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Wondcrfiil Cures. W. D. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and retail tlruggists of Rome, Ga, gay: Wc have been selling Dr. Kin;'s New Discovery, Electric Bitters nnd Uucklen's Árnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedios that sell as well or give .such universal satisfuction. There Ikivo been some wonderlul cures ell'eeted by these medicines in tliis city. Öeveral cases of proïiounced Coneumptlon have been entlrely curcd by the use of a few boules of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connectlon witli Electric Bitten. We ruarantee them always. Sold by Eberbach & Son. A WONDEEFUL OCCURRENCE. (Detroit News) The Interest avvabened In an Important occurtnee at Jaokson caused a representativa of thii paper to vlsit that city. He reglstered at th Hurd House and ngaged Hon. Frank L. Smltb, IU propnetor, and ex-member of the Stat Legislatura in conversation. t!Mr. C. D. Denlo, a man very wcllknowu in thls communlty. wai probably the worst wreek phystclally of any man tbln country has ever seen. He was Mr Smlth stopped suddenly, and coing to the door called in a man who was passing. It was Mr. Denio, who Raid : "I am whnt people cali 'resurrected.' Frooi a sltght attack of rheumatlsm, growlng out of a cold, I grew worse untll tuy limos were wollen f earf ully , and my rleht slde entlrely paralyzed. Auy one wbo has had rheumatlsm knows what I suffered. The doctors were very faltbful, but they dld not hulp me. The? admlnlstered morphlne constantly, but lt could nol klU the pain. Indeed, during my ravlngs I declared I would shoot the doctors if I ever recovered whleh, of conree, I was not responslble for. I looHed and longed for death. Butyetyou Ree me In perfect health. Do you want to know what Is was that saved my life, virtnally ralsed me f rom the grave af ter the doctors and my frleuds had abandoncd me, and keep me well all tbe whtle? Hlbbard's Hheumptlc Syrup, the best medicine ever glveu to tufferlug humanlty." Newspaper uien are uaturally skeptical, and so the wriler called on the well known house of Carroll & Boardman for whom Mr. Denlo worked when he was Ürst taken slck. Mr. Carroll sald: "Mr. Denio was one of the slckest men that ever reoovered. He was paralyzed fromrheumatic poison, and no one ever dreamed he would et well. He is well though, and it Is slmply marvclous." "Dr. Charles H. Lewi, reslding at 209 Blackstone street, uttendcd Mr. Dpnio during hls sickness, and sald Mr. Denio had been a very stek man, had irone beyond the reach of the medical profession, and had been cured, as he declared, by the us of Hlbbard's Hhcumatic Syrup. The above f acts are true and ihey can be relied upon by all readers. We have investlgntvd the entire case thoroughly and know tt to be so. It is a tttsson to all sufierers and nhould be (urefully remembered and acted upon.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News