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gjEUfñ' 10 FEE!! I B9T1BH9HED 1841. i Merrill NTILBETTERJ DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block. "i ' LZ:p Tho Regalar, Old-Establiíhed 1 L{ i L'HYSICIAN & SURGEON SUSKILL AND 8UCCE88 rOUNGMEN,MIDDIHGEDMEN . nd all persons who by their own acts of ItnpruIcnce or Folly at any pcriod of Ufe have brought ( pon themaclves, tlie vil effccts following closely 1 Pon the heets of transgresión of tne laws ] nature, should consult the celchrated Dr.Clarke I t once. Bemombor! Ñervo u dUeaMa(with or ] rithoutdreams) or deblllty and loss of ñervo ower treated scientifically by new methods witli ever faillng success. S-lt mikes no difference , rliat you have taken or who has failed lo cure you. , ayThe terrible polsons ofSypliilis and all ' .nd blood and skin dioasr, completely cradiated without mercury. Rfinembcr that thisono 1 Kirrlble (linease, if ncglected or improperly rcatcd.curae the present and coming generations -All unnatural discharges cured promptly ahout hindrance to btialncaa. No experiments. : ioth sexesconxult cimllilentlally. Age and ixpericnce lmportnnt. A written Kiinrautee 11 cure (flven ín every caso undertaken. Wff-Saffcrers from any chronlcdiseaae write lidtory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. ;ascs solicited which others have failed to cure. OScnd two stamps for colohrated Work on Tlironic, Nervou and Doliente Diseascs. You mve an exhaustivo ymptomntoloBy by which o study vour own case. Consultation, personally r by letter, íree. Consult tlic oíd Doctor, rtioíisands cured. Ofllees and parlors : rate. You see no one but the Doctor. Before onnding vour case consult IU. tLARKE. A riendly letter or cali may ave future sufferingand : hame and add golden veHrs to life. Medicines ent everywhere bt-curc írom exposure. ilours, Jto8; Sundays, 9 to 12. Addren, F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlch NOW IS THE TIME TO USE JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FOR LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, AND FOR PURSFYING THE BLOOD. It has tmon in uso for 28 years and has provod to be the best preparation in tho Markot for Sick Headache, Pain In the Slde or Back, Liver Complalnt, Pimples on the Face, Dyspepsia, Piles, and hii Siseases that arise from a disordered Liver or itnpure blooii. Thousands of our best people take it and glvo lt to thelr childron. Physicians prescribo It daily. Thoso who use itonce reeommend it to others. It is made from Yollow Dock, Honduras 8arsaparflla,WIdCberry,StillnKia,Iandelion, Sassafras.WInterirrecn, and other wcll-known valuable Hoots and Herbs. It is strictly vwtable, and cannot hurt tho nioRt delicate constitution. lt is one of tho Ixwt medicines in uso for regulatlng the liowels. It is sold by all responslble dmmrlst at one dollar for aquart bottlo, orsix for flve dollars. Sample, bottlcs 50 cts. Ir n receipt ot price. