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Common Council Proceedings

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líeiilar monthly meeting of the council held Monday evening with full board present. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Of M. C. LeBeau, P. O'Hearn and 14 others, asking that a gas lamp be ereeted on the córner of North and Lnwrence trects, und that tlic four posto on North end of North Ingalls street be cuanged to gas I)iirner3. Keceived and refcrred to General Fund Committcc with power to act. Of H. Kittredge and T. L. Hewitt, for irivilege of erecting a stand on southwest comer of court house square on July 4th. Referreil to Park Committee with power to act. Of VV. H. Mclntyre, James Kearns and six others, asking for a sidewalk on tlie cast side of Spring street, between Hiseock street and .Mil ler Ayenue. Heferred to Sidewalk Committee. Of A. V. Robison, G. Herrman and 14 others, asking that the electric light on córner of Washington and Fourth streets be maintained by the city. Referred to General Fund Conimittee witli power to act. Of G. A. Roehm, A. G. Sehmidt, Jolin Flynn and 11 others asking for gas lamps on PootiaC street between Nortli and Detroit strccts. Referred to General Fund C'ominittec witli power to act. A commiinir.ation was received from the Sperry Electric Lifilit, Motorand Car Hieak Co., of Chicago, ill., proposing to "put in 40 are liglits, and lócate theni tliroujili the city asdiieeted, togetlier with the dynamos, poles, wire aud construc(ion, and attaohed lo your own power for Ilio mm of $0,600. "Hy your provldlng water power with which to opérate the [Ights, we wfll contract to run the lights ainl .-upply the carbons aud stand all expense conneeted witli running (exettpt runt of power and) all repairs to the mkchjne for the urn ot $1,400 year." The writer thouglit power could be rented of the Cornwclls for $400 or $500 pel yoar, makin; entlre expense for ligho Ing the entire city, u rider $2,000. Aid. Martin moved tliat tliis proposition be referred to a oommittee of three. Carried, and Aids. Martin, Swift and Alinendinger were appointed as such committee. Aid. Allmendinger moved that the OommUtee above named be made a permanent conimittee on street lichting, and all matten pertalolng to that subject be refjerred to sukl commitlce. Carried. A commiinication was then read from E. B. Wcndell, president, of Ann Arbor Van de l'oel Electric Lisrht Co., oftering to sell that plant, (40 are lights) already in position and working order, to the city lor :,-)00. Referred to the committce on stieet lights. REI'ORTS OF COMMIÏTRES. Aid. Kearns, from the General Street Commlttet, reported against the congtruction of a stone culvert on North First street. Report accepted and adopted. Aid. Swift, from special conimittee, to wliom was referred the extensión of the rater nuilia in the city reported In favor of grantlng live more lire hydrante, as follows: Two on Ann street, east, in the 4th ward; two on Bro.idway, in the 5th v;ir(l; and one on Jellerson street in the 2d ward. A minority report, signed by G F. Allmendlnger and Win. Neithammer, recommended one less hydrant on Broadway, in the Cth ward. The majority report was adopted by the following vote: Aye- Aids. Hoblaou, Walz, Hen. Kearna i Keating, öwlft, Polaud, Ware, Stere and tUe Mayor. I Nuys- Aids. Allmendlngor, Neithammer, i .Maltin aud tho Recorder. ' Ay KI; nay, 1. i REPORTS OP CITV OFFICERS. Ald.Allmendinger, f rom FinanceCommittee, reported the followiug expenditures for the momh of Muy, and the saine weru allowed and warraiits ordered drawn: RECAPITUI,ATIOÏÏ. Ut ward 3[ (g } :: "".'.¦.".¦ a si . ,. is 6i Í'P „ : 4W 24 gft H48 ota 2H2 46 General Ktrcet luiid 470 45 Genernl fund „ rw, ?, ContlDgeul fund _ :7 iá Total SS7 03 The recular inontlily report of City Marshal Sipley showed the (ollowing expenditures of the poor fund Alay: BKCAFITULATION. Ut ward $ jo 37 } .. 00 15 IS ?!' - 41 ar í ' ' ss 84 8tl ' - 8 n Total 1tVT7l Tlie City marshal reportad six arreata for the month. 