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The Bankruptcy bill, the li 11 to lndemnlfy the Chinese lor losse In th rlot in Wvomiag Territory, the Post-ofh;e Approprlutlou bill and the Northern Hacine l.aud-ioi IViturn bill van considerad ín tb Sonate on the lst. Mr. Heek Introriucod a bill maknix lt ualawful for auy lueiuber ot either Kou-in to nel as railrortil attornev. ItillA Wf re passed 'xtondiiiK the KiKlit-H.nn luw to letter-carriers, and tu prevent allen frmn acqolrtnf land In the Territorios . In the Mr. Illoiint roported favorabty u , II to prohibit the mailing of urn letter, circular nr writinu eoacern1 tiv a lottery orglft enterprlso or imy paper coutainiiiff an adrertlaemeni In any lottery or inlorination regard mik lts dniwinus The penalty is tlne and lm jrisomnnnt. The OkeomarKurine bill was furtbor disi.ussed. t In tho Senate on the '.M amentlinont wrrs Hiihmittfd to the Kiver mul Hut Lor. the Civil Appropnatlnn and tho Open Hxecutlve Besklon liilln. Mr. Halo intrad uri-d 11 bill maklax tho linpcdiiiir or obsiructinif or mllroad, BJ üept by lefral procoss, a crime puDlabable by and imprisonnii'iit. Mr. Culloin intro du eed a Joint rcgolulton propollDg I oonstltu tlonal ainendmcnt in regard to polyvaioy. The lluakriiptry nrl Northern l'Hcitlo l.uinlForfolturebllliwcn! furthfr ronsiiii-rni . In thf lloune Mr. c)Nlil reported a bill to legalii' inuornnmtion ot tradei-unloIH m debute oq the Olooiiiaranuo bill was concluded. Tuk bill to lndomnlfy the Chinata lor lossos In the Koon 8prlnrs (Wy T.i nots wai l iaouHxrd in tho Benateoathe 'ld Mr Harria ml rotl nriii a bil] to it a criminal üffouse to impnde or obatnii-t, i-ir.pi hy !of:il pro n-t-a, any railioad rompanv iu th(3 oonveyaoce of passcnjrerH, Irrilit or mail. Toe Inll tor the tHXation ot railroad-urant lands was MHvi Mr. IfuwvH presrnted B pflition from thn City t.'oiinoll oí Gloucester, Mas . thut rtt8llation be onderod ajfalust thO ranudlan (iovt-rniuent lot the se.xurs of Anii-rluan BshiiiK-vfNHels . In tho House the OleoujHi'Karlnc bill wai piisiyd b) ;i o I 177 to 101. Tlio bill Impnses spm lal mxos as followc on maDufaoturara. Jwni; n wholoHle dt'aicr-i, ii; on retal I Bealars, $s. a tax of tlv .'nis a pouna in impoaed on all oleomargrarlne manufaotured an.l sold, and ;i penalty Is pi"-cnbi-ii ior the purohHkn or re ci'ptlon for Halo of oleotnarffHrine nol brauded or Utainprd ui .1 :irj to lav. In the Suuato on the 4th tho Consular nml Diplomatic Apprupi iation hill was dlsuuxsed and the Chinese Indeiunlty bill, approprlatlnir tirm.iKüi to oover damaire lofliftied by ilotemat Rooi SprinKs. Wy,T„M panaed. ...In the Houso Mr. Rsittclle Introduce a bill relatinv to the dmios on llsh, wlnuh prao tloallv turmliiatos the frne itnportalloil ol ttl. and iiioreases tho lniMnt duties on all Bsh thus eoinpeilinii the CaiiHd.ana lo par mora lor the prlvileg-0 ot sollinu t tlsh In tho Holtod States. The l.i-rislali vu. IC v.s-uti vi. andjudli'ial Appropriutiou bill s t'urlhcr cou.iidei ed. DOM EST IC CouRTjfBï and liosiuur rowed a single oull race on the Mist uit. at Alhany, N. Y., resultinu in a .Ifiid li,.i ; and Trtumer defeaUid Ros by h lou;th at Oak l'oint N. Y. Ik the Maxwoll trial at St Lonls physii'imii ttwtiBed on the Slat uit thattley bud uiaild hu raiaination ut Preller'ï body, which Imd inu ; ImmihuI lor tho purpose, umi fouinl tue partí alaiipud by the prisoner tu lui tuseuiMÍa iu a normal, healthy condil ion lihouoK Mi 'Nmu, r ngio. gjnoteen yours of a(f, wvh handel n Jaiksnn vill.i, N. C, ou the Kt for nriiuinal aasault upon ;i white (firl niim yuai s uld. Disi'An il ks of ih ]st from Catr'a ranch. I. T., report themurderby unknown peníoiiN of lir Guorge W. Tyle. liis witc. two ohildi'fui and a uired man uihI a widpw womun atiil hor sou. No cuuse was kutiwti for the morden. Mk. BcKIL, for