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Tuf. Unfetii Dertcieney blll conference report was airreed to In the Kenate on the Oth, aud after a spirited debate tbu bill to iucroase the pensions of soldier or pülOTi who lost an arm or leg In the Mrvtos was pattód. Th 3ankruptcy blll was further considered. .. n the House the couferunce report ou th l rnent iJctli'.fnrv tiill was ayrri'd to Mr. Sprintrer reportoda bill to enable tho people r llakota to forin a eonslttutioo aud Scate lovernment: also, advenely, a Seiime blll or the adiulsaion of the State of Dxkom. and or tlie oi'Kaul.ation of the Temtorj of Lincoln. Tbe Oleomartfarlue bi LI ru .lu oniMd. The Chinese Immlgration blll and tho blll :rondluif for the taxation of rallroad ffrant anda were considered In tbe Senate on the th. Mr. Cnll lubmlttcd an amendment to ba Aurrlculturnl Appropnatloa blll roqulrlnij that all iniichlnorr purctiabed undr the proTlslom of the bil! ¦.hall built wlthin the LTnlted States In the House dolíate on the Oleomargarine bill oocupied the entire se, slou. Edlooiea wero dellvcred In the Senate on tlir-'",tli on the M to and charactcr of the late Senator Mlller. oí California In the House, alU'rttn; recept ion ot' leweral coinmitleo renorts, ihi-Oliouittiiranne blll wns imtlirrdHCUSBClt. Tin 1 i : I to Investígate Inillun kffkfri and th Norttiern Pacitlc Hrfllway l.und Forfait ure blll were di-ouM-tl at length in the Scnte ou the isth. Ail .'ourncil lo Juno 1... fa tba House the UHaomargarine blll furthcr consldeiod. and duflni t debwte Mr Mc Adoo propu.ied h tax of. M'wril) -live cents on ohcIi dih ol hiih, ev(ry boardlFiffkouM Kceper to lie raquirad to tl U? a -iittoincui of lugredients. Adjomncd to June 1. DOM EST IC. Thk sta bles ot tlu Philip Bast Brewing Company at Plttslnirgb, Pa., were burned on the -."tb, and thiiteeu boTMM perixbad in tbe llames. A boiler explosión at Uesbler, O., the otber nigbt killed oue man un.l iujured -n others, three of thatn fatally. The Grand Lodge of the World of Good Templáis met in nnntfhl session at Richmond, Va., on the 'iitb. Os the AJth two rar-loads of powder exploded at Chattauooga, Tunu., kUMnfE SI1T" eral persons. Twelvk thous.vnp minera in Virginia, Marj'land and Penuaylvania coal regions who had heen on a strike foT the past thirteen weeks deoiiled on tlie -Sth to return to work at the old wages. Tuk Jhiihj LmiUr office at Des Moines, Ia., was destroyed liy tiro on the 25tb, the total loss reaehing $47,000. Spriniifiki.I). Muss., liegan on the 2.5th the celebration of the ÏVIth anuivui"sar}' of the founding; of the town. Tn i: grand jury at Chicago yoted on the ."th to iinlici for nmi'der. ronspiraoy aud riot all tlie leudurs of the Hay market meeting, including Sjiifs. FifKlen, Paraons, Schwab, Fisclier, llircblMiei-, Lingg and Sohnauble, besides tb rey otbüis not vet aunounced. Tin: seyenty-serond anunal convention of the American Kuptist Missionary Uuion opened t Asbnry Pnrb, N. J., on the '-'5tb. Pouest firos were ragin on the -5th along th MlrWauVeo, l.iikn Shore &. Western railroad. the vilUge of Coleman haring boeu partially deatroyed and Westboro baviug had a narrBW nannpa Bkow xTdHM occurred on tl Ï5th in the Ticinitv of Dil ('it. l'a. Bhitb'i Hotel, naar BhlaakuMl, wla,, was destroyod hy tire OB tho --rith, four par sons parisbing in the ftamta LlWM WlLUlHt, the owner of a dairy near Browusville, Tex., eugaged in a quarrel with tmo of bis einitloyes on the '.'"th. and during the fracas uil th reu wero shot dead. A Ft'RN-m-KR factory and a nuniber of dwollings wero bui-nivl at San Francisco on the 'iTith. tLé lc.s aggregating ÍT.",000. Fifty families waru t-i-inl.-i -.