and are good live men. Here's hoping they may make a big success of the business. The Chicago Tribune of a recent date had an article in with reference to the bcginning of the liquor tax law in Michigan, and the good effect it had upon the traffic in this city. Now the City Recorder is being deluged with letters from states where no tax law exists, asking what the ordinance was that Ann Arbor first adopted and asking for copies of it There will be a republican meeting :alled for the lOth day of June, at Ann Arbor, on which occasion Hon. Cyrus G. Luce, of Branch county, and Hon. Geo. A.. Smith, of Hillsdale county, and others vill be present and address the meeting. Every republicau In Washtenaw county )ught to be present at this meeting, [lis presence and his advice are both ïecded. Blcycle notes- Messrs. Keek añil Wagner went around the Triangle- 29 miles -the otherday in two hours and twentyfive minutes, an average of a mile in five minutes. Only one dismount was made where a bridge was being made across the road. Decoration Day the club took part in the procession and after having Gibson take their pictures seventeen of them went to Ypsilanti. An alarm of fire called out the department yesterday, the cause being the burning of some old rubbish In the sheds and barn of A. Eisele, located east of the ally in the rear of Albrecht Gwinner's on Detroit street, but before the department could get to work, and they were not at all slow, Mr. Eisele bad the fire practical ly under control by the use of the hose lic had for use about bis lawn. The Dramatic Club gave another of its entertainments Friday night, but not to a very large audience. In the lirst comedy Messrs. Wïlson and Wright and Miss Annie Wilson sustained their róles with spirit, anda rendition wbich showed good preparation. The two-act comedy that followed had Messrs. Todd and Jed Lee with the Misses Atkins and Mis9 Slnglit all of whom acted it in such a raanner as to afíbrd a strong resemblance to realUm. Henry Binder, of the Detroit Abend Post; Ai lul pli Kauffuian, of the Detroit Herald ; Rudolph Worch of the Jackson Volks Freund ; Henry Buergermeister, of the Saginaw Zeitung; Dr. Adolph Albrecht oí tbe Toledo Express and Her111:11111 Warrheicht, of the Kulamazoo Abend Post were guests of the Beethoven Socioty Sunday. They spent the day looking over tho city and writing up the sights and attractions, which they are to publish as a description and guide to Ann Arbor for the benefit of the coming Saengerfest. On Monday night little llena, thes even yens old dauifhter of Mr. and Mrs. Quincy A. Turner, died after an illness continuing tbrough many weeks with spinal fever. She was a sweet little child, a general favorito with all her mates, and idolized at her home. Funeral services are being held this p. m., at the family re8idence on East Ann street, Kev. W. W. Kamsay offleiating. The parenta who liave watchd with throbbing hearts over there little one for _ these raany weeks, hoping at last to bring her safely tbrough the terrible disease that bad so cruelly fastened lts fangs upon her, have the deepest sympathy of their many friends in their altlictiou. The School Board had a special meeting Thursday evening to consider a difiere t system of heating the second ward school building. Last year the Huttan-Smead heatlng and ventilating apparatus was put into the tirst ward building and it proved to be a complete success in warming and ventilating evenly and sufflciently. Where flfty cords of wood had been required formerly flfty tons of coal at half the price did the work last winter. By this system also there are dry closets in the basement so that the children are not obliged to leave the building in cold or stormy weather to the danger of their health. The same coiniany made a proposition to malie the necessary changes in the 2d ward building and set their apparatus for $1,625. The Board, after considering the matter, passed a resolution to pay 91,525, and upon its acceptauce tlie president and secretary signed the contract. The work will be commenced after school closes and is to be completed by August 25th.