the past twxntv-flvo years chief aBjrJBeer of tos Bre 'lepartniont of Hyracuse, N. Y , was killed ou the Lat by being run ovit by a book umi ladder truck. Two ïii'NDitKD Hormon uroHelytoe lanl'il at Now York on the lst from Kurope, undrr tbe charge of Kldor Pratt. Tuiktt sliUL-turHii at Penaoola, Fla., were burned on th lst, and snvurnl otber buildings wuru blowu up to stop the progress of the flamoM. S-oiéhs of families were rendöied bonieless. Üni: tbouaand coaj miiioi-, in tho Braad Taisragiou, uar Pittslmrh, sl.ruuk on tha Utforan attvanoa in ragg. T. W. Uoopkk, judgu of Monro County, Ark, was on tlm lat placed rn thn penttentiary of th atal.o tor forgery. Tuk public-dcbt statoinont issupd nn the lst shows the total d.-bt to bo f1,474,340,893; cash in th treusury, $T(!, H:J,I1 1 ; decreag during May, $S.!J8,5(i; sinr June 30, 1885, $9,74O,:16S. Klpokts on the lst to the Agrieultural Department at Washington say tho wheat cróps of India, Australia nul South Araerica, alroady harvested, are :tó,UO0 0OJ bushi'ls lsi than last year, wbile tho product of the Uuited Status prornises to exceed laat year's yield by fully 100,000,000 bushelB. At an immonso meeting in Portland, Me., on the lst, in favor of home rule foi Irolaud, James ( Blaine was tbe principal speaker. In the course of his reraarks he suid thut home rule was what every State and Territory of the United States enjoyod, and that Ireland did uot onjoy, and be bitterly denounoed Lord Salisbury, tho loador of the Torios. Tuk Illinois Statu Labor As.sociation ronrened in anuual bossion at Docatur on the lst. The California sugar refiueries ou tbe lst reduced tho pricesof all ailgan one-quarter of a cent per pouud The National ssembly of the k'nightsof Labor iu Maaioa at ('loveland on the 2d adopted a rule disupproTiug of strikes or boycotts by local assoiuLlies of tbat order unlftss tho same shall htivo beun previously ordered by the Executive HoarJ of tbe National Assemlny The Uuited l'resbyterian Assembly, in aessioa on the 2.1 at Hamilton, O., settled a long-standing tlght by voting In favor of instrumental music in church worship. Tuk boycott instituted at Milwaukee against two cigar factories resultod on the 2d in the indictment and arrest of seven members of tbe Exocutive Commit tee of the Knigbts of Labor, on charge of conspiracy. Two MTTLE children, a son and a daugliter of a widow numed Richards, of Spring Held, Mass., attempted to ligbt a lite with kerosene ou tbe 2d and woro burnod te death. Tub Amalgamatoil Association of Iron and Steel Worlters met in annual couveution on the 3d at Pittsburgb, fa. At Erie, Fa., on tbe ,'id tho family of William Uarper, comprising eight persons, were probably fatal ly poisonod by eating rhubarb. Near Owego, N. Y., on tbe 8d Harry Dunbam killed Mrs. Austin VVuiteand bimself witb a shot gun. A FKKiuHT engine exploded on the lid at Bellaire, O., killing threo railway employés and partkully wreoking a dwelling Bimuel Wai.i.ace, cashier of the Excbange Bank at Bpeócer, Iud., was on the Sd discoveied U be $0,000 short iu bis accouuts. Tus boues oí a mastoduu wuio uueartbed by dit. li dignen, ..n tl, ::d 011 Miu fani ol Henry Culp, seven miles frotu (ioshen, Ind. At tho njuoting of the General Ansembly of the Presbyterian Church at Hamiltuu, O., a resolutlon was adoptad on the 3d enJoining all mombers to abstain from conneotion with any associatiou which inight lead to acts of violenoe or to the invasión of the rights of property or interference with the liborty of men to wolk for wbom they may choose. The fire losses during May in the Unitod States and Cunada aggregatecl 7,0Oü,00O- $1,0(10,000 below the May average for years. ATombstonï (A. T.) dispatchof tho M snys that about one hundred and flfty White mountain Apaohes had left the resorvation and were on the war-path