( baoMlaia RlPOUTSon tbe i%th to tlie State Koard of Agriculturo showed tiiut thttre were good inspuc's foralarg.' yiold of erery vurinty of fruit txcejt joa-hes. 0SOBOB Okslokt, aged seventosn, confc-tt'.i at ( ¦ii'-iTirmti on the 'Í.Mh that he j jut ])oison in ttie COffaa usod by the family at liroakfast recnntly, nuarly causing the duath of bis pareuU aud of bil brother and sinter. PiTTsiit'ROH dispatches of th 2Ttu stated that the pro]octs of tbe irou trude were brightening. A special general conyention of the Kuights of Labor met at Cleveland, O., on the afternoon of tbe 25th. Oue hundred and seventy delitgates were in attendance. At the American Congressof ('burches in Cleveland on the 3Sth Henry Ueorge said the workingman's hostility to the church was because he recognized the cburcli ik Hui bulwark of tbe oppressor of the laborers. In( i:miahiks burned John l.nine's utable at Laporte, lml.. on the 'itith, seven valua ble horses. including the trottmg stallions AIkIiiihu'I Allen and Pilot Uuroc, Jr., perishing in the Maules. Tus Ohio State convention of coal operators, held at Columbus on the "tlth, intmeted delcgates in the Intei-Stato Board of Arbitral ion to vote for the coutiuuance of the present systoni of ten hours' work a day. The recent mysterious assassination of Wayno Andorson, a wealthy farmer, near Mountain (rove, Mo., was solved on the 26th by the cor.iession of bis sons that they murdered hini. Tui: pablishing house of Belford, Clarke & Co., in Ctiieago, counected with which were Donohue & Honneberry, U. S. Peale, Peale & Co. and Van Antwrerp & Co., publishers, and the Central Lithograping Company was burned on the Stíth, the loss beiug nearly tl,()UO,0OÜ. Advicks of the 26th f rom Sierra County, -Y M-, gives the details of the discovery of a wouderfully rich deposit of silver ore, averuging over $1,000 per ton. TiMi strike in New York of the fumttur employés and tailors was considored a fa.ilure on tbe 'Jtith, mauy of the strikers having returued to woi'k at the old hours and wages. At a session of master carpenters and manufacturera of wood-building in Chicago on the'-titli resol utions were adopted that the eight-hour movement had proved a fuilure, and that after June 1 ten hours would constitute a day 's work. Tin: lifty si'vi-nth Himivtirsary of th Brooklyn Sunday-School Union was celebrated on the 26th in that city by a parade of tifty thousand scholars through the principal streets. Tue ollicer-H of tha Grand Lodg of tbe Brotherhood of Kailway Brakemen on the 96thexpelled twenty-iix of their members wboinaugurated and conducted Uie recent strike on tbe Union Pacific. At tba convention of the Knights of Iabor in Cleveland on the 'Jtith Mr. Powderly made an address on strikes, boycotta, etc. Ue ased that baruiouy, prudouce uud ¦ri'tiiin iliunlij predomínate In all inatters, inii laid that tbe niultipllcity of strikes Chat had occurred la the last six niouth uad greatly lowereii the order in the pubic etimatiou The Austrian ship Miroslar, whfch sailed 'rom Phlladelphia for home February 17 ast, wis on the -7th giren up for lost with the captain and crew of twenty men. A fiki on the 27th in the hoisting works jf the Grand Central mine at Tombstone, A. T., destroyed all the hoisting andpumplag marhinery. Loss. 1250,000. Tik Grand Lodg of the Brotherhood of Itailway Brakemen at its recent sessiou in öalesburg. Hl., afflrmed that it did not sanction strikes as a meaos of settling diftloulties between its members and tbeir tmployers, and meant to do uil in its power to discourage the strike sentiment. Neaki.