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Michigan (Tentral The Niágara Falls (Route. Ontral standard Time. Time tmble taking effect Nov. 28th, 1886. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. "- d Ü S II fi =s I! i i_i s j_ II 1. 1? „. , A-i. a.h. r. p. a. r.u. r a. ¦ Chicago.. Lv. 650 00 380 4 00 9 05 55.. Michigan City 918 I1U 517 0 82hl 13 12 02 ....' " lUiW 12' 15 61 7 5(7 12 5N 120 A''" fii. 332 83 3 43 4 40 830 Uckson ... . 3 10 4 15 16 4% 5 25 9 15 GraníLake.... 3 33 . 5 7 ,, -v Dexler 4 12 _ 62íl(U2 Tpsilanti. 450 B 42110 .... 600 6.5511045 WayneJnnc. 5 15 805 110;.... 620 7471105 ni-tml'....Ar. 600 645 1118 r 00 S ' 0] 1 1 45 DKTIIOIT TO CHICAGO. H l Ï é O M as g-g „I h STATION. !-." Sffc 5L cH j = O 5m _-; o 5 ¦ _SS_ C á L A.M. A.M p.M PM. P.M r.M.I Detroit. ..Lv. 7 00 8 10 1 30 4 00 X 00 915I... WayneJauc. 7 40 IH 2 03 4 45 8 40 55 1 Ypsilanti .... 8 0110 18 2 20 5 18 8 05 10 21 A nn Arbor... 8 1l1028 232 530 923 1038 Dexter 835 650 955 Chelaea 8 48 6 05 10 09 OíaseLake... 10 6 27U0S3 ....' Jackson 935 1143 8 22 715 1155 1203 Marshall 1038 1S4S 4 22 8S21155 1 Tu . .. Baltle Creek.. 1103 1 Si 4 40 852I1220 150 a. m. Kalaiuazoo... 11 52 2 151 5 15 9 45i 110 2 40 4 45 Nile 147 S45WÍ32 305 4 18 6 40 MichiganCity 3 10 457 780 4 35 5 40 808 Chicago... Ar. 5 45 7 10 9 80 7 00 805U)35 Canada División. DRTRoiT TO BurrALO.-Standard Time. M I M STATUS. iMplisfi ll héJ ' P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. I)'trolt ...I.v 7 30! II 25 5 00 7 10 12 05 p.M Kt.ThoniuAr 11 10 2 45 10 20 10 4S 3 40 Toronto...Ar 8 45 '5 06 8 20 p. m. Ottawa pmtttó 4 38 a. m. Montreal 10 00 8 18 Quebré am64Op.ii. a v .2 20 r. m. wi.'lhomas.Lv 1115 2 45 1 mi 10 55 3 55 Weiland 153 6 17 5 12 1 54 (i 2S I-'all View 6 45: 2 2íi N. Fnlli", Ort. 2 22 5 48 2 83 6 56 Snap'iill'ripe. 2 35 6 00: 2 50 7 10 N.Falln.N.Y I .... Kagtern time A. M. A. H. P. H. 1'. M. 1. H. Buflalo....l.v 450 8 10 900 4 45! 9 0U Koclicsier..Ar 50 9 65 11 00 6 45 11 00 Svracuoe (SO 12 15r 130a 9 80 1 SOam l'tlca 11 30 2 m 3 06 115 (W Albany na 2 20 5 00 S 10 a 2 80 10 Truy r 2 35 6 55 6 25 2 00 (25 Spriogflel ... 6 30 1240a 10 57 H15 1057ara worcealer.... 8 28 5 0 1 18p 8 20 1 lKpm BO(tOO !iv". 6 25 2 45 ''I" 2 45 New York Ar 7 00 9 00p 10 :0a 7 :i 10 .lain I'hlladt'lphla. 10 35 10 35 7 05'..'. .... kvtvavo TO DKTRoiT- Staoilnrd Time. STATUS. 5 fl 2ï" 1 Ï A. M. F. H. Phlladel'a..Lv 9 00 p. a 8 JO New York. .. 10 30 6 00 .... . 9 5 Boston, 8 30 3 00 .... 7 JO Worce-ter... 9 60 4 20 m Sprlnt-fleld... 11 85 6 05 10 ..'.p All.iiiiy 3 OOpra 10 05 % :5a Utica 5 45 l33m ... 5 .5 Syracuse 7 40 2 00 ' 7 20 Kocheeter.... 9 55 4 00 10 00 luflalo....Ar 12 15 5 50 ... . 12 I5p . ni. a.M. Buflalo I.v 11 30pm 5 30 05 9 00 11 :'a N.í'alls.NY a.m Sup'n B'd'ge 12 31 6 80 12 3.S N. Pallp.OnL 12 51 8 48 II :,: Palla Vicw 6 66 1 QÉ Weiland 7 16 7 21 10 15 1 . St.ThomasAr 4 10 9 50 11 15 1 10 4 35 luebec....Lv 2 30 10 00 Montrtal, 8 00 1)00 Ottawa. 1140 12 23 Toronto, 8 -o 8 20 St.ThomaiLT 4 15 9 55 2 55 1 ís 4 45 Detroit.. ..Ar 8 05am 1 00pm 8 45 5 20p 8 16 t Stops only to let off passengere. i Stops only on algnale. O. W. KUOGLE8, n. W. HATKS. G.P.4T. Agent Agt.. Aun ArlHir. Chicago. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Noriii Michigan Kal I war. TIME SCHBDULB. Totake cflTect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, September 27, 1885. S.nit Inrii Diyixlon.) Traína ron by Standard Time. GOINO NOKTH. GOING SOUTH 6 4 1 1 3 S 5J - _L "_:= --? S. a STATIONS. O-S.dl'? qs -a '¦ g y-g ás, a. h. p. h a.m Leave. Arrlvi' a.h p.m.1' m. t 50 t 40 7 05 Toledo 9 30 5 00 5 00 954 345 7 14 Manhattan Jnnct'n 9 2U 4 H ., . 