in Oraham and Cochise Countios. Tuk cntiic business portion of thevillage of Saleui, la., was dwstroyoJ by iiro on the 3d. Jamks HAOGMTT, of New York, threw a lighted lamp at bis wife on the :td, and her clothes taking iiro, she was burnod to doath. On the 3d Southoru Texas and portions of Louisiaua were sufferiug badly for walit of rain. Is the Kensington district of Philadelphia tlie hosiery weavors. about 12,000 n numlmr, quit work on tho 3d beeause of the refusal of the manufacturo! to iiuit an increase of pay. Chicago letter carrlan delivered ovor oight millioii letten imil poptal-eftrdi duriug the monlh of May. Theke was uu marked impi-ovoment in general trado Ihroughout the country during the sevon days endod on the 4th. Wbilo the volume of business wils soniewhat largor, it continuod of a hand-to-mouth description. Tuk flouring-mill of J. G. Sehaupp, at Orand Islaud, Neb., valued at $1ÜJ,ÜOO, was buined on the 4th. ' Rains feil gnnorally tbroughout the West on the 4th, groatly benofltting the crops. Gor.n was dlscovered on the 4th in tho ueighborhood of Louisiana, Mo., the assay sbowiug seven dollar gold and one dollar zilver per tonv Ei-TitKASiuiiit BlMrSuM, of Otoe County, Neb., was arrested at Omaha on the 4th, cliarged with embeizling $30,000 of the county funds. Tui uk wcire 1S7 business failuros in the United States and Canada during tho seven days ended on the 4th, against 181 the previous seven days. ÏOHW R. Smith, of Jersey City, N. J., treasurer of the Board of Domestio Mitïions of the Reformmi Chureh, was on the 4th said to be a defauller in tho sum of 24,4ir. Afteii a quarrel on the 4th at Reading, Pa., Frank Zahie fatally shot his brother Charles, and theu mortally woundod him¦elf. James Baxter (colored) was executed od the 4th at Lebanon, Tenn., for the murder of Mrs. Lanb; Wesley Honesty and Tabley Banks (colored) wero hanged at Winchester, Va., for killing Joseph McFaul, and Alfred Taylor (eolored) was hanged at Opelousas, La., for assaulting a white ornan. A FAi-KAOB of $10,000, sent by the Union National Bank of Clnclnnati to the Van Wert (O.) National Bank, was found to contain, when it reached lta destination on the 4th, only cotton and waste paper. Tuk strike begun bythe building trades of St. Louis for eight hours, involving one thousand men, was declarad olí' on the Hh. It was a failure. The Stata Dppartment at Washington on tho 4tli commanoed collecting Information as to the moans omployed by the foreign agenth of lh; Moruious lo induce immigrati,,n RBPORTa on the 4th of the conditlon of tbegruwiug wheat, corn and oats in the Northwest were only fuirly favorable, on account of dry weathor during May. Ir vmí Hiimiiinced on the 4th that Milwauknu niMi'chants had roceivod postal eards. some of wbich were mailed in Cbioago, hearing the logend: "Beware! the mystir league hasits eye upon you," above whi-h words appeared a skull and crossbonn. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. A. J lioPKi.N.i was ou the lst ronominated for Congressmau by the Republicans of the Fifth Illinois district, and C. C. Matson was renominated by the Democrats of the Fifth Indiana district. The President on the lst appointed John B. Riley, of Plattsburg, N. Y., Indian School Superintendent, vice John H. Oborly, and David F. Hawkins, of St. Louis, Mo., to be Assistant Secretary of tbe Interior, vioe üeorge A. Jenks. John Kklly, the renownod Tammany sachem and Democratie politician, died ou the afternoon of the lst in Now York, aged slxty-four yea:-s. Mr. Kelly was a uative of New York City. Tin: Iowa Republican State convention will bo held at Des Moines ou Wednusday, August 2."). The President on the lst vetood anotlior pension bill, upon the ground that it. #kras uot baseil upon substautial morit. Si'kakkr Caklislc reported on the 2d that 9, 135 