ï tiro mlllion dollars' worth of property was destroyed by the recent storms in Ohlo. Tuk Fint Methodist Church at Kim i ra, N. Y., was destroyed by lire on tbe ;7tb ; loss, $75,000. StMjin. inches of snow feil in portions of Northern Vermont on tbe 27th. A saloon, run by a woman named Jenkins, at Glendale, Ind., was burned by a mob the other nigbt. i ik kn hosinry manufacturers of Philadelphia, employing over twelve thousand bands, organizad an ansociation on the V!7th for protection against unreasonable demands of employés. In the trial at New York on the 9ftn of Herr Most a witness testifleil that Most at a meeting ui-god workingmen to arm theuiitelves, kill the pólice and theu murder the capitalista. A TKRHiFic storm of wind and hall swopt tbrough Bellevue, O., and the western part of Erie County on the 27th. Outbuildings, roofs and fences were carried away, and in North Monroerille and Bellevue fifty houses were badly damagod and four children were killed. Jous Ble vis, aged one humired and oue years, of Sbody, Tenn., was found in a deep rarine uear bis home on the 27th with hi tbroat ent from ear to ear. Thure was no clew to the assassin. Tuk grand jury at Chicago on the 27th returned twenty-three imiirtmonts against Spies and his fellow-Anarchists. It was reported on tbe 27th that a syndicate was being formed at New York to buy all the coal-pita in Southern Illinois, so as to obtain control of tbe entire output. At Tom's Rirer, N. J., an explosión on the 27th demolished tbs of the Uuited States Dynaraite Company, two men being blowu to pieces. Four hundked employés of the Pennsylraiiia Tube Works at Pittsburgh struck on the 27th because a workman was discharged, and the mili was closed down. At Fellowship, Fla., three children of Isaac Kincaid were burned to death a few days ago, and the father had been ar rested for criminal negligence. Miss Mauie Giddinos and Horace Madlem, school-teaehers, were drowned on the asth at Bristol, Ind., by their boat npsetting. A au well which seemed capable of yielding one million feet per day was on the 28th dereloped at the mnall to wu of Bloomdale, O. Threk of a band of Indians who attacked Jones Brothers' rancb near Hooker's Hot Springs, A. T., the othor flight were killed and scalped and the others dri ven off. Mbmokial exercises in honor of the Natlon's dead héroes were held on the 38th in all tbe public schools of Chicago. The whole interior of the Valley City Mills at Grand Rapids, Mali , collapsed on the 28th, causing a loss of about 1100,000. Advicks of the 28th received by an Kast ern coiimierrittl lirin frotn the loading business platos In the United States reported the business outlook greatly itnprored. Peusons sinking au artesiau well in the heurt of Uonrer, Col., ttruck petroleum on the 28th at a deptb of 1, 100 feet, and a big Huw was expacted. Owino to a strike Boyd's shoe factory at Marlboro, Mus., employing one thousand hands, was indefinltely closed on tbe 2Sth. Tuk Knights of Labor courention at Clereland on the 28th decided to iucrease the executire committee from ilre to eleven members, witb permanent headquarters at Philadelpbia. Thiiik were 181 business failures in the United States and Canada during the seven days ended on the 'iSth, agaiust 167 tbe preriuus seven days. Jous H., of New York City, counsel for the Board of Managers of the American Baptist Missionary Union, was on the 28th said to be short in his accounts with tbe board $150,000. In New York on the 28th Herr Most and two o( his associates were convicted by a jury of the charge of misdemeanor. Kentence was deferred. Extrkmei.y hot wuather prevailed on the 28tb in the South. Antonio Naicdei.i.o was hanged on the ïstli in Washington, D. C, for tbe ïnurdor of Carmine Kotunno. Tuk baru of Frank Htooker, near Nebraska City, Neb., was burned on the 'tli, fífteen flne horses porlsbing iu the flames. Twenty business-houses at McOregor, Tex., were swept away by Ure on the 24th. Tue Iudians were still raiding in Southern