'J'he City Recorderg report was read, 8hming the followin coiulitlon of the vurious funds: Contingent finid, on hand $3 040 60 Ueuenil Kuud, ovrrdriul i'wi 50 Unoral Direct fuud, overdrafi 'ifin 27 lat wunl fuud 011 hand (3 67 2J 717 41 ". ,. „ " ;,' W8 W oth " " " " .jfj u[ Otli " ovenlraft 287 25 City Ceinetory fel, overdrafi u K7 Dos tax luuil 011 hand mo uy Dellriqaoiit tnx. overdrafi kjii ín Water Work Kund 1 imu ,"n City Atloriipy Kinnc. to wboni was report cd tin; ftrcHnance relntlv to tal Non 's reportad adveranty apou tbè nne referrwi to blm, anU th(iui;lit the ol,l oiicsullicienl Report accepted. City Attorni'y Kinne iilso prewnted the bond of Allert Sorc. is city in the suin of t80,000, with S. Voo, tt Oo , Frank Wood, John VV. Huilt, Ucorjrc I' Stein, ( v-pur Kinscy, Oeorge CUrken, J. M. Swift, Adam D. Seyler mul FraiA V:ilidcrw:irk(.'r as snirtics. Wiiicli boud was aooepted, suroties approved, and on mdtlon ol' Aid. AHim-n" dinger, Albcrt Horg was deciAred city tic-i.siirer. Aid. Allnicndingcr ollercd the followRfMced, That Dip ltfcnnlur be MtborlMd tu nottíy City TreitNiiri'r Wnlls to lurn over all IumiN, booka, etc, to the m-w trcasiiror. Carried. Aid. Polnnd oft'ercd íi Mmlation ol' thp Water Workn Atfoincv, dircptin said company to lay the extensión of maiu agred to and put in the live extra lire liydrant, at $40 per year eacli, for 30 yeurs. Aid Poland oö'eied a resolntion directng the Michigan Central Hailroad Co. to keep the sidewalk on Pontiac street between the Huron river bridge and the railroad in pnssable condUlorT. Cèrrled Aid. Allmpndiiicr moved tliat rhe Recorded be directed to draw a warrant for ia.6O in favor of ü. F. Watts, for two lllonth's srllatv :is tMMHMP Aid. (lerz moved tlmt the giisoline lamp now located at the foot of 'Liberty street be removed to corner of' sixtli and W. Jefferson streel. Carrled. Aid. Steen offerad the (Mlmring; Hetolved, Tliat the owners of hack, omni. buses uii.l othr vellidos rnrryiiiK paueiMeri and baggage In UiIk city be requlnii to Soal up In prominent places In Unir veblelM prlnted copie of the olty onllnnn rettulat ini{ (aren und prloe. aud lliat the pólice be requlreu to euforce Uils resol utlnn. Alt}. Martin moved that the Committee on Parks cause :i .-uitable jeace to be con8tructed aroiiml the city propertv on 8. Pourth street. Carried, and tlie City Miirslial was requested to have the ordidinance relatlve to live stock, geese, etc running at largc rigidly enforced. The Hecorder was iiutluiried to cancel warrant No. 9785, and credit mount back to the (Hh ward imid. Adjourned Lijrhtnlng struck the chunncy of the Methodist cliurcli at Cedar F.ills, lowa, passet] into the buildinp, ran to the bil Is ' ¦tand, tore the book of Xiimhers trom the blble, and left the reiiiainder of the book unlnjtiit'd. ! Aluiost any newspaper man, and a great many sensible newspaper readers will fully concur in this idea from the Coidwater Courier: ' In looking over our excbatiifes we are frequently struck with what seems to us a senseless custoin that every day is rrowinr and becoming more prevalen t. It is the returnlng of thanks for everything tlirough a card in a newspaper. A ineniber of a family dies, and fortliwith it in considered the proper thing to extend a ' Card of Tbanks.' A church social is well patronized, and a ' Card of Tlianks ' must be published. Such tilinga aro fulxome, and in exceeding bad taste. If you desire to thank friends for kindnes of these and many otlier aorta, cali Opon them and do so in person, unless t is a case of a veiy extraordinary chnracter.'' Aniid uil tho plans proposed to boom Ann Arhor,at the late meeting tn tluitcity, no One prapeMd the thing that lies near ist at hand, ind would have the greatest ninicdiate Influmee, namely a Street railivny batweeo Uiere and Ypsilanti. Until ihal is made the; are not ready to get out ,heir Ulnatratod pnmpblet, for they eouM uit add the eilmaz to their attractions by i ving: " Ilonrly connection with ] ati, the Normal School, and ' ¦il Sanitannnia." Kut Ann Arbor wants i private boom, with lts bendita enníinixi .


Ann Arbor Courier
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