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MOST PERFECTWADI pMpued Wttb sporinl renard to bealth. Amnmnia, líimc or ftum. PRICE BfXltl POWDER C0., CHICACO. 8T. LOUIS. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE ï"Unt -iii.l BtronKMt Nnlural Kruit Flnrc.m. Vaaliia, r., -in., n. o, uur.'. Alm I I;,, . . . I.'., lUvor u-, .l,'Ii,-u-l ld .. itwivilly as Ui, -fruit. ' OUCA..U. prco Baking Powder Co. T. luüis. Invalids'HoteliSurgical Institute BITFFALO, TTOrganized wllh a rali Slir or eightcca ¦ AlM-rienced anti SU il lf ui Pkyiiclans and Siii-kioiis for the trratmeat of all lirouir Diacane. OUR FIELD OF SÜCCESS. Chrenlc Nasal Catarrh, Throat and I-iiiiK Dlseaaes. I,iver and Kldner Diseaaos, Kladder Dinoama, Dlioaiei of U n, Ulootl Diacases and Ncrron VtlcnioiiM, cured here or at home, with or without .vnitf the patiënt. Come and is, or send ten oenta In tamps for our liuiilids' Cutdo Kook," which givea all particulaiB. ' . Ni-rvoiIM ncblllly, Impofln iniTr ''¦¦'. Nocturnal Losse, UcUGATE ondaö norbld Conditioiia - oaused liy Voutliful lolUISEASES " nml Pernlclou Soli. uiOLQJUJ. (ary practico are speodily . ""m arid iHTiiiunently cured by our SpccialistB. liciok, post-paM, ]l) ets. in Htainps. ¦ Ituptnro, or llreach, radiI n,,.,,,.. I ';lllv 'ii'l without the knife, I nUPTURE l"i'li'u trusses, without pain, ¦ MwiiuLj and w)tnout dunircr. Cures 1 Guarautood. Book sent for ten (''ii(s In slumps. PILH TI1IOKS anl STlïICTtRES treated mulrr Kuaranteo to cure. Book sent forten cents In stiimiw. Addt-css World's Dispknsaky Mbdical AssociATioN, WS3 Main Street, üniralo, n. v. mmK-mimmmnmm Tfi,' frrntmont of many fllCClCCC nc V1""11118 "f.cas of thoao UIStAStS DF diseases peculiar to WflMFM toivniKir cn' at tlm TnvaHds' Hotel and "" Survioil Institute, bas affordi'd lanro experienco in adupUag rouuxucs for their ome, und DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the rcsult of this vast experience. It la a powerful Restoratlve Tonlc hiiI Nervino, imparta viKor and Btrenfftn to Uw systrin, and cures, aa if by magie, L.eucorrUea, or "whitcs," excettoive flowliiK, paiuful meiiMIruatiou, unnatural KiipprcKSioii, prolapsus or latliim or the utcruN, wrak back, aillev rsion, rel ro versión, lieariiiKdowii enaatlous, chronic coiiKestion, int 'lam mal ion and iilceratloii of ihr Hiiniip, ut 'Ininmatioii, pain and lenderueaa in ovarles interna! beat, and "fenialc wrakness." It promptly relieves and cures Nausea and Weikneu of Stomach, IndiKcxtion, Kloatins:, NervoiiH ProHtration, and SleeplessneaS) in citbcr sex. rniuc i I .UU, fok s.oo. Bond ten cents in stampa for Dr. riercVs larire Trcatise ou Discuses of Womun, lllugtrsied. . World's Dispensary Medical issociation, 603 Main Btreot, BUFPALO, M.Y. g% SICK-HEADACHE, PJbï nilloim Ilcndaclie, ¦¦ ¦ P' Uizzinesa, Constipa. ÍS'iíiA tioii, Indigestión, = Tï yni and llilious Attacks, "a WtS Èfltt? protiiDtly cured by Dr. 1'lBf Pierre's Plemant JHk tS Purgativo Pellets. ¦ "V ixnte a vial, by Urugists. MIVSUNlTYfromANNOYANCE Sf Im5 I rfl wA - L ?aï. 03t.o0th,l383. Ifj lade only of (Ho flneat nnd best q nul. lty ofiilaaa lor ithHtttndlns; beat. Every good thing is Counterfeitod, and consumere are OATJTIONBD against IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GL.ASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Poarl Top is always clear and brig-ht Glass. Slniiurnctnred OXLT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. PlttMburgb I.ikI 41hnh Work. FOR SALE BY DEAT.KRa ij. universal kr„-ï. m v.p.r w- ' nBall -aaaR - "Z , Crnwnnw] Award, JwJHp[33 JE f S Rirninst thr wrld. tl C É Í WMtxilt it KUail Old Batht Rnewed. ¦ %, ta4r0kdm E. J. KNOWLTON Ann Arbor, Mlch. A ('OMPI.KTE Alti: AKNOMENT FOR Physician and Families. Neater lü Cheaper AND MOKI COITVElSriEITT TH. N A STA TIONAKY BATH TUB, WITH Ni) EXPENSE OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTURES. HALt'S HONET is the bt Cough Cure, Ü5, BOc-, . CLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and beautifies, 28c. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Coms & Bunions, 28c ' HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 60c. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c 1 PEAN'S RHEUMAT1C PILLS are a ture cure, BOc. i


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