Atizona on the 28th and a reign of terror existed througbout the Territory. Mauy lives had been sacrificed. The master-masons of Chicago on the 28th adopted resolutions declaring the eight-hour movemont a failure. PERSONAL ANO POLITICAL. Oovbrnor Oolisbt presided at a massmeeting held ín Chicago on tbe evening of the 25th to applaud the efforts of Mr. Qladxtone toward home rule for Ireland. The recently-elected State offlcers of Rbode Islaud took the oath of office on tbe 25th. Tuf. Prohlbi tl on ists of Indiana met In State conTention at Iudianapolis on the '.Jtith and nomlnated the folio wing ticket: Secretary of State, ReT. J. H. Hughes, of Vrayne County ; Auditor, Sylvester JohnBon, of Marioa County ; Treasurer, P. C. Perkins, of St. Joseph County; AttorneyUeneral, Judge W. M. Land, of Gibson County ; Huperintendeut of Public Instruction, C. W. Hodgin, of Wayne County. The platform declares for prohibition of the manufacture, iniportation and sale of intoxicating liquors used asa beverage; calis for direct legislation by the State and National legislaturas; denounces the dcso cration of the Sabbath day, and declares for woman sulfragiv Hono Yen Chano, of Cantón. China, was gr ml u ii td on tbe 'Jüth from the 'o lunibia law school, at New York, undertbe name of Heury Chaug. Mr. Chang is tbe Hrst of bi race to receive a diploma from an Amoiican college. A Si a ik couference of auti-saloon Republicans was buld at Trenton, N. J., ou Lo 'Jtith, at whicb reeolutions were adopted ipproving of a strict euforcemeut of tha exutiog laws. RïV. DB. ERA3TUS WSNTWOKTH, OÜO of b prominent men In tb Methodist Church, died at hls boma in Sandy HUI, N. ï., on the 26th, aged ueventy-threa yeara. GovEiiNOK Swinefoku, of Alaska, aud others addressed the House Committe on "erritorles at Washington on the 28th in advocacy of the right of Alaska to a full Territorial form of government. Thk Republicana of the Fint Congresional district of Kansas on the 27tb renomiuated E. N. Morrill for Congressman. At the Democratie convention in the Beventh Indiana district on the7th a quarrel aróse ovor candidatos, one faction renominating W.D. Byiium for Congressman and the other nominated Leon Bailey. It was announcoil on the 27th that Willam 8. Warner, of New York, "tb fence" n tbe Ferdinand Ward swindie, had escaped to Europa accompanied by hls wife. Wili.iam M. Tii-dkn-, of Chicado, one of the best known live-stock snippers in tho West, died on the 27th, agod sixty-two pears. The Ohio Woman's Suffrage convention, in session on the 27th at Toledo, elected Mrs. Francés Caseinent, of Painesville, as president. Brock Qiunt, one of the flrst engineers on thelakos, diod suddenly iu a saloon at Erie, Pa., on the 38th, aged niuety years. Se was at one time a millionaire, owniug Taluable property in Chicago, but lost it all and died pennlless. John R. Bartlëtt, for many years Secrotary of State in Khodo lsland, with a national reputation as a student of bistory and etbnology. died on the 28th in Proyidenco, in his eighty -flrst year. The President on the 2Sth vetoed flve more pension bilis on the ground that tbe origin of the causes for which pensions were askeil exisUul prior to enlistment. The seniicentenuial celebratiun of the admlssion of Michigan mto the Union will occur at Lansing on the ISth of June next, pursuant to an act of the last Legislature. Thk Prohibitionists of New Jersey met at Newark on the 2th and nominated Geueral Clinton B. Fiske for Governor. FOREIGN. The forces of Greece and Turkey wero retirlug from the frontier on the J5th having surrendered the prisonors and positiouï they receutly captured. An excursión train waspartially wrecked by a collision on the 25th near Brainpton, Out, forty persous being seriously