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Bkiathm there a man with joul so dcd Who never to his wile hath said, í,wi" flow" Srdín malte, Uoth for ray own and thy dear alte. And sow with sr.-ds to come up quiclt Which you, of course, will buy oí Vlcitl" If such there be. I pray repent, And have ao order quickly sent ' Then sweet thy rest, l'm sure, will be. And thy dear wife will smile on thee. rheGoiDB s a worltof i$o pages, Colored Piales, 1000 Jlustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and Vegetables, Drices of Seeds and plats, andhowtogrow lera. It tells you what you want for the garden, and ow to get it. Printcd in Knglish and Germán. Price wily lo cents, which may be deductcd from first order. BL-Y OXLT VICK'88EED8, ATHRADQÜARTKR8. JAME8 YICK. SEEDSMAN, Rocheater. M.T. Sherlff'g Sale. Notloe U berebv glven that byvlrlueofa certaln wrlt of Flerl Facías lssued out of and uuder thegeal of the Circuit Court, for tbo ( ounty of Wiiahtenaw, In favor of Henry ttplt'gelberg. plalntlir, aml agalDst the ixkI, ubattelH, lands and tenemenU of Cari Schllra["".Jefeudant. to me dlrected auililellvered. I dd ou the lst day of April, A. D. 1X86, netto and levy upon all of the rlght tltle and ínter est of the sald Oarl Schllmmer. In and to the followlDg dencrlbed real eatate, lands and prvmlses, that In to say, all tbat certaln piece or parcel of land ituate in the eounty of v uahtenaw and Htate of Mlcblgan, descrlbed as follows, to-wlt: The northeaiit quartr of Hectlon nlneteen (19) townshlp one (I) south, range hIz (H) eaitt, In the townsblp of Northfleld, County of Washtonaw and 8late of MichlKan.all of which I sball expoue for sale at public auctlon or vendue to the blghest bidder at the south front door of the court house, In the City of Ann Arbor, In sald county (that belng the place of holding the Circuit Court for the sald county of Washtenaw), on tho 2Sth day of July.A. I). 1880, at the hour of ten o'clock In the foreuoon of nald day. THOS. F. LEONARD, Deputy Sheriff. Dated, Ann Arbor Juue, lítb, A. D. 188B. FRANCIS L YORKrM.T, Wlll recelve during THE COMING SUMMER A I.hiiltccl ïiiunbfr of Puplls In Pil ANO, ORG AN ASD H ARM ON Y, At greatly EEDTJCED EATESApply by mail or at NO. 30 SOUTH INGALL8 STREET.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News