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Tlie dramatic club elects officers night. The senior lits were photographed Monday on the campus. Judge Ooley will begin examlnations in " rigliU " to morrow. The universlty Kugby association have adoptcd a ncw constitution. The classes under Prof. Fricze will concliule thcir work this week. Tlie students in laboratory work will lïnisli tlieir lubors Saturday. The Delta U.'s held their established picnic at Whitinore laat Saturday. J. W. M. Stcwart, '87, has been elected senior law editor of the Argonaut for next yonr. Parties are being made up at Ypsllanti, Dextcr, Chelsea and Saline to attend the Bymphony concert. Prof. Winchell addressed the Cocker League last Sabbath evening on " Evolutionjand Theism." A certain society is alle-red to have made au oller to Prof. Cady for his residence on Washtenaw ave. for a society house. A lrl who could spell "deuteronoray," Aud had studlod domemlc economy, Went to skato at the rliik, And qulck as a wink Hho at duwu to study aHtronomy.- fcx. Miss Winnefred Edgerton was awarded the lirst degroe ever conferred upon a woman, by the Coluuibia college thia yoar. Uiindall & Burnham have been engaged todo the senior decorations for the hall, on the occasions of the Reception and concert. If the Electric Light Company will oe unable to furnisli llftht for the senior class reception the university dynamo will be used. The '89's Oracle board was orgamzed last Saturday with W, W. Parfet managing editor, and W. H. Antisdel, business editor. President James B. Angelí will dellver ¦n address before the University of Iowa June 21. and before Cornell college, Iowa, June 22. Tennyson's " bugle song" has been set to rmislc by Cole, '88, and will be sung by tlie Ampliion club at the Comuienceinent concert. The Hogers' collection of statmuy and the Chinese exhibit are now entirely armnged and the public are at liberty to inspect tlieni. Carl W. Belser, B. A. '80, M. A. '81, ha been re-clected to the chair of ancient langaagei for another year at the Oartnai,'e?IU., college. We are mther late in announcing the fact but Mr. E. T. Loeffler tú tto dental department has tora made extremely happy- a twelve pound boy. The Oass club f;tiled to keep their apDOlntmeot With the university nine for Raturdav'l tiame and no club could be found In lime to substit.ite. The Detroit Amateurs who wi-re to plny next Saturdav liivo also declddd not to come anti consenuently Hiere will be no inore base ball this year. Major Soule banquetea the Gamma PhI Iti't at bis residencc last Saturday. Pres. McAudrews of the senior clas entertained the Homovar club at Ypsllanti, Saturday. Mrs. Stowell gave one of her elegant receptlons to the college girls again, last Friday evenlng. The iirst and second year ladies were the lucky ones tbis tlune. The Webster society lias clected the following offlcer8 for next year: President, E. D. Black ; . vice president, W. F. McKnight; secretary, B. K. Erkshire ; treasurer, J. D. May. Homer Kingsley, for the year pagt instructor of matheuiatics in the university, has accepted the appointment to the chair of mathematica at the Northwestern University, at Evanston, 111. The Chi Psi society is malcing arrangement towards the erection of an eleg ant society house on the Bishop lot on Washtenaw avenue. It is stated that the building will be erected next year. The Delta Tau Delea society were entertained at the residence of Philip Bach, on Main st., last evening, the occasion being a farewell to Mrs. Warner, who starts for Denver next week to join her husband. The membership of the collegiate branch of the New York city sorosis recently cstablished here includes Miases Houghton, B. E. West, K. M. West, Underwood. Chipman, Howley, Whitcomb, Clark, Haire, Goodson, Mrs. Eastman nee Hall, Mrs. Itoyer, Mrs. Morris and Mrs. de Pont. Librarían Davis has auggested to the senior class that a large or sruall fund may be very appropriately applied by them as a memorial, the inaome of which may be used to keep up a certain set of books or periodicals in the library, and a tablet inserted in the walls in sotue appropriate place stating the facts. Professor J. C. Knowlton has inaugurated the "star chamber" process of conducting the examluations of junior laws. The lnquisitions are held in his private ottice in the opera house block. He has conducta! his instructlons with rigor and exactness, vet the juniors are liighly pleased and reluctaiitly pass from under him. Chas. A. Terhune, law '75, medie '00, fornierly of this city, died last Saturday at Petoskey, from the cifects of an anodyue administered by hlmself. He was In a weak coiidition resulting from the attention to a serums illness of his wife and the dose had a fatal effect. His father, Enoch Terhune, of this city, is in a critica] condition from a long standing heart affection. Miss San Louie Anderson, of the literary class of '75 was drowned June 5, while bathiiig In the Sacramento rlver at Hio Vista. Her mother resides at San Rafael. 8he was one of the pioneen of co-education in the U. of M., and her experiences were recorded in "An American ülrl and her Four Years in a Boys' College," of which she was the atithor. She was bom in Lexlngton, O., in 1S42 and since graduattng had bceu a professor at S, mía Uarbara college. COMMENCKMKNT ITKMS. Posters are out for the Symphony concert. A large alumni attendance is cxpcctcd this year. The seniors were photographed in group Monday. 3,000 tickets will be issued for the grand syinphony concert. Boards for concert will be open June 21. Tickets 00 cents. A Stelnway grand piano will bc furnished by O. J. Whitney, of Detroit. Examinations will close and the work will generally be tinUhed thia week. The seniors will be distingulshed by ft mystic badge during comtnencement week. The orchestra f rom Detroit will meet in Univerélty Hall next Monday for rehersal. The commencement programs will be printed in the shape of a flfteen page book. The Chequamcgou orcheatra wil! play a gallop composed by McAndrews. president '86 , entltled " Thejirls of '80." The eommittec having the preparations for the Symphony coucert in charjre hayc gubdivided as follows: Reynolds and Todd, Finances; McAndrews and Chapín, printing; Curry, hall. A atajro Is to be built from the regular rostrum In front to aecomadato the piano for the concert, and the aurroundinf; wall and rostrum will be extravagautly deoorated. The entlre rostrum will be occupied by the orchestra. The program for the Syinphony concert is as followa: I Ovkrtube, The Midsuraraer Nlght's Diuani Mendeltsohn. Orchestra. II. Capprlcclo Brllliant, op. '22 for piano and orchestra Mendelssonh. MlSSjUI.IA CARKUTHKR8, Pianist, III. 'iheFlftU öympbony Beethoven. Orcbkstra. IV. a Bugle Song JiOüë U. Coleb. Ule Lebellen [Dragou Klim]. Oraben-Iloffinan AMPIItON CLUB. V. . Khapsodle No. 1 Hallen. b. MayBelln. Trio for flute, oboe and vlolln wlth orcheslral accompaulraent.aud bells. ' Krug.. VI. a. "'Two NÖótürnes Chapín li. At the Fountald ...Litzr o. Concert Octave Etude Kullack, Miss i'akvthbks. VII, The Wedding March Mendelstohn, Oimrru.