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mich. %WWhen yim have trird nü Hit Sartaprillat, and have bren dipappoinUd, Iry JtihiutUm't. Morlirac Sale. DY.V VULT liivi ni: 11 in:i.l' 111 tlie conilitiuii ol ,1 ct-rialn indentureol ¦¦ ort gageaxeeuted by Miettuel Pbelaa aod Snniti l'liflim his wifé. ol tlie Vlllagti ol Dexter, Waxhlennw County and 8tute oí Mloblgsn. to I'utii.'k allMgher, i lh Towuablp of Webster ni auld cuuuty and stutc, lit'iirlug dattbe24lh dayof ortober, A. i), clghteen hundred and evenly-evei, and roeardad in the office i the Eleglster "i Det-d tr sald county i Wtalilcaa, in UberMof Mortgage, oi page IOS. and by wlilch ilclimlt the ESwer ii .; I ¦¦ riMiíained in siuil morirme h:i inn becoute "i rallve, and no suit or proceed; ligua! lawortn chailcery hnvlnf Men instituted t reeovar 1 1"' araoant due on suid moftgageör the rióte ace pan i nn tho same, ami thrii; befos nowolol d tobeaueomalf ¦ote and rnortgage. Ui aam ol six luiíxircd and elr'hty-l'wodolterSand ttilrty-elght cents (f82.3!si Noticie. Ís theri-fure hereby given, thai the s;ihI mortgaee wlil ii" roreclosed n Saturday, Ura Idlli íay ul Jun#. . D. 1886, at ton o'ri.IcU I n tlie forenMi ol (.lint ily, by a aalt at publieauctlon, lo tne bighent bldoer, atUieJÊasI door "i Cciurl llni, ni the city öiAnn Arbor, lu tliu eou"nxy aforesald, (snid Conri ilniis.' belrtg Míe place Ibrholding tlie Circuit C'oorl ror sanl cminly). or tlie mortgageá premlse aeRcrlbfd ta ald mortgage, or o much tbereoí as may be pecessary td sMtisiy the ámoülit of principal and interest ronwainlng ttMnald upon su'l mortgaKe wiili reásonáblé costa ihd .-xpenses, together wlth an atturueyfce t dollars; which ;iiv desciitied nsaW niortgiifíe as fillivs, t'i-u'ii : Belag Uit -six ín ni bl ook Uncí i) in the Villasé ol bejcler aforesald'. accoril ng totnerecorded plftt thereot and kbomlvd northerly liy thi' Michigan Central Hailrun.l. DatecT, níareh i ith, I PATlill K (AIJ.AÍÜIKK, MoatoaObS. K. 1. Kinsi:, Alt'y l'or Mort-jag-e, ÍM Roal Estalí! fir S:ilo. Stath; of mich (an, Coarily of Wnahteiiaw. B8. In the mallet of the enlate of Iknry Colclzer, dacaased Nu'l'HK Is liereby elven, that i" pursu. anceolan orci.-r srum.-ii ii the drdtrngliad ailiiiuiist raiur of l-he eatate i aald Hcnry Ooi cMser, by tbe Hou, Judgeof Probate lor the c'ouniy t WaHb.leha.vr, 'n Ue Itttb day of, A. i, theivwiil be aoli] at pulillc vendiii', (i) the liiulwsl hulder. al IlieeoHt front Hoor ol ihpcoBrt bonst, in Ihedty uf Aaa Arboriii thé CiiiiiLiy ol WrtBhiènnw in saiil Suato, on s:mird!iv. Uie hi h iny cii .h A. I). ItJtG, .il in n'chick in llie iiioou ol that dHV (snltjt-cl lo ;tll enen Ml lir;im-es by lllin't:; m. ..i oiheru ise ax is( Ing :il the time of the laalh ot s:iid d.rnivi il í KiTluWlng doserlbe.l Real Balate, lo-wil : All tbaicertaio tpici pnreel of land lyli c nd bi'in' th.' ciiv m Mhi t !..r in ihe cointy of Wii-lm-naiv and Siatü g Mi.hi-an , kiiwnaod diT.n ilird lolltus: l-'out -.