bilis and 17S joint resolutions bad this session been introduced in the House. Tuk Greenbackers of Missouri hold a State couvoution at Sedalia on the 2d and nominated Orlando I). Jones for Judge of tbe Supreme Court. Johann Most, the Anarchist, on being sentenood on tbe Í3d to the jiouitentiary of New York for one year and tlnud $5U0, was branded by Recorder Kmy tb as tho greatest scoundiel he had ever seen at the bar, wbose crinios deserved the puuisbmont awarded to capital offenses. H. C. Faknum, of Savage & Farnutn, proptietora of tho Island Home stock farm at Grosse Islo, Wayne County, Mich., bas sailnd for Fraule to bring back a largo import at ion of Perdieron horses. The Prusidont on tbe Ba vetoed threo moro pension bilis. HKsur Havkmktír, the noted sugar rertner, died suddnnly at his home naar Babyion, L. L, on the '2d, agod foity oiglit years. Tuk wedding of President Cleveland and Miss Folsoni took placo at the Executive iiaiision at seveu o'elock on tbe ovening jl the -il It was witnessed ouly by tho nembenot tbe Cabine t, thir wives, and twolve relativos or frienda of the coutracting parttea. Rhv. Dr. Sundüilund pertorned tlie ceremony in tbe blue room amidsta mass of raM flowers, and soou after tb President aud his bride loft for Deor Talk, Md. Tuk Ma no Democratie convention in session at BaiifOT on tho 'JU nomlimted 3hrk B. Bdwarda, of Bethel, forGovernor. Ia the United States Kenutu 2.7H) bilis ind CkS joint resolutions bad beon introdm ed up to the 8d, and 175 public aud yii ju i v uto billd had boon passod. I ii i NawJorj Uomeon tuo Sd ilfUd a bilí providiug for local option tbroughout tbs State. Tut Illinois Democratie Stato wnvmtioo will b held at Spring field August 86. Di'icinu the yeur 1SS5 there were 'J,6il appeals for peusious fllwd at Washington. T. 11 lt r Kii was on the 3d renoininated for Congressmau lv the Republicana uf th First district of Maine. Kiddensikck, the builder oí uusafe houses, convicted some time ago at New York, was taken to Sing Sing prlson ou the 3d for ten years. The President and hls bride were passint the time very quietly on the 'M at Deer l'urk Md. The floral decorations at th Wnite Housu had been removed and distributod among the Washington hospitals. Makt Andeksov, the actreas, salled for Europe on tho 3d. Ir was mada public on the 4tb that Daniel Manning, some days before, resignad his position as Socretary of the Treagury, but at the request of the President decided to take a leave of absence until October 1, m-Iumi. if his health is not restord, the rusignation will be accepted. At tbs National Capitel on the 4th th House Committea on War Claims liatened to an argument by Judge Fullerton, of New York, representing the Confedérate bondholders, who urged the redemption of those bon. Is by the Oorernment. Joiin S. Qentkt-, a Democrat, cut the throat of Dr. Agre, a Republican, and a brother of the Lieutenant-GoTeruor of Nebraska, in a poli tical quarrel at Stevousport, IikI . on the 4th. Tuk order of Land Commissioner Spark) suspending the operations of the proeiiiDtion and timber-enlturo laws was rocalloil ou tUo 4tli by Secretary Lamar. FOREIGN. Advices of tho lst report the alinott total dostruetion by tiro of Aklta, Japan, orer three thousand houses being swept away. Mr. ('imniMiniv opened the debato on the Home-rule bill in the British lluuse of i ¦niiiiiions on the lst. When he aroso to I speuk ho was greeted with derisire cheera, hoots and bowls by the Irish members. Gkeat forest Mies were raging on the lst noor the City of Mexico. Many ranches had been destroyed and a large oumber of porsons fatally injured whil flghtiujc the Humes. Tui. delayed steamer Hiberian, on arriring at Kt. John'son th 2d, reportad baring found herself at uno time surrouuded by ixty huge icebergs. Tin: Cmnmdian Parliament adjourned tint