10 00 3 52 7 2S Alexis .Innction 9 16 4 47 .. 110 07 4 0ü 7 &5 Hawthoni. 9 104 40 E10 18 4 07 7 4 Samarla ,9 00:4 30 .1025 4 10 K 06 Lll n. ,8 17 I 20 110 304 25 8 15 Monroe Juncllon 8 42'4 14.... 10-ÍT 4 3.! 8 30 Dnndee 8 :i0 4 ( 4 04 110 48 !4 4O 8 37 Macón 8 2U4 0d!.... 4.10 47 4 45 8 46 Azalia S 20 : 64. . .. ti! 00 4 55 8 59 Hilan Jnnctlon 8 0918 4584ó a., 50) 9 01 Milán S09Ira, 5 08 9 22 Urania ; r,2 8 30 5 2! 9 32 Pittífleld Jnnction 7 40 I 22 Mi 9 50 Aun Arbor 7 27 3 10 6 65 10 20 laivl 7 12 2 50 ttí 05 10 30 Worden 7 06,2 40 C 20 10 45 Homh Lyon 6 BO 2 ir Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth railroads dlvcrgIng; at Manhattan Jucction, wlth Wheeline A l,ake Krie K. K.; at Alexl Junction, with M. ('. 1(. !(., L. S. & M. S. Rt. and K. A 1'. M R. K .: at Monroe Junction. wlth L. S. & M. S. Ky.: at Dandee, wlth L. S. M. H. Ky., M. O. Ky.; ni Milán Junction. with Wabanli, 8t. Louík A l'm itl Ky.; at Pitllleld,wlth L.S. A M. S. Ky,; at Ami Arhor iih Michigan Central Ií. K., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Ijumlnir A Northern K. K., and Mich. A. L. Dhr. of Grand Trnnk Ky. Train ti and 8 run hetWMI Detroti Hlid Toledo, tlally ezcept Sunday, ría Milán Jnnctlon; No. 6 nrrivis at Detroit 12:00 noou. No. .'Mi-aves Detroit at 2:35 p. m. FlagNtationi. t Daily, except Snudays. 9 'iValny do not stop, II. w. AS1ILKY, General Snpt. W. II. BBNNB1T. Oen'l. rW Aecnt. AHN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK. MU'llKíAN, Transacts General Banking Business. capitalT$bo,ooo. üreanized onder the General Banking Law oí thiB Sititf, the Btockbdlaors .ndiviriiiAllv liable for jtn addftioual amouut equal to tbc etuck nctd ly them, thereby creatina a UmirftQtee Fuud Tor the benefit of Depotitürs of $100000.00. Three per cent. Interest is allowed on all Saviiic" Dcposlu of one dollar and upwarri, according to the rnles of the liank and Interest comp .unded semi-annually. Koney to Loan on unlncunitH-ml real estáte and ottaer good securlty. DIRECTORS : ('IIKISTIAN MACK, WM. U. IIAKUIMAN, W. W. WINK.S, DANIEL HISOOCK, W1LUAM DKÜBEL, WILLAKu U. SMITII. DAVID KINSEY. OFFK'KHS: C. MACK, Pret. W. W. WINKS, , cc-Pre. J. H. HISCOOK.Canhler. Chancery Sale. atle of MiclilKiui, the Circuit court for the i-ouiity of WuHhleiiHw, in i'ii:u ry In the oaae tliereln punülng, whereln Mrtlm A. Smlth, Is Uomplalimnt, and Kmlly N. Sinltli, ArchlhBlü ll.siniili and Klni:sli-.v Culklnx. üuiirdlans of Archlbald H. Smlth are defen.lulils: In iHinuinnre and ly vlrtue of B decretal order iniule In the -aiixe on the Iburlb ilny of Muy, A. 1) I8.S0, I shall Heil ut piil)llcuuctioii to the bigbent blilili-r :it Hueimt fmnt lcKr of the ('ourt buiiHi-, In miM OOUDty, on tBftSSIh lay of June nexiHttfi u'clock In the forenoon. the followlng descrlhinl luii'lH umi puin iMfs, to-wit.: The wi-l half of the southeusl quurter. and the Houthwest quarter of the northeaat quarter oi xi-ciloii rvu In town one Houtb il' rniiK" Heven eant, c.ntaln lnn one blliuli'tHl himI twinty acres of land, more or len, and bfllng In the townnhlpof Salem, Wnshlennwcouuty, MlrlUKrtU. liau-d, May lotb, 18b. KRANK JOWI.YN, Circuit Court Commlsslnnei In and tor Washti-niiw i-iiunt v, Mli'hlKiin CliAKl.Lk J. BUÍT, Sollcltor for ('omplaluant. 129S-O4


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News