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The Ladies' Temperance Association under the auspices of Washtenuw Lodge, No. 719, I. O. G. T.( will liold a fair and social iiext Friday and Saturday, afternoons and evenings at the old Baptist cliurch on Catharine street. A good program may be expected each evening. Many aseful articles of various kinds will be for sale, also ice cream and strawberries. The admission fee is flve cents. The recular monthly meeting of the Hobart Guild will be held in St. Andrew's CUapel on Monday evening June 7, at 7 o'clock. Motnbers are at liberly to invite üny of their friends to attend. A strawberry and ice cream festival will bc held under the auspices of the Webster Heading Circle, at the residence of Mr. Reuben Queal, in Webster, on Friday evening, June lHh. Good entertainment will be provided; one of the chief attractions being an open air concert by one of the best cornet bands of Ann Arbor. Come everybody. Monday evening, June 7th, the Rugby Association will give a grand entertainment at Uniyersity Hall, for the purpose f clearing the association from debt, and to defray the expenses of the boys who went to the iuter-collegiate contests in New York. The Uniyersity Glee Club, nssisted by Messrs. F. L. York and M. H. Clark together with the services of i Mr. Forest Cheney, violinist, a pupil of that eminent uiaster, Henri Appy, will present a rare program for lovers of I inufic. , E. Baur secretary, announces the next romological neeting for the 12th of June. Usual place and time. Strawberry ex, hibit; discussion of berries; prices for pickers; report of committee on fruit 1 p&ckages; peach prospecta. All are corüially invitad. GLADSTONE JfASS MKETINO. There will be a grand Irisk Homo Rule Ratiflcation Maas meeting in University Hall, Friday evening, June 4th, under the auspices of the Gladstone Club of the University of Michigan. The presiding officer will be Prof. Henry W. Rogers, assisted by the following list of vicepresidents : Pror. H.S. Frieze, Prof. E. Olney, Hon. John J. Kohiaon, Prof. G. E. Frothingbam Prof. H. i. Hulchins, Ex-Gov. A. Felcn, Hou. W. 1). Harriman, Edward Duffy, O. Mack, A. Keirney, J. B. Bal, Prof. J. O. Knowlton, Hod. K. D. Klnnf, Capt. C. II. Manly, Col. H. S. Dean.) C. Eberbacn, J. T. Jacob, Kev. VV. H. Ryder, Rey. Wro. J. Pierle, Rev. S. Earp. Kev. W. W. Ramay, Philip B.ich, Rev. 8. II. Adams, Ur. T. J. Sulllvan, Capt. J. F. Schuh, Dr. S. II, Dounlass, Frank Uoward, John Flouegan. Addresses will be delivered upon the occasion by Hon. James F. Joy, Hou. Chas. R. Whitman, Prof. Alex. Wincliell, Rev. Charles Reily, D. D., Prof. Donald Maclean, Col. John Atkinson, Prof. C. M. Gaylcy, Hou. Timothy E. Tarsney and others. The occasion will be something entirely new ia University circles as English politics has not boen subject to very niuch discussion heretofore. The excellent ubility of the speakers will cali out a houseful. No admis8ion fee will be cliarged. The Amphion Club being unable to take part in the Rugby Association concert at university hall next Monday evening, the management have secured the services of Florence Wisner, the notcd soprano, of Boston. The way to enjoy tlie coming 4th of July (on the 3d) is to come to Ann Arbor, brlng your best girl, and 9ce all the sights of the grand celebration. The excavations lor the new depot have unearthed several springs of water. A bed of sand has also been struck whlcli has every gymptom of quicksand. A. L. Noble ha a chango of " ad " calling attention to a most remarkable shirt - remarkable when quality and price together are taken into consideration. Ladies, who are usually jndgea of such codá are requested to carefully examine It.