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Seott's Kmulsioii of Pure l.l l.ilrr OU,...

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Seott's Kmulsioii of Pure l.l l.ilrr OU, l illl ll0lloI'lll hl I. mi; Truubles and Cholera Infnntinn Dr. V. E. Ranaom, Hartford. Ind., ayi " I liinl Scoti's KiimlsioM au excellent remedy in hing troiilili-H, and sv.inlly in Strumous cltlldren und a most valuuble rentedy In chronic stage oí Cholera lo liiiiluin." li NflC-Dffi use A yoang man was arrested for k!ssin, a piriiy frlrl, and the wu on the witnea Btlind. " Yon sjiy," s:iid I lic ;iltirncy foi the defendant " Unit the younc man kisseil mi ,ii::iiiisl yi)ur will 't '' " Yes, lie did and he díd itadoien timet, too." "Well nou, sil nol Nial yon aho Ksii hlm dn ring the itl'niy ;" Objected to objeetluo overruled. Kow amwer my ine-iion," oontlnoed 1 1 j - nttorney, " Dld you nol Mbs the defendant alsof " " Ycs 1 did," replied the wltnen Indignantly, '¦ bul it Wat in sclf-dcl'ense." Exeltement in Texas. Grentexnicineni luis been caused In the viclnjty (,i piris, Texiis, liy the rtmarkalile recoveryof Mr. .) E. Oorley.who wac so ii.-i,i, ss be conld not ton in bed, or 'we bla houd; every bly siiid be whs dy'ig "t Conenmptlon. A iri.d bottle f Ir. Ung New Dböovery was sent hfra. Find" relief, be bougbl :i lai;e bottle aml ¦ ox of Dr. Kmg's New Lile Bills; by the 'Om lie had taken two boze of Pilis and wo bottle of the Dlscorery, he wu well q had galned in Seah thirty-six poundc. lal bottle o thlsQreat DUcoveryfor ODSumption free at Eberbacli & üon's


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