(tm ol la1 d loDe l.ik.n frniii t( e BI mi in ! Ol lf0 '"isl huil ol ¦ Ii. - wt half of the muthwcwl anarlei ofScotlon Numii.T Iwiniy. in lown 'w., onh oi iiinue BlxaaBUbva ;'.¦¦ pmailal wim th ftotih lim-of mii'l lot, nd bIxUvu ro'l boiii;i tiieiclrom. AImi thewtasl half oi ih" ot half of .thb onlhweitqoari' t oi lectlon Niinilx'r 'l'weiity, in town $) nootta ol uiiii:eptx míj i-a-i, rontniniiiir fortv rti rei uf hind ') ilii' cauic mot - or !¦;., ¦ ipi n:: iml reaurvlutf Bherelrom abui élght acreii ril Inttd In tí e ontDuc-t coiNi'i ol Illc ;li(l lutty i'Ti-s hrri'lofort' Aaeded i Illeronw (íoodKiod and WHItMn-Jcmei 0 Kiiiiieth DiivmI-oii, nul ui o iilcvptlng umi resrrvilii; olie iicic of liuul on n . iint ol wjiiil Cavtdton'e nlgKl -oM nd convejei by Ahlgall C. Good.-ined Ul io-pli Ibull, iil-ji'CI to au rtgbtaand privlle en o road cr hi(hay on the euBt slde (if fhe wild pïecw "f land irraniod In l ilHam .lunes liy AliWfMl ' Coo.iHpeed by herdeat. Dated, March Bth, IsSii. WII.I.IAM V. WIIKDON, 12WÏ7W Adminlstrator. Chaiicory Sal1. In piirsnanee anil iy virlue of a decree of the t'ircvill Coürl tof fll cinmtyof Washtenaw in ('hamery, stalo nf MiehiKidi, made and enleled nu Ine I w enly -n i ni h day Of L)ec.niher, A. D. Iss't, In nceriiiiii caiise thereln pending, wllereln Kiniik I{. Kllls vy Stephen II. Ellls, hls guiird'.Mii. and nexl mena is coniplainnnl, and Leatai 8. I'rver ami Sarah M. Pryer are delendanls. Notlce is hereby glvcn that 1 shall i-ell at pi Ijllc iiucllon or vendue to tue lnghest bidder al the aouth front door of court houae, m the city of Ann Arbor in salil i'oiinty and slale, on thclblrleth diiy oí Jane, A. 1' l-s". al in o'clM'k In tlio fnrenoon ol said day, Ibe equal undivlded one-hali Intereal oí Leitet s 1'ryer, In all that certain piei r parce] tl land altuated iu the townsliip ol Ann rbor, county of Wrtshienaw ;ind Btate of Michigan, knowu and descrihed as lollows: Tbo east half of tliesoutnwt-st ooarler ofaeottoo ihree. and the west haft ' the'söutbeast quarter of aaotlon tliree. tuwilKlup liumher Iwo s.inlh of range si x coal Daled, May lt, ls-.ll. r 1KICK McKKKNAN, Circuit. Court ( 'oMiniissioiier of W'iHlilenaw ( 'ounty, M Ichla s.vwvkk -k K.nowi.ton, Sdllctors for Oonv plalnaqta. U'04 VI Ml II I I '-ld -¦'¦¦¦,... i-..-.nd lAll I bj "m'; r '¦" wil VUTM a ft'ork tliil' !il il il r ) II O' '11 iom ¦ luler Lban KnylhiiiK else ii: m ríen v I ¦ a'Nioi ihe 200,090 in : v: h aaoh bi. At nt wantud ayervwbera. ol "!' i -¦ or ,!l npy iil ihe time, oí ni-e tinit1 In ' r ntl mt ttit'ir. OWDBOOieh ¦' in In' nii .1 'Miluieiy auiMired. D'oñ'i d I i; II. Umi. a i' Portland, M'itne. I ' II h (1 (Ce iiv.-, n i-, tlyliox rn r ' " ' - wh " ' "" "-'¦' y " I I J M nimoreiii'i ¦ rich' ivthD x "¦J--1-1-1" „ythini! ale In Miis world. All, of eiilici aéx, -ncc.-eci from (lr-i huur. The broad nad In lortnue ODena belorv the woikur, aJxoliitcly nttte. At once áddru. Tki.'e .V; Co., Augllita, Mjhio. I CLCwKArn ¦ K i ,.n suuations I iurnlübuj. s rilu 13ron., Jaiicsviüt). ViM.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News