injured. Ththtï dwelliugs were burncd on the 25th in Clotteu, Germany, aud two womeu perished in the flaines. Asiim at Toronto, Ont, onthenightof the 'Mith stoned street-cars, wreeking botweeu tbirty and forty of tbose vebicles, and causing the wildest uproar. No porson was dimgerounly hint. A dtxamite factory at Valencia. Spain, exploied on the Stith, killing twelve men. A cloud-burst on the 2th at Aekeinleben, (iermuuy. UilU'tl sevoral pernous and hnndreds of cattl, and wrecked niany botises. Tim lava from Mount Ktna was on the 27th doing great damage. All tho streams and water-courses hi the district had dried up, and a water famine provuiled. An old convent nutside of Nicolosi had beon ingulfed. and many persons wero flyiug fixm their homos. li the Freneli Chamlior of ))eputies on tbe 27th the Government sulmiittml its measure for the expulsión of all membora of the families whicb forinerly reigned iu France. Ciioi.eka's ravages wero incroasing on theUTtb iu Southern Japan. Aiivicks of tho Sth state that Crost umi bail-storms had destroyed tho potuto erop in many sections of treland. Clouii-iu itSTs in sxvhihI plants In (iermany had on tho 'Hth done great dumagt'. All tbe vhioyards at Hingen wore tutaliy destroyed. LATER NEWS. OH the 3!Hh uit. Decoration Day oxr. cises wero quito goneral thruughout tbe country. At tbo gravo of General Kansom, in Hosehill Cometery, Chicago, in presence of two hundrod cumrades from St. Louis, üoneral W. T. bherman delivored an eloquent address. By tb upsetting of a boat a few aftepnoons ago on tbe lake at Wulf bun, N. H., Rev. T. C. Jorouio. his two sons aud daughter and a frieud named Uavis wora drowned. Bï tbe recent loss of the Kteamer Lydeemon, from Melbourne for Sidney, seventy persons were drowned. An epidemie prevailed at ChemnitK, Germany, ou the 3Uth uit., arisiiig from the ralmg of raw beof. Une hundred and twenty-three victims were reportod aud tho disease was still spreuding. At Vonlce on the 3Oth uit. tuere were repoited thirty-two new casus of chulora and twelvo deaths. At twonty -six leadfng clearing-houses in the UuiUtd States the exebanges during tbe weok endod on the 29th uit. aKgrogated $S47, (7,1, against 7s:S,385,S06 the previous wuok. As comparod with the corresponding week of Hso, the incroaua amounU to 29. 1 per coat. Repohts from the Northwest on tbo 80tk uit stutud that thora bad been very In U rain for a week, and that the crops wuro suiloring from drought. Thk defalcation of Gorge H. Leonard, a dealer in real estáte at Hyde Park, 111., was on the 30th uit. said to be over $4O,(XJO. lic had loft for parU unknown. Thk safe of County Treafiurer Fahrley, of Porry County, Mo., was robbed on the 29th uit. of fH,0ÜÜ by unknown persons who escapod. Thk Ti-easury Department at Washington ns ou tbo 2Uth uit informed Unit whisky was boing smuggled into Alaska in largo quantities. Thk Nationul convention of cbaplaius to State prisons will be held iu Indianapulis Juno 15. At the meeting of the Baptist Homo Missionary Unioo on the 3Oth uit. at Asbury Park, N. J., it was stated that during the pa-st se ven years the receipt wore $'-!,22,!S3. More than soven hundrod churchos wore orgunized and over rifteen thousand persons were baptized. The nuniber of missionaries bod increased from 2S1 to tMS9. Thk gauge of the Queon & Croscent road between Cincinnati and Meridian, Miss., was changed on the iMli uit. to standard by ten thousand men. Thk revival commenced a month ago in Kaltimore, Md., by the evangelists 8am, Jones and Sam Smull came to an end on the 3Oth uit. Uver 4O0.UÚU peopie attemied their meetings and over 2,000 professed religión. Many churches reporteJ luruly inctuased membershiu.


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