dié on the 'M nftcT a session lasting three months unit ttu days. One huudred and tliirtoon billn receired royal assent. A kikk at (iuttenberg a few days go detmyttl two thouuand acres of woods jlodngf to the Kiug of Haxony. Chui kiia cuusuil twelTe deaths in Venice on tho -ti. und thirty-two uew cases were re portod. Yi.ii.ovv veveh was ou ths 3d epidemlu on tliu Istliiuiis of Panama, forty daatna iluily ooruring. Twünty-onk deaths from cholera were leforted at Venico on tliu -ttli and two hC Kloronco. Triuuiir.B cloiid-biu-stM and hall-storins wat'o roportod on the 4tb from Tbueringeu, in (i'rniHny. (rroat datuage was done. Tui: uruption of Mouut Ktua had cexnal ou thu lili, anti the town of Nicolosi wus nafo. A liliriKHof the 4th from the City of Hwicosays: In u raid of Apaches ueur M : t l; í ; l i 1 1 n t-ui penoni woro killtMl, one of whom was lieorge 8buppurd, au American. TitKiiE is agltutiuu iu Kcotlaml for a lioin rul systcin sinillar to tbat propOHed Tor lrnlailtl. On i iu' II h two thousauil Oraaguninn attacked oue htindred C'atholics in thu sliipy in. Is Kt. liolfst, Irulnnd, aud gura theiu u feeirible bsUngt EntMlM exclteuient prevailed Hnioiig the local Cxthollaa iu cuiusqueucü of the attack. LATER NEWS. Mwiin. Ham Jonks and Bom Small begnn a serios ot' ruligious muetiiigs at lndianupolis, Iud., on tLe rttli. Uver llv thousund poople list i'nixl to Mr. Sunill in tbo af tvruooii aud eveuiug,aud six churchca woi'e closed. In a ri'cuut fire at Bote, Hungary, thre hundrod bousos woro burned and Ui roo Uves were lost. Anotikk strike of streot-car employés in Now York and Brooklyn occurred on tho 5tb, but most of the men resumed work in a few hours, declaring thy had had enough of strikes, and with feelings of bostility toward tbo Kuights of Labor who ordered tbom ouL At tweuty-six leading clearing-house.4 in the Uuited States the exchangea during the weok ended on the 5th aggregated 868,418,78 against $b47,07,193 the proTious wook. As comparod witb tho corresjiondiiig weok of 1ÖS5, the increase amounts to 15. S por cent A jihï at St. l.ouih on the 5th pronounced Maxwell guilty of tho mui-der of Preller. A BXPOBT on the 5th tbat Heury Wai-d Beecher was doad was tho result of a disputch, anent the street-car troiiblos, tbat "the Bleecker [streetj strike is doad." The operator mixod tbo lettora up, aud "Beechi deadM was the result. Advicks of the 5th say that stol ms and wator-spouts had for several days prevailod in Jontral Germany, where a nurnlier of porsons were killed by ligbtning and tbo crops were damaged to the amount o' ?'50,ÜUÜ. Tuk twonty-flfth anniyersary of the burial of Stephen A. Douglaa in Chicago ocurrod on tbo üth. The standing of the National Loague buil clubs on the 5th was as folio ws: Detroit, gaines won, '3; Chicago. 22; New Y.irk, 1; Philadolphia, 13; St. Louis, 10; Boston, 8; Kansas City, 0; Washington, 5. The Apaches undor Chief Gerouimo were still raiding iu Nortbeasteru Mexico ou the Sth, and a number of Mexican and Aiuericans wero rejiorted as haviug boen butchered. At Reading, Pa,, Frank and Charlea Heabel quarreled on the 5th about money and a woman. Frank shot aud killed Charles and thon himself. Mus. TJoiXOT, the evangelist, was indicteil on tbo 5th at S]iringfield, Mo., as accessory to tho murdor of Harab Urahain. Tn k explosión of a kerosene lamp on the 5th at Scottdale, Pa., causod the ( tion of eight business housen, and the little , glrl in wbose hands the lamp oxploded was ' burnod to death. j In the United States Senate on the 5th tbo Oleouargarine bill was reported, the autbority of Land Couimissiouer ijparks ' to suspend land entrios was discussed, and ' L0]rivate pension bilis were passwl. Iu the House several bilis for the eroction of ' public buildings were passed.


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