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Three Effects. The thuu?ands of remarkable cures which have been accomplishetl by Hood's Sarsaparlllaare due simply to three effects which this frreat medicine has upon those who take it; lst. It purilies the blood. 2d. It strengthens the system. 3J. Itgives healthy ;ictlon to the digestive organs. With these three flfects no disease can long retain its hold. It is forceil to leave the system, giviug place to health auil streugth, throuh the potent iullueace of Hooü'a Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Uruggists. Try It. IH AH IICSTAJfT. Pronilnm FeopU Who Dr..p Ded oud WUal tt Sica n. Mr. W.H.VanderbiltwhUe talklng wlth Preatdeat Garrett snddeiily droppcd dead. Vlc President Hendricks took a sever cold, and in a day's time was no more. General McOlellan after a drive in a cold ¦wind bank In his chalr and bruathed hi last. Tbeae aro a f ewof the most prominent cases of ludden death.thousanils of whlch ar occurrlng comtautly. Doctors usually halte thelr Ueaüs aud ay "Heart dlsease or "appuplexy." Not oue case In tn 1 so cansetL We go back of all this and flnd tbe causo, which Is inTariably- Rheumatism. Thls dlseaie has twuully been consldered palnful but not daogerons.whereaaltteoneot the most dangerou of all affllctions It U caused by inurMd humora In th blood, and If it filas to the heart the suierer dies lntantly. Suppose, for example, a person takes eold wnich becomM palnful in the ehoulder, llrabs or around gome jaltit. And snppose the cold 1b driveo froni that locality, where does it go? To gome otharpavtof the body, poeslbly the head, poglbly the heart. What U theresultr Death! It is dangeron to tr and drive rheumattsm. It is n blood clísense and cuu only be fought in the blood whlle lts daugerous nature makei it an exceedingly sevious subject. Unqueationably the most effleiont mcans for 4nvlng these morbld hum rs, acida and rheam froru tbe body now known to the world is Hibbard'ü Hheumatlo Syrup. It Is an origlual dmcovery which almsdirectly for the blood and II taken into the clrculatlon wlthia ten minutes from the time it Is nsed. It dissolve the polsonous aclds, counteract thedead)'' humors and .xpels all iheuius from tl o circulation. Mr (ïeorge W. Kennedy, cretary of tho ElertrlcLtBht Co:, of .lackson.Mich., after golng tliroitli a evere experlence whlch greatly afHicted him and endangered hls life was ompleiely restored by the nse of this remedy and in speaking of it he sald,"Unlike an extenml applicatlon It seems to remove the disBse y purlfytng the blood and I can curdially rcommeud It to all." Thls is a erlous subject which may woll concern every reader. Muscular rheumatixm is ilangermis. Itt Bliiihtest approach maywell inspire terror. Hshmild ba chreked at once añil by the niran vrhlcb. Wtllmott certalnly and efticiently do it.


